Londonrake wrote:
They need to explain this in more detail, otherwise the Chief of Police is just a political scapegoat.
President Nicos Anastasiades on Friday dismissed the chief of police over the force’s perceived failures to properly investigate the cases of missing women in the past three years who eventually turned out to be victims of a serial killer.
I will explain....
They are mentioning percieved (what does that mean) failures of the police to properly investigate the cases of missing women.
Perceived = does this mean its not real? It sure sounds like it.
I have a question!
How many illegal immigrants are at large in Cyprus?
or 150,000?
And do these illegals actually want to be found. I bet they don't! Which makes policing very difficult indeed.
You can put in a missing person's report in Australia. The police will take down the details. They will put photos up on their missing person's website, ask around and generally they will try and find the missing person.
But what are the chances if the person doesn't want to be found or is in some mine shaft 500m underground in Cooper Pedy?
Now, let's say you went to CyPoL and put in a missing person's report in. They will do what they can, but let's say the person is in a suitcase at the bottom of a murky lake somewhere in Cyprus. How the fuck was CyPOL suppose to know that? What if it was an alien worker and they skipped the country through the occupied? I have heard that many of these foreign workers go to the occupied to work there once their VISA is out.I have also heard that many of these foreign workers also work at night as call girls. Lordo even bragged about it.
So there is that. Saying that the Commissioner didn't investigate because they were foreigners seems to be fake news to me and actually quite slanderous.
Was it because they were foreigners or because there isn't much they could do? Because I don't really see Australian Police looking every day for any one of the 45,000 missing people in Australia either, probably because they know it is futile or a bit like pissing against the wind.
Sure, they will go out if a Toddler was lost by its parents at the Mall, but would they expend the same energy if an adult mysteriously disappeared from their home for a week? Probably not.
There are many things CyPol would have presumed as far more likely to be the case with missing foreign workers, such as:
1) they are working in the RoC illegally as illegal immigrants,
2) they now work in the occupied areas where they are safe from deportation.
3) they are working as call girls.
There was no reason to suspect a Serial Killer. Especially in a country that has had no Serial killer in its history.
But of course Cyprus Mail will never mention anything like that. Much better to accuse CyPOL as not caring or bothering because the missing were foreigners! That they would put more effort in if the missing were Cypriots.