Kikapu wrote:There are different levels of “missing people” for the police to start any investigation, which not all get the same attention at the best of times, unless the missing is a child or very elderly. Circumstances dictate how the police go forward with their investigation. If there are no leads other than certain person hasn’t been seen for a while, claims made by other than family members, where does the police look? The missing persons details are taken and hopefully placed in the system until there comes a contact with the officials through different means. Until then, there is no case since “missing person” is not a crime by itself.
Once a dead body is found, then we are talking a different game. Often the police needs a dead body for them to gather scientific and physical information from the dead body and the crime scene. With new information, it can create new leads to look for suspect. As far as I know about the case in Cyprus, as soon as 2 bodies were found, it didn’t take too long to catch the killer, therefore, police did very well to apprehend the killer, which he has confessed to other killings where the remains were found.
Even great detective Lieutenant Columbo has only been able to solve murders once there was a dead body.
I agree with this 100%
Try putting a missing persons report in Australia or the US. Sure they will take details, but the cops won't get out of bed for a missing person. they just won't waste their time. The best you can hope for is that they put the details on a missing persons watch list, maybe make a couple of enquiries, but when they got no leads, then its pretty futile and we all no that. Plus, missing person does not equate to a crime. The cops will even tell you that.
If it is a kid, then it's a bit different. The cops do get out of bed. AS missing kid could mean a kidnapping at the very least. The cops will pump lots of resources into an investigation. Take for instance that missing British kid that disappeared from a hotel in Spain. You had a major operation by Spanish Police, Scotland Yard and INTERPOL looking for the missing child for years and they still have not found the child.
Same in Australia. The most notorious missing person was an 8 year old child that went missing about 4 years ago. Cops never left one stone unturned and the media never stopped. They have not found the child.
I [personally have no doubt both children are victims of crime. It's all very sad.
But you have Scotland Yard, Federal Police and NSW Police all on the case, and they can't do anything and we are to expect miracles from CyPOL? Fat chance! CyPOL must be racist right Frogman?
Yeh right mate. Go smoke some more drugs!