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First serial killer in ROC

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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby miltiades » Sun Apr 28, 2019 3:49 pm

Cap wrote:No, I'm sorry, this mother**er is a child of the RoC.
What an embarrassment to the CY armed forces and the Republic.
He was a ranking officer of the Republic , entrusted to protect its people, but committed the ultimate sin.
A classic psychopath.

I make no excuses.
Drag his ass up against a wall and execute the bastard.

But still....
Per capita, we're not the worst.

Yes Cap, a disgusting human , a stigma to our beloved island. There isn't a single Cypriot who is not shocked by this thouroughly sick act by, no doubt, an utterly sick pervert. These women did not deserve such an end , as for the two little children what can one say. A thourougly hideous act . He deserves whole life locked up.
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby MR-from-NG » Sun Apr 28, 2019 3:52 pm

Kikapu wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:Serial killers victims were Filipino, Nepalese and Indian from what I've read so far. I gather he is public enemy number one and hated by many. I'm wondering if his victims were TC's if he would have been a national treasure? A hero? Just a thought :?

Did you actually thought about what you wrote before you wrote it or was it just impulsive action, MR? :roll: :evil:

Kik, you are so fucking predictable. Anything for a bit of attention. Anything to get the approval/thumbs-up from the GC's.

Come on my GC's compatriots, please show your appreciation to this little girl. She craves for your love, support and attention :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Kikapu » Sun Apr 28, 2019 4:28 pm

An apology to all would have been magnanimous. Being a dick head is not. Your nature is very clear, MR. :roll:
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby MR-from-NG » Sun Apr 28, 2019 7:14 pm

Kikapu wrote:An apology to all would have been magnanimous. Being a dick head is not. Your nature is very clear, MR. :roll:

As usual, you're full of shit. My question is perfectly reasonable, logical and legitimate. I wasn't trying to politicise this tragic event. Are you telling me there are no GC's that wouldn't be happy with 7-8 maybe 10 TC's being killed every now and then? Wether victims of murder, road traffic accident or whatever?

Come on you naive, attention seeking little tart, tell me there are no GC members on the forum that wouldn't celebrate the death of TC's? You have the mental capacity of a spoilt little girl. Grow some balls and man up for fucks sake.
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Kikapu » Sun Apr 28, 2019 7:34 pm

Why don't you go back and read what you opened this thread with and the bullshit you are writing now to cover your sorry behind. Yes MR, you should be ashamed in what you originally wrote. Go stick a hot chilly pepper in your mouth to redeem yourself.
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby MR-from-NG » Sun Apr 28, 2019 7:41 pm

Kikapu wrote:Why don't you go back and read what you opened this thread with and the bullshit you are writing now to cover your sorry behind. Yes MR, you should be ashamed in what you originally wrote. Go stick a hot chilly pepper in your mouth to redeem yourself.

Serial killers victims were Filipino, Nepalese and Indian from what I've read so far. I gather he is public enemy number one and hated by many. I'm wondering if his victims were TC's if he would have been a national treasure? A hero? Just a thought :?

There, I'm repeating it for those that may have missed it. My question is perfectly normal and no-one but you have a problem with it. I know the reason for this and so does GR, shAME he's not around to confirm my definition of you. YOU ARE AN ATTENTION SEEKING LITTL GIRL. YOU'D DO ANYTHING TO GAIN POPULARITY FROM GC MEMBERS. YOU HAVE AN AGENDA AND YOU'VE BEEN PLAYING YOUR GAME FOR EVER SINCE YOU'VE BEEN ON THE FORUM. IF YOU THINK YOU'RE FOOLING ANYBODY YOU ARE MISTAKEN.
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Kikapu » Sun Apr 28, 2019 10:58 pm

Just know when you have been "pussywhipped", MR. Repeating your usual BS isn't helping you any.
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby MR-from-NG » Sun Apr 28, 2019 11:14 pm

Kikapu wrote:Just know when you have been "pussywhipped", MR. Repeating your usual BS isn't helping you any.

I'm going to end my discussion with just a word of advice young lady. Don't ever forget, regardless of how much you brownose your GC forum members, regardless of being their lapdog and bitch. You are still a DIRTY TURK, A CANCER OF CYPRUS.
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Maximus » Mon Apr 29, 2019 12:11 am

Kiks is right, you are acting like a dick head.

You started another thread trying to link this serial killers murders of Asian women to the events of 1963.

You are using this unrelated and unconnected event to try and score political points..and make tc’s Out to be poor victims.

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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Kikapu » Mon Apr 29, 2019 1:24 am

MR-from-NG wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Just know when you have been "pussywhipped", MR. Repeating your usual BS isn't helping you any.

I'm going to end my discussion with just a word of advice young lady. Don't ever forget, regardless of how much you brownose your GC forum members, regardless of being their lapdog and bitch. You are still a DIRTY TURK, A CANCER OF CYPRUS.

There lies the reasons as to why you behave the way you do, MR. Look, you and I have had similar experiences in Cyprus in the early 60s, is just that some of us came through it with very little damage where others did not. It‘s not your fault the way you are. You are just too damaged from the past traumatic events, that‘s all. Professional help might have helped you way back, but it‘s too late for you now, as you will always have hate in your heart for the GCs. Sad really.
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