Maximus wrote:MR-from-NG wrote:You two are a couple of idiots feeding of each other. If they were gc the police would’ve prevented this serial killer. I’m gonna keep it short. The murderer met his victims through social media. I repeat you dickbrains, social fucking media. If the victims were Greek the police would’ve at least checked their phone and pc or fucking laptops for clues. There would’ve been one fucking common denominator in their contacts and that would have been game over for the killer. You are so fucking stupid, the fucking pair of you. The victims are dead because they were poor fucking foreigners.
Social fucking media the killer used for fucks sake. In which developed country can you see a murderer getting away with 7 fucking murders using social media to pick his victims?
You also have a point but what if there wasn't a phone, or a pc to check.
Its easy to say, check their social media in hindsight, after the perpetrator confesses that he met them on there.
The UK, I found this example that shows 4 victims of a serial killer using social media to lure them. ... note-69368
This guy from the US got away with 48 murders. 48!!!!! (but not from using social media)
Max, the phone doesn't have to be physically there. I'm sure friends/relatives of the missing people knew their phone numbers and thats all the police needed. It would be interesting to see if the police even bothered contacting the victims mobile phone service providers for the records. They could've found out all text messages, calls made and received as well as the areas they frequented.
What I would like to see is a full independent enquiry into this case. This would be a difficult task knowing the Cypriot Cover UP culture. Furthermore,everybody has something to hide in Cyprus and they're all bloody cousins