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First serial killer in ROC

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First serial killer in ROC

Postby MR-from-NG » Sat Apr 27, 2019 5:12 pm

Serial killers victims were Filipino, Nepalese and Indian from what I've read so far. I gather he is public enemy number one and hated by many. I'm wondering if his victims were TC's if he would have been a national treasure? A hero? Just a thought :?
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Sotos » Sat Apr 27, 2019 7:01 pm

If his victims happened to be TCs then no doubt your leadership would be extremely happy about it, as it would use the actions of a psychopath as an excuse for demanding Turkish troops and Turkish guarantees.
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby miltiades » Sat Apr 27, 2019 7:13 pm

Irrespective who the victims of this deranged psychopath were, the entire nation is in shock. Had this attrocious crime occured in the north, and had the victims been G/Cs , the T/Cs would be just as shocked as their GC compatriots are.
This thoroughly sick bastard must be severely punished and locked up for the rest
of his miserable life.
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Maximus » Sat Apr 27, 2019 8:50 pm

[quote="miltiades”] Had this attrocious crime occured in the north, and had the victims been G/Cs , the T/Cs would be just as shocked as their GC compatriots are.[/quote]

You must be joking.

What tc has be tried for any murder of any gc. The killer of George lowe for instance was caught in the north and released to turkey. They fail to hand him over to face justice.

There are a couple of examples where gc’s were murdered by tc but the murderers are still free men.

Mr-ng needs to wake up.....the north and its mentality is like a cancer to Cyprus.

This is not a time or the topic to make political points anyhow.

And this serial killer needs the book thrown at him....
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Lordo » Sat Apr 27, 2019 11:26 pm

now that's very interesting. asshole is right, there were two gcs killed recently and their killers are free in the north. but what the asshole fails to realise is that the north is not a recognised country in the world and a member of the un and the eu. where as the groc is so how is it that in the same week the two gcs were killed two tcs were also attacked. one killed and one seriously wounded. i wonder where those killers are wondering, i wonder what plumb jobs have been given to them in the meantime. perhaps they are teahers now teaching children how to be civilised and how barbaric the terggs are.

the real issue is not really even being discussed. what kind of atmosphere are these immigrants living under in the cypriot scociety and what rights do the system afford them. are they free to report a crime to the police without fearing for their safety. why was this man allowed to get away with it for so long and why did it take them so long to stop him. why did they need specialists from uk to investigate the matter. why the hell is groc being run like a micky mouse corrupt corporation.

while we are at it what happened to the mass murders of murataga, atlilar, sandallilar and dohny. i wonder where they are now. may they burn in hell and the same apply to any other swine who murdered innocent civilians what ever nationality they happene to be.
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Maximus » Sun Apr 28, 2019 12:38 am

maybe someone else might be bothered to waste their time replying to your none sense Lordo.

As for me, I am glad this guy is in custody
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby kurupetos » Sun Apr 28, 2019 3:05 am

For the record... he's a communist, a member of AKEL, and of course a filthy atheist.
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby miltiades » Sun Apr 28, 2019 4:09 am

kurupetos wrote:For the record... he's a communist, a member of AKEL, and of course a filthy atheist.

Atheists are the TRUE believers. They have have seen the light and firmly BELIEVE that ALL RELIGIONS ARE PURE MYTHOLOGY.
Invented by the Jewish people who somehow convinced billions the world over that there is a god.
By the way, Happy Easter to you all and Xristos Anesti.
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Paphitis » Sun Apr 28, 2019 11:06 am

miltiades wrote:
kurupetos wrote:For the record... he's a communist, a member of AKEL, and of course a filthy atheist.

Atheists are the TRUE believers. They have have seen the light and firmly BELIEVE that ALL RELIGIONS ARE PURE MYTHOLOGY.
Invented by the Jewish people who somehow convinced billions the world over that there is a god.
By the way, Happy Easter to you all and Xristos Anesti.


I always knew you were a dickhead!

What makes you think you are able to ridicule the beliefs and comfort of vulnerable people?

And on top of that to have the audacity to wish them Hristos Anesti! Do you have no shame?

There is a time and place you know a an expected humility and compunction!
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby miltiades » Sun Apr 28, 2019 11:27 am

In a democratic society one is free to worship his/ her/god , and the millions who have rejected this ludicrous concept can also express their views. As for being a " dickhead" well mate there is one and only one dickhead on this forum and that is none other than you.
Back to " religion".
I wonder how many " believers" have bothered to know the number of people suffering from cancer worldwide, yet they go on social media and ask their god to them !! By the way, according to the WHO some 30 million humans die of an illness annually. !!! Where is this fictitious god, I suppose these so called believers, not what I would call them , swallow all the crap that Moses wrote !!
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