Lordo wrote:kakpoo
you really have not got a clue. un has already told groc they cannot extract without an agreement. if they try terggy will have a free hand in international law. what happened when they blocked eni from drilling. what consequences were there, bugger all. so it is your ass indeed, the trouble is you confuse your ass with your mouth.
interesting that eni in tergish sounds like enai and thats exactly what you is my friend.
Unless there is a UNSC resolution to prevent the RoC from extracting hydrocarbons from it’s own EEZ before a settlement, it is not worth discussing what some pencil pusher at U.N. might have said. So Lordo, do have anything in writing from the UNSC?
Who cares about ENI being blocked by Turkey? That was a set up deal between Erdogan and Italy for some back room deal between them as Erdogan was visiting Italy a week earlier. Why didn’t Turkey also block the Exxon Mobil drill ship few weeks later, which went on to find a huge reserve in hydrocarbons. Let me guess, no balls.
The EU will punish Turkey for her illegal drilling, and if Turkey sends the refugees to the EU with boats causing many to drown, the EU will just send them back to Turkey since Turkey already signed the right of return back to Turkey from the EU. The EU will then close all borders with Turkey. The EU can also close it’s airspace to Turkish Airlines. Turkey will lose it’s shirt. But best of all, As soon as Turkey finds any hydrocarbons in the RoC’s EEZ, it will be licensed to ExxonMobil to extract it. Let’s see Turkey block Exxon Mobil and see what is going to happen.
Lordo, if you were a chess player, not even a good player, you should be able to see what the Americans and the Russians are doing to Turkey. Turkey is being set up by both the players to bring Turkey down hard. The set up game has been going on for awhile, but the pieces are being moved into place to “check-mate” Turkey sooner or later. The final play would require Turkey to be kicked out of NATO, and then the game will be over for Turkey as she won’t have the “one for all and all for one” any longer once out of the NATO club, then the “vultures” will start circling to go for the kill.