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First serial killer in ROC

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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Paphitis » Sat May 04, 2019 11:37 pm

Kikapu wrote:There are different levels of “missing people” for the police to start any investigation, which not all get the same attention at the best of times, unless the missing is a child or very elderly. Circumstances dictate how the police go forward with their investigation. If there are no leads other than certain person hasn’t been seen for a while, claims made by other than family members, where does the police look? The missing persons details are taken and hopefully placed in the system until there comes a contact with the officials through different means. Until then, there is no case since “missing person” is not a crime by itself.

Once a dead body is found, then we are talking a different game. Often the police needs a dead body for them to gather scientific and physical information from the dead body and the crime scene. With new information, it can create new leads to look for suspect. As far as I know about the case in Cyprus, as soon as 2 bodies were found, it didn’t take too long to catch the killer, therefore, police did very well to apprehend the killer, which he has confessed to other killings where the remains were found.

Even great detective Lieutenant Columbo has only been able to solve murders once there was a dead body.

I agree with this 100%

Try putting a missing persons report in Australia or the US. Sure they will take details, but the cops won't get out of bed for a missing person. they just won't waste their time. The best you can hope for is that they put the details on a missing persons watch list, maybe make a couple of enquiries, but when they got no leads, then its pretty futile and we all no that. Plus, missing person does not equate to a crime. The cops will even tell you that.

If it is a kid, then it's a bit different. The cops do get out of bed. AS missing kid could mean a kidnapping at the very least. The cops will pump lots of resources into an investigation. Take for instance that missing British kid that disappeared from a hotel in Spain. You had a major operation by Spanish Police, Scotland Yard and INTERPOL looking for the missing child for years and they still have not found the child.

Same in Australia. The most notorious missing person was an 8 year old child that went missing about 4 years ago. Cops never left one stone unturned and the media never stopped. They have not found the child.

I [personally have no doubt both children are victims of crime. It's all very sad.

But you have Scotland Yard, Federal Police and NSW Police all on the case, and they can't do anything and we are to expect miracles from CyPOL? Fat chance! CyPOL must be racist right Frogman?

Yeh right mate. Go smoke some more drugs! :roll:
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby MR-from-NG » Sun May 05, 2019 1:53 am

You two are a couple of idiots feeding of each other. If they were gc the police would’ve prevented this serial killer. I’m gonna keep it short. The murderer met his victims through social media. I repeat you dickbrains, social fucking media. If the victims were Greek the police would’ve at least checked their phone and pc or fucking laptops for clues. There would’ve been one fucking common denominator in their contacts and that would have been game over for the killer. You are so fucking stupid, the fucking pair of you. The victims are dead because they were poor fucking foreigners.

Social fucking media the killer used for fucks sake. In which developed country can you see a murderer getting away with 7 fucking murders using social media to pick his victims?
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Paphitis » Sun May 05, 2019 4:06 am

MR-from-NG wrote:You two are a couple of idiots feeding of each other. If they were gc the police would’ve prevented this serial killer. I’m gonna keep it short. The murderer met his victims through social media. I repeat you dickbrains, social fucking media. If the victims were Greek the police would’ve at least checked their phone and pc or fucking laptops for clues. There would’ve been one fucking common denominator in their contacts and that would have been game over for the killer. You are so fucking stupid, the fucking pair of you. The victims are dead because they were poor fucking foreigners.

Social fucking media the killer used for fucks sake. In which developed country can you see a murderer getting away with 7 fucking murders using social media to pick his victims?

Really Frogman? The CyPOL are somehow the best police force on the planet and capable of achieving more than Scotland Yard, FBI, US and Australian Police combined are they? CyPOL are amateur hour compared to them, hence why they are getting help fromScotland Yard. Big difference between cops in Cyprus and the US or Australia mate and you need to be pulled over to know that. In Cyprus, they are polite, and even nice and fluffy. In the US or Australia, they pull you over they mean business and you know it. Hands on holsters and all.

There are 38000 missing persons reports submitted in Australia alone.

Can you imagine how many in the USA?

There are 45000 long term missing persons in Australia. Only a tiny fraction have been found or solved - a tiny fraction is the single digit percentile.

If the police were to expend resources to all the missing persons reports, there wouldn’t be enough police in either Australia or the US. They wouldn’t even get out of bed mate at that's the truth.

Let me get this straight, Cyprus is somehow going to show the FBI and AFP how it is done, are they, with all the counter intelligence of the CIA, NSA, ASIO and ASIC to boot.

Who the he’ll do you seem to be kidding?

Cyprushasnt even had such a crime in its history, so how the fuck would they even suspect a serial killer where half the island they can’t even exercise any law enforcement whatsoever due to the occupation, and ina country where more than 20% of people are illegals.

You are not smart Frogman! Delusional infact!
Last edited by Paphitis on Sun May 05, 2019 4:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby miltiades » Sun May 05, 2019 4:11 am

Following the resignation of the interior minister and subsequent dismissal of the police chief, as well as media reports it is apparent that the police did not carry out any investigations following the report of missing persons. It seems to me that inaction by the police does bring the question of missing person's ethnicity into consideration.
The entire island is in shock over these gruesome murders perpetrated by an obviously thouroughly sick individual who according to reports derived pleasure in struggling his victims. The police is reported ignored reports of missing persons in one case when suspicious evidence, as in the case of the lady with her child whom the police presumed their entering the occupied areas, yet medicine that the child was taking as well as fundamental personal effects were left behind. Clearly this in itself should have rung alarm bells.
The treatment of foreign domestics must also be questioned, to some Cypriots domestics are a ....status symbol , attitudes must be addressed, we are not in Saudi Arabia but a European nation. We must eradicate the " Arab " mentality and conform to that of civilized nations.
So MR does have a point here.
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Paphitis » Sun May 05, 2019 4:20 am

miltiades wrote:Following the resignation of the interior minister and subsequent dismissal of the police chief, as well as media reports it is apparent that the police did not carry out any investigations following the report of missing persons. It seems to me that inaction by the police does bring the question of missing person's ethnicity into consideration.
The entire island is in shock over these gruesome murders perpetrated by an obviously thouroughly sick individual who according to reports derived pleasure in struggling his victims. The police is reported ignored reports of missing persons in one case when suspicious evidence, as in the case of the lady with her child whom the police presumed their entering the occupied areas, yet medicine that the child was taking as well as fundamental personal effects were left behind. Clearly this in itself should have rung alarm bells.
The treatment of foreign domestics must also be questioned, to some Cypriots domestics are a ....status symbol , attitudes must be addressed, we are not in Saudi Arabia but a European nation. We must eradicate the " Arab " mentality and conform to that of civilized nations.
So MR does have a point here.

Another friggin idiot!

Let’s say this was the US and the victims were Black.

I can tell you the American (or Australian) Police will not jump through hoops to find a missing person. There are thousands of missing people! You could even say they don’t give a stuff. But they have missing persons registers and will make enquirers but nothing much to investigate with no leads.

The US Police will be accused of doing nothing because the victims are black. They get accused of racism all the time.

The US Police kill many people! Why? Because there are gun issues. Even a routine traffic stop they are on high alert because you can legally bear arms in the US. So you pull anything out or are even perceived to be armed they are gonna pump you with lead. You get pulled over, you don’t make sudden moves and you keep your hands visible at all times.

You go to the US and get pulled over by Highway Patrol and see what happens. One cop is in the car, the other takes a couple of minutes to approach you with care and they got their hand on their gun. Once they know you are harmless they are nice as pie. But till then they mean business.

In the US, there are hundreds of millions of weapons - including semi automatic, automatic and hand guns. The American people have enough arms to fight a war.

Blacks cop it a lot because they are responsible for the vast majority of crime. That is just fact. It’s not racist if it is true.

Nothing racist about it just like I find CyPOL even less likely to be capable of racism.

Sorry but you imbeciles do not know Cyprus or Cypriots at all!

I have presented facts as to the magnitude of the missing persons list in Australia. 38,000 reports every year and over 45,000 long term missing people. Can you imagine how many in all of Europe and USA? The cops don’t care and they done investigate them all.

Plus, Cyprus is partitioned. So a missing person in Cyprus just need to cross to the occupied. There is no law enforcement there. In addition, Cyprus has a massive illegal immigrant problem.
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun May 05, 2019 4:41 am is just as possible that in these cases, they are not competent, the fact that this killer chose victims least likely to be noticed missing; he chose neither "GC" or "TC" specifically because the police would have less attention on them from family, neighbours, co-workers and friends.

...indeed, if, he had gone after "GC"s or "TC"s it would have drawn attention to him sooner. Without wanting to get caught he could not have chosen differently. Your hypothesis MR-from-NG, is not based on sound logic. This is a sex crime, of the basest kind, not political. If anything, it demonstrates the need for a Federal Police Force that serves the whole island, specialised, better trained, for major crimes, and that can audit the other Police forces (yearly) for there improvement, competence, and credibility.
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Paphitis » Sun May 05, 2019 5:11 am

repulsewarrior is just as possible that in these cases, they are not competent, the fact that this killer chose victims least likely to be noticed missing; he chose neither "GC" or "TC" specifically because the police would have less attention on them from family, neighbours, co-workers and friends.

...indeed, if, he had gone after "GC"s or "TC"s it would have drawn attention to him sooner. Without wanting to get caught he could not have chosen differently. Your hypothesis MR-from-NG, is not based on sound logic. This is a sex crime, of the basest kind, not political. If anything, it demonstrates the need for a Federal Police Force that serves the whole island, specialised, better trained, for major crimes, and that can audit the other Police forces (yearly) for there improvement, competence, and credibility.

No Federal Police force with no solution.

Sorry but no crime can ever justify any collaboration with an illegal occupying power in Cyprus under any circumstances as this would normalize the occupation and upgrade their illegal status.

There is a much bigger crime here that is at stake. The crime of ethnic cleansing and displacement of 180,000 people, the looting and destruction of our National Treasures and religious sites.

No Federal Police. No collaboration. Nothing!

If it was up to me I would close the Green Line for security and law enforcement reasons but never give those bastards the time of day.

The traitors can go join them too before the Green Line is closed down.

Where the friggin hell is Trump? Greatest visionary of our time! End of!
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Paphitis » Sun May 05, 2019 5:26 am

No point keeping the Green Line open Cypriots!

Wake up! Drugs are being smuggled through this crime infested occupation zone where there is no law enforcement. Illegals find refuge and are untouchable. Even ISIS finds refuge in the occupied area. It is where all criminals find a safe haven!

I actually look forward to the day they strike at your hearts and becks. It’s coming folks. It’s coming! Blood and tragedy needs to befall is for us to learn the hard way.

Our young go there to screw South East Asians and other illegals for a fee and get STDs! Then go to Agia Napa and spread it to the Brits, Swedes, and other Cypriots too.

If you don’t believe ISIS are in Turkey you all got rocks in your heads. Ask the Americans! Ask the Australians! All non Australians were banned from the ANZAC memorial services in Turkey because there was an ISIS threat. Yes that’s right! ISIS in Turkey threatened the ANZAC commemorations. Only those with Aussie passports could get in and you had to go through metal detectors and get patted down by Australian Federal Police.

You people now have a Green Line with The Caliphate! The Green Line is porous. Where do you think the Caliphate is going to go next to strike at the infidel. Do you think there Americans are not watching?

Shut it down to protect yourselves from these criminals!

I think enough is enough. They are going to accuse us of being racists anyway so do yourselves afavour by locking the lawlessness down. They are the ones harboring ISIS and somehow wears racists.

Can you fools see the irony?
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Kikapu » Sun May 05, 2019 6:57 am

MR-from-NG wrote:You two are a couple of idiots feeding of each other. If they were gc the police would’ve prevented this serial killer. I’m gonna keep it short. The murderer met his victims through social media. I repeat you dickbrains, social fucking media. If the victims were Greek the police would’ve at least checked their phone and pc or fucking laptops for clues. There would’ve been one fucking common denominator in their contacts and that would have been game over for the killer. You are so fucking stupid, the fucking pair of you. The victims are dead because they were poor fucking foreigners.

Social fucking media the killer used for fucks sake. In which developed country can you see a murderer getting away with 7 fucking murders using social media to pick his victims?

Social media, now there’s a place where everyone can be/is anonymous. :roll:

I am asking because I don’t know.
1. Did these victims and the killer use their real names in the social media?
2. How long were the victims reported missing before they were found dead?
3. Were these victims illegal in the RoC or were they legal and registered?
4. If they were legal and registered, did their social media names matched their registered names?

Yes of course, if a GC person who was missing in the RoC, someone who has a family, friends, job, and all the contacts we all have in general as someone living freely in the community, the missing will have far greater impact as well as there would be more leads for the police to go on, which would have made their work much easier.

According to Milti’s post, the police did investigate the missing woman and her child, so the missing in at least one case was not ignored. The fact that they were already dead elsewhere didn’t help the police with too much lead. But in the end, the discovery of the first 2 dead bodies did help to apprehend the guilty, because the police had evidence and leads to follow, and they did. In this case this serial killer has been caught where there are others in the world who are not.
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Kikapu » Sun May 05, 2019 7:04 am

MR-from-NG wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...indeed, i too imagine that there are those who feel their "Greekness" or their "Turkishness" entitles them to think of themselves as superior. And "it" may have lead to this criminal's behaviour; his motives are more complex politically, it seems: yet none were "TC", or from the "TRNC".

All the more reason, in Cyprus, to banish this sense that while we are uniquely different, we are not the same. That some are less, by exclusion. That as Persons, Individuals can be ranked for their exploitation. All the more important for us to look at ourselves, and how we see those living around us, our own ''Greekness'' or ''Turkishness'', if you will.

All the more reason for Cypriots to take up this cause; what as Cypriots, Cypriots can do better.

...indeed, it is as is said, a watershed moment, a loss of innocence, where the Police in Cyprus can look at themselves. What they do now is a matter of their conviction to improve their capacities, and their vision. So too, the Cypriot People, who may now realise that they can do more to defend women from becoming victims of horrible crimes. It would not surprise me to see Legislation written in these victims' names.

...indeed, "This" must stop.

@MR-from-NG, i ask, what is it that makes you to be ashamed of Kiks, a Cypriot, a Turk, but no "Turk"?

:lol: :lol: I'm not ashamed of him. I'm just sick and tired of him sticking his Turkish nose into every topic that has even the slightest criticism of the RoC :lol: :lol:
He feels he owes it to the GC's and he really doesn't owe anyone anything. He can be a lot more likeable member by just being reasonable. He is intelligent and articulate and a positive contributor on many subjects. He just needs to stop posting crap just to be seen as a good Cypriot :lol: :lol:

MR, just for the record, I am not here to be liked or disliked by anyone. I made this point many years ago here on CF. I am not participating in a popularity contest. I air my views as I see them, just like anyone else here. You can agree with my views or disagree with them, it is entirely up to you. Just because you may disagree with some of my views, it is no point in trying to politicize it with unfounded accusations.

We're going to have to agree to disagree here Kicks. Your views are extremely biased, to the point that most newcomers to the forum had to be told that you were in fact a Turk.

Anyway, putting all aside I feel I owe you an apology for the names I called you. I behaved out of character and lost my cool with you. I will refrain from doing this again.

Apology accepted, MR (until the next time :D ).

We’ll have a drink one of these years, I’m sure. Actually, flew into London last night, but no time on this trip as I will return back to Zurich after a very short stay.
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