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FFS what is it with .....

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Re: FFS what is it with .....

Postby Paphitis » Fri May 03, 2019 3:38 am

repulsewarrior wrote:
Paphitis wrote:I’m growing my killer goaty with a Mr. Biggles moustache so I can roll the ends.

Gonna be killer man...

...what is called a flavour saver in the parlance of those cool guys who know such things.

Yeh and curve the ends into a coil. Pretty cool
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Re: FFS what is it with .....

Postby Paphitis » Fri May 03, 2019 5:28 am

It's called a handlebar mustache. Pretty cool if you ask me.

I reckon we should have a mustache competition. :D

These are all the rage in Australia at the moment, and the chicks love it too. 8)

you can even use scented moose to maintain shape and form... 8)
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Re: FFS what is it with .....

Postby miltiades » Fri May 03, 2019 12:19 pm

Beards have an " age" place, it looks goid on older men if properly kept, however when men in the teens and twenties are influenced by tv so called " celebrities" who ALL sport these disgusting looking islamic beards, then these young men also look disgusting. DO NOT believe the nonsense that women are attracted to whiskers. The most famous sex symbols in the world, yours trully .....included, are clean shaven.
What if the most stupid human fascination, fashion, introduced the ....half bearded style, so half your face would be covered in whiskers and the other half covered in ....spots. lots of idiots would follow the craze.
Its all a bit of fan folks , or is it !!
Just got bored with Lordos's highly intellectual posts.!!
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Re: FFS what is it with .....

Postby Paphitis » Fri May 03, 2019 2:40 pm

Facial hair is in, and in with a vengeance. Also in, old school barbers. 8)

And there isn't anything more sophisticated than a well kept beard or goatee with mustache.

Chicks really dig it too. In fact women view it as the ultimate in masculinity. 8)

Gillette is going down. Don't buy shares in Gillette ok. It's no longer the best a man can get after than disgusting man hating adds. :lol:

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Re: FFS what is it with .....

Postby miltiades » Fri May 03, 2019 5:13 pm

Bloody ....mullaes !!
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Re: FFS what is it with .....

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon May 06, 2019 5:40 pm


Goes with the haircut style. That's the style I had before, keeping the beard half shorter than this guy's.
Nothing mullahy about it... Milti is just seeing things...
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Re: FFS what is it with .....

Postby miltiades » Mon May 06, 2019 6:21 pm

Mate, beards suit a tiny minority , mostly elderly men and ....women. Young guys in their late teens early twenties just look as if they are about to join ....Jihad.
Most do not have their own personality, they just follow other weaklings like sheep.
There is NO class in covering one's face with fucking trixes. Learn from the Master, shave the horrid thing off. Right now Im watching the Weakest link. Have a look at the contestants, all fucking Arabs !!!
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Re: FFS what is it with .....

Postby Lordo » Tue May 07, 2019 11:40 am

miltiades wrote:Fucking beards. You hardly see a Cypriot or a Greek without bloody whiskers. Have they all become Mullaes
You turn on the TV and you think you have turned on some jihadist station. To some it might be, to me its a fucking dirty looking sight. Have our young become Islamists ? I hate beards, especialy on ...women. where have all the clean shaven men gone, fashionable ? My arse. Its a bloody eyesore indicative of the less than average literate man to follow others like sheep. Beards are not fashion they are fucking stupid just as stupid as fucking holes on trousers. Wake up Cypriots, dont copy your Greek cousins, they are utterly un sophisticated ....mullaes.

so whats the difference between the mullahs who force peebol to leave their beards and you who wish to ban it. you are the other face of the same coin. peebol are free to wear as much as and as little as as they wish. you have no right to judge them.
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Re: FFS what is it with .....

Postby miltiades » Tue May 07, 2019 12:24 pm

Lordo wrote:
miltiades wrote:Fucking beards. You hardly see a Cypriot or a Greek without bloody whiskers. Have they all become Mullaes
You turn on the TV and you think you have turned on some jihadist station. To some it might be, to me its a fucking dirty looking sight. Have our young become Islamists ? I hate beards, especialy on ...women. where have all the clean shaven men gone, fashionable ? My arse. Its a bloody eyesore indicative of the less than average literate man to follow others like sheep. Beards are not fashion they are fucking stupid just as stupid as fucking holes on trousers. Wake up Cypriots, dont copy your Greek cousins, they are utterly un sophisticated ....mullaes.

so whats the difference between the mullahs who force peebol to leave their beards and you who wish to ban it. you are the other face of the same coin. peebol are free to wear as much as and as little as as they wish. you have no right to judge them.

I don't want to ban beards !! I just want to take the piss, just as I have always done with you !!! If they, Cypriot anf Greek men want to emulate the Mullaes its their own business. I wonderif the Cypriot and Greek women will soon be emulating the .. moulloues, you know, covering them selves up head to toe looking like cockroaches !!
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Re: FFS what is it with .....

Postby Paphitis » Tue May 07, 2019 12:35 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Image

Goes with the haircut style. That's the style I had before, keeping the beard half shorter than this guy's.
Nothing mullahy about it... Milti is just seeing things...

Milti is just an old fart who likes to judge people.

People can groom how they like, and I actually like a good well kept beard.

I always grow a beard when I am off work. I’m trying to work up the courage to have my goatee full time and grow a pair of 1920s handlebars.

I’m just scared it will look a little unprofessional. A few years ago that would’ve been the case but now, beards are accepted but I still got a hang up about it. My work is a very conservative environment.
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