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Ozersay goes from the tc’s hope to just another dope

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Ozersay goes from the tc’s hope to just another dope

Postby DT. » Sat May 25, 2019 3:31 pm ... redit-him/

Seriously, how stupid and desparate do you need to be?
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Re: Ozersay goes from the tc’s hope to just another dope

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun May 26, 2019 5:46 am


...and he should resign.
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Re: Ozersay goes from the tc’s hope to just another dope

Postby Kikapu » Sun May 26, 2019 10:40 am

DT. wrote:

Seriously, how stupid and desparate do you need to be?

Ozersay and most insignificant people suffers from "little man syndrome"! :wink:

little man syndrome
A man, small in stature, who attempts to overcome the way he believes other people perceive him (as a diminutive character) by 1) attaching himself to authority figures, 2) trying to manipulate himself into positions of control, 3) migrating toward positions of leadership, and 4) having a fairly volatile temper.
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Re: Ozersay goes from the tc’s hope to just another dope

Postby Lordo » Sun May 26, 2019 1:33 pm

it seems assholes are two to a penny which ever way yu look.

you are being very unfair to a person who has suffered a great deal. his father was killed by your brave heroes in 1964. perhaps that has more say in what he is saying and doing now then any other syndrome.

secondly you are forgetting that he was at the talks and has first hadn experience how gcs are fustrating the peace perosecc and has given up. after over 50 years of talks who can blame him

lets face it talks are over. time to declare it as such and talk about two state solution and resources.

sooner or later it will happen.
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Re: Ozersay goes from the tc’s hope to just another dope

Postby Kikapu » Sun May 26, 2019 4:32 pm

Lordo wrote:it seems assholes are two to a penny which ever way yu look.

you are being very unfair to a person who has suffered a great deal. his father was killed by your brave heroes in 1964. perhaps that has more say in what he is saying and doing now then any other syndrome.

secondly you are forgetting that he was at the talks and has first hadn experience how gcs are fustrating the peace perosecc and has given up. after over 50 years of talks who can blame him

lets face it talks are over. time to declare it as such and talk about two state solution and resources.

sooner or later it will happen.

I agree with you Lordo that the talks are over unless the TCs want to have a settlement based on EU principles which they do not want, but absent of that, there won’t be any discussion on two state solution or sharing of resources. The RoC would just blame Turkey and the TCs for not wanting a BBF settlement based on EU principles and just go on about it’s business in making deals with other countries on the hydrocarbons.
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Re: Ozersay goes from the tc’s hope to just another dope

Postby Maximus » Sun May 26, 2019 7:33 pm

I also agree that the talks aimed at establishing a bbf are a farce.

Probably over,

It’s not feasible,

There should be a single Cypriot identity in a unitary democratic state.

If the tc want to live close to each other, they can if they can afford it.

Simple as that.

Ozersay is just another dope.
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Re: Ozersay goes from the tc’s hope to just another dope

Postby DT. » Sun May 26, 2019 7:42 pm

Lordo wrote:it seems assholes are two to a penny which ever way yu look.

you are being very unfair to a person who has suffered a great deal. his father was killed by your brave heroes in 1964. perhaps that has more say in what he is saying and doing now then any other syndrome.

secondly you are forgetting that he was at the talks and has first hadn experience how gcs are fustrating the peace perosecc and has given up. after over 50 years of talks who can blame him

lets face it talks are over. time to declare it as such and talk about two state solution and resources.

sooner or later it will happen.

Looking forward to hearing your views on a two state solution. I suspect however that a two state would find the tc’s more concerned than the gc’s.
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Re: Ozersay goes from the tc’s hope to just another dope

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun May 26, 2019 7:50 pm

...and why not a Greek Constituency?

If there is a Republic of Cyprus, representing Cypriots, as Cypriots, why not another level of government where as Persons they demonstrate their respect for minorities among them reciprocally?
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Re: Ozersay goes from the tc’s hope to just another dope

Postby Maximus » Sun May 26, 2019 8:22 pm

Bbf was a gc concession to the tc to help end the Turkish occupation.

If the tc abandon it, it they will be stuck.

Cyprus don’t need a bbf
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Re: Ozersay goes from the tc’s hope to just another dope

Postby Maximus » Sun May 26, 2019 8:26 pm

DT. wrote:
Lordo wrote:it seems assholes are two to a penny which ever way yu look.

you are being very unfair to a person who has suffered a great deal. his father was killed by your brave heroes in 1964. perhaps that has more say in what he is saying and doing now then any other syndrome.

secondly you are forgetting that he was at the talks and has first hadn experience how gcs are fustrating the peace perosecc and has given up. after over 50 years of talks who can blame him

lets face it talks are over. time to declare it as such and talk about two state solution and resources.

sooner or later it will happen.

Looking forward to hearing your views on a two state solution. I suspect however that a two state would find the tc’s more concerned than the gc’s.

we must follow his line of thinking.

The gc have a right to political equality and a 70% share in that state.
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