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First serial killer in ROC

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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Paphitis » Sun May 05, 2019 4:24 pm

Maximus wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:You are full of shit.ofcourse they said so. The people are saying so. The tv and all media. Now fuck off you moron.

Am I really Einstein?

Let me explain a few things to you. What makes you think the President is qualified to sack the police commissioner? What gives him the right to do this? Is it written in the constitution somewhere? Is there a law that allows the power to do this?

These things occur in totalitarian societies. It can happen in the USA because the POTUS has authority to appoint judges, and Police Commissioners of the FBI and so forth. A Mayor can appoint a Commissioner of their local police department. It makes these positions very much political appointments.

I'm sure it can happen in places like Russia too which is very totalitarian, unlike the US which is so but the anomaly with the US is that these positions are political which is not a good thing.

If that happened in Australia, there would be all hell breaking loose. Imagine the Prime Minister sacking a police commissioner. The people will be up in arms. It would never happen here because you are not allowed to politicize these appointments, or interfere with the Police or Courts. We are not a South American tinpot, or a totalitarian regime like Russia or have the kind of power the POTUS has.

I really want to know what this commissioner did, and how he was investigated and by whom.

Is it legit or did Anastasiades see an opportunity to sack a Commissioner that was probably appointed by AKEL, so he can put in his own puppet? These things are the questions I would be asking.

In Australia, a Prime Minister was pulled over by a police officer and fined for not wearing a seat belt FFS. Prime Minister couldn't sack them or interfere and they paid the fine because the media was watching for a scandal.

You made some very big claims. The only media I have seen make stupid claims which you seem to give credence to, is Cyprus Mail. No other reputable source is saying the kinds of things you are saying other than the cyPOL head being sacked because of the Serial Murder cases.

In Australia, and US we have had so many serial killers but we do not behave like Cypriot politicians do. Government does not interfere with the Judicial System or the Police. We have good police, flush with resources but there are so many crimes like this that remain unsolved. What friggin chance does CyPOL have? We have 45000 people missing in Australia, many are missing for many years. How the friggin heck can a PM come along and sack a Commissioner?

Mate, if the PM sacked any police officer in Australia, then you better explain why and I have not seen a very good explanation with any factual information or evidence whatsoever!

Bafidi, stop comparing Cyprus to all these other countries. We are talking about Cyprus and it's police force. Cyprus has nothing in common with the countries you are trying to compare it to.

Why wouldn't I compare!

Cyprus has had its very first serial killer. Unprecedented for Cyprus.

And everyone is behaving like CyPOL has greater capabilities the the Feds in Australia and USA. There are 45000 missing people in Australia mate.

45000! Let that sink in for just a second.

yet Cyprus has a few missing persons reports and everyone is saying they would have solved it after the second murder if it were not for their racism.

I mean Pffft!

You have a point Paphitis.

I have just been observing this thread unfold and elsewhere.

Those that say Cyprus cant be compared with other countries, then go on to proclaim that the Police in Cy could have prevented these serial murders after the 1st or second one simply have their comparisons backwards.

You would hear from the same crowd of like minded people on other threads criticize how Cyprus is backwards. These kinds of people like isolating cases in Cyprus so they can further their argument and criticism's in a vacuum. Which are usually flawed arguments from group think.

So, how is a backwards police force going to compare with a so called advanced one in another country that has thousands of people on a missing list?

Anyway, a thorough investigation needs to be conducted if a any police negligence.

proclaiming racism is a misguided reaction.

Exactly right!

They are arguing that CyPOL are racists. that they didn't care about the missing because they are foreigners.

I find that very hard to believe. I don't believe their race had anything to do with it.

But had they been Cypriot, they would surely be a lot easier to find. They were not. They were foreign and foreigners going AWOL isn't an unusual thing especially when their VISAs expire. Very easy for the cops to shrug it off.

These people are just looking for excuses to criticize.

Scotland Yard, Spanish Police and Interpol have been looking for a missing Child from a Spanish Resort for years now. According to their logic, CyPOL would have found them if the child was Cypriot. :roll:
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Paphitis » Sun May 05, 2019 4:27 pm

Cap wrote:Dunno what you folks are arguing about.

We can't handle the situation on our own.
The RoC brought over Scotland Yard. 5 man team.
They brought over specialized sonar and camera equipment. (from the video I watched, a Spaniard is in charge of the operation)
This has made local news headlines for nearly a month.
Scores of protests across the island
People are pissed off.

Homicide rate in England hits a 10 year high and nobody bats an eyelid.

UK has a big population, therefore more and bigger crime. Plus, crime rates are usually big in big population centers. Cyprus doesn't really have those.

Everything is more or less proportional.

But what are people in Cyprus pissed off about?

That this crime occurred? Sure, I think everyone is upset. This killer committed terrible crimes against vulnerable women and there is also a child too. Very evil. Serial Killers are evil.

Or are they pissed off with the police? If so, then why? It''s not their fault and I can't see how tey could have done anything different.
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Cap » Sun May 05, 2019 4:39 pm

So homicide is justified because of a large population?
Is that what you're telling me Paphitis?
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Maximus » Sun May 05, 2019 4:56 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Cap wrote:Dunno what you folks are arguing about.

We can't handle the situation on our own.
The RoC brought over Scotland Yard. 5 man team.
They brought over specialized sonar and camera equipment. (from the video I watched, a Spaniard is in charge of the operation)
This has made local news headlines for nearly a month.
Scores of protests across the island
People are pissed off.

Homicide rate in England hits a 10 year high and nobody bats an eyelid.

UK has a big population, therefore more and bigger crime. Plus, crime rates are usually big in big population centers. Cyprus doesn't really have those.

Everything is more or less proportional.

But what are people in Cyprus pissed off about?

That this crime occurred? Sure, I think everyone is upset. This killer committed terrible crimes against vulnerable women and there is also a child too. Very evil. Serial Killers are evil.

Or are they pissed off with the police? If so, then why? It''s not their fault and I can't see how tey could have done anything different.

Its got really bad in the UK re...the only reason i say this is because there has been a spike in knife crimes and murders recently. Especially in London.

Relatively speaking though, Cyprus is one of the safest places to live on earth.

I wouldn't attribute this to the police, but to the society and the culture of the country.

Anyone who says otherwise is probably not thinking straight because no police force can prevent someone from killing someone else. (in most cases.)
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Maximus » Sun May 05, 2019 5:07 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:again, Kiks is a Cypriot, he is Turkish, what it seems you find so offensive is, he is no "Turk".

Kiks speaks for himself, i am only expressing how i see things.

RW, with all due respect. I came on this forum many years ago and I claimed to be Cypriot, albeit a Turkish speaking Cypriot. The reaction I got from many of the GC members convinced me that I am denied this identity. To the vast majority of GC's we are Turks. Here's a challenge for you. Why don't you start a poll and ask fellow forum members to define Turkish speaking Cypriots? I'd urge you to keep it real simple, just ask "Are the Turkish speaking community Cypriots or Turks"

Its not that simple though is it, because it brings a multitude of other problems. Otherwise known as the Cyprus problem. if it was as simple as language, there wouldn't be a problem.

Here is the challenge for you; which branch on the tree of civilization do you believe that you come from?

The Greek Cypriot branch that converted to Islam and speaks Turkish or the Attilla the hun / Ottoman branch?

Are you a Greek Cypriot that speaks Turkish or a Turk that calls himself Cypriot?

Think about that, even though it might just shatter your reality.
Last edited by Maximus on Sun May 05, 2019 5:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Paphitis » Sun May 05, 2019 5:07 pm

Cap wrote:So homicide is justified because of a large population?
Is that what you're telling me Paphitis?

Don't be idiotic. No crime is justified which is why we have law enforcement.

A country with 100 times your population is going to have 100 times more crime and at least 100 times the murders. That is what i am saying.

Cyprus is a little bubble. You can't compare your crime rates to let's say LA, or New York, London or Sydney.
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Paphitis » Sun May 05, 2019 5:11 pm

Maximus wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Cap wrote:Dunno what you folks are arguing about.

We can't handle the situation on our own.
The RoC brought over Scotland Yard. 5 man team.
They brought over specialized sonar and camera equipment. (from the video I watched, a Spaniard is in charge of the operation)
This has made local news headlines for nearly a month.
Scores of protests across the island
People are pissed off.

Homicide rate in England hits a 10 year high and nobody bats an eyelid.

UK has a big population, therefore more and bigger crime. Plus, crime rates are usually big in big population centers. Cyprus doesn't really have those.

Everything is more or less proportional.

But what are people in Cyprus pissed off about?

That this crime occurred? Sure, I think everyone is upset. This killer committed terrible crimes against vulnerable women and there is also a child too. Very evil. Serial Killers are evil.

Or are they pissed off with the police? If so, then why? It''s not their fault and I can't see how tey could have done anything different.

Its got really bad in the UK re...the only reason i say this is because there has been a spike in knife crimes and murders recently. Especially in London.

Relatively speaking though, Cyprus is one of the safest places to live on earth.

I wouldn't attribute this to the police, but to the society and the culture of the country.

Anyone who says otherwise is probably not thinking straight because no police force can prevent someone from killing someone else. (in most cases.)

In all honesty max, new York is a very safe place to live too.

In fact, so many people swear by New York or have it in the blood - speak to my wife... :roll: She is hassling me out to move there under an E3B. She will pack the family up immediately. New York is to her what Cyprus is to Milti.

It is safe. Never felt in danger. But you still got to be street smart.
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Londonrake » Sun May 05, 2019 7:19 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Maximus wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Cap wrote:Dunno what you folks are arguing about.

We can't handle the situation on our own.
The RoC brought over Scotland Yard. 5 man team.
They brought over specialized sonar and camera equipment. (from the video I watched, a Spaniard is in charge of the operation)
This has made local news headlines for nearly a month.
Scores of protests across the island
People are pissed off.

Homicide rate in England hits a 10 year high and nobody bats an eyelid.

UK has a big population, therefore more and bigger crime. Plus, crime rates are usually big in big population centers. Cyprus doesn't really have those.

Everything is more or less proportional.

But what are people in Cyprus pissed off about?

That this crime occurred? Sure, I think everyone is upset. This killer committed terrible crimes against vulnerable women and there is also a child too. Very evil. Serial Killers are evil.

Or are they pissed off with the police? If so, then why? It''s not their fault and I can't see how tey could have done anything different.

Its got really bad in the UK re...the only reason i say this is because there has been a spike in knife crimes and murders recently. Especially in London.

Relatively speaking though, Cyprus is one of the safest places to live on earth.

I wouldn't attribute this to the police, but to the society and the culture of the country.

Anyone who says otherwise is probably not thinking straight because no police force can prevent someone from killing someone else. (in most cases.)

In all honesty max, new York is a very safe place to live too.

In fact, so many people swear by New York or have it in the blood - speak to my wife... :roll: She is hassling me out to move there under an E3B. She will pack the family up immediately. New York is to her what Cyprus is to Milti.

It is safe. Never felt in danger. But you still got to be street smart.

I agree totally. I didn't have any problems at all staying at the Waldorf Astoria. :wink:
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Maximus » Sun May 05, 2019 9:06 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:You two are a couple of idiots feeding of each other. If they were gc the police would’ve prevented this serial killer. I’m gonna keep it short. The murderer met his victims through social media. I repeat you dickbrains, social fucking media. If the victims were Greek the police would’ve at least checked their phone and pc or fucking laptops for clues. There would’ve been one fucking common denominator in their contacts and that would have been game over for the killer. You are so fucking stupid, the fucking pair of you. The victims are dead because they were poor fucking foreigners.

Social fucking media the killer used for fucks sake. In which developed country can you see a murderer getting away with 7 fucking murders using social media to pick his victims?

You also have a point but what if there wasn't a phone, or a pc to check.

Its easy to say, check their social media in hindsight, after the perpetrator confesses that he met them on there.

The UK, I found this example that shows 4 victims of a serial killer using social media to lure them. ... note-69368

This guy from the US got away with 48 murders. 48!!!!! (but not from using social media)
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby MR-from-NG » Sun May 05, 2019 11:44 pm

Maximus wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:again, Kiks is a Cypriot, he is Turkish, what it seems you find so offensive is, he is no "Turk".

Kiks speaks for himself, i am only expressing how i see things.

RW, with all due respect. I came on this forum many years ago and I claimed to be Cypriot, albeit a Turkish speaking Cypriot. The reaction I got from many of the GC members convinced me that I am denied this identity. To the vast majority of GC's we are Turks. Here's a challenge for you. Why don't you start a poll and ask fellow forum members to define Turkish speaking Cypriots? I'd urge you to keep it real simple, just ask "Are the Turkish speaking community Cypriots or Turks"

Its not that simple though is it, because it brings a multitude of other problems. Otherwise known as the Cyprus problem. if it was as simple as language, there wouldn't be a problem.

Here is the challenge for you; which branch on the tree of civilization do you believe that you come from?

The Greek Cypriot branch that converted to Islam and speaks Turkish or the Attilla the hun / Ottoman branch?

Are you a Greek Cypriot that speaks Turkish or a Turk that calls himself Cypriot?

Think about that, even though it might just shatter your reality.

Max, does it really matter? I was born in Cyprus. My great great great grandparents were also born in Cyprus. Shouldn't I have the right to call myself Cypriot?
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