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First serial killer in ROC

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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Paphitis » Sun Apr 28, 2019 11:35 am

miltiades wrote:In a democratic society one is free to worship his/ her/god , and the millions who have rejected this ludicrous concept can also express their views. As for being a " dickhead" well mate there is one and only one dickhead on this forum and that is none other than you.
Back to " religion".
I wonder how many " believers" have bothered to know the number of people suffering from cancer worldwide, yet they go on social media and ask their god to them !! By the way, according to the WHO some 30 million humans die of an illness annually. !!! Where is this fictitious god, I suppose these so called believers, not what I would call them , swallow all the crap that Moses wrote !!

That is no argument to dispel the non existence of God.

I as an agnostic have such an inquisitive mind that prompts me to read and learn and hence read the Bible and learn about this tradition. I have at the very least learned to respect it.

The Bible is full of hard luck stories of martyrs who inherit the Kingdom God. Same with kids getting cancer. They have a few moments of suffering but then inherit the Kingdom of God, according to the teachings.

I actually like the teachings as a force for good. I hope the teachings are true.

You are a dicjhead because you disrespect the beliefs and comfort of other people.

I have read a lot of literature on this subject and am still searching for the answers but no matter what I can no longer ridicule the beliefs of the devout because it’s like ridiculing my ancestors. I just can’t do it!
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Apr 28, 2019 12:14 pm

Bhuddists manage without a god..
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Lordo » Sun Apr 28, 2019 12:37 pm

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:
kurupetos wrote:For the record... he's a communist, a member of AKEL, and of course a filthy atheist.

Atheists are the TRUE believers. They have have seen the light and firmly BELIEVE that ALL RELIGIONS ARE PURE MYTHOLOGY.
Invented by the Jewish people who somehow convinced billions the world over that there is a god.
By the way, Happy Easter to you all and Xristos Anesti.


I always knew you were a dickhead!

What makes you think you are able to ridicule the beliefs and comfort of vulnerable people?

And on top of that to have the audacity to wish them Hristos Anesti! Do you have no shame?

There is a time and place you know a an expected humility and compunction!

so let me understand this. you are an educated man and actually believe that jesus came back to life. i wonder when he did come back did he say anything about seeing a bright light?

and who exactly is a dickhead again?
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Lordo » Sun Apr 28, 2019 12:40 pm

kurupetos wrote:For the record... he's a communist, a member of AKEL, and of course a filthy atheist.

thats very interesting. first of all when i read this report the person that cam to mind was you. and of course it could be you and have anaged to smuggle in a mobile into your cell.
the second of course is the fact that he is politically different to your friends who murdered the civilians in dohni, murataga, atlilar and sandallilar. its good to know that gc murderes do not all belong to elam like you.
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby kurupetos » Sun Apr 28, 2019 12:58 pm

miltiades wrote:
kurupetos wrote:For the record... he's a communist, a member of AKEL, and of course a filthy atheist.

Atheists are the TRUE believers. They have have seen the light and firmly BELIEVE that ALL RELIGIONS ARE PURE MYTHOLOGY.
Invented by the Jewish people who somehow convinced billions the world over that there is a god.
By the way, Happy Easter to you all and Xristos Anesti.

Atheism has led a lot of people to madness, including you and Lordo.

There's still time for you to change, but your time is running out, old boy...

As I said before... Christianity is not a religion, it's the TRUTH. :wink:
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby kurupetos » Sun Apr 28, 2019 1:02 pm

Lordo wrote:
kurupetos wrote:For the record... he's a communist, a member of AKEL, and of course a filthy atheist.

thats very interesting. first of all when i read this report the person that cam to mind was you. and of course it could be you and have anaged to smuggle in a mobile into your cell.
the second of course is the fact that he is politically different to your friends who murdered the civilians in dohni, murataga, atlilar and sandallilar. its good to know that gc murderes do not all belong to elam like you.

There are no criminals in ELAM, you fool.

Most criminals belong to AKEL, like Christofias and this bastard.

Here you can see him taking photos at an event honoring Christofias ( :? ):

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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby miltiades » Sun Apr 28, 2019 1:10 pm

kurupetos wrote:
miltiades wrote:
kurupetos wrote:For the record... he's a communist, a member of AKEL, and of course a filthy atheist.

Atheists are the TRUE believers. They have have seen the light and firmly BELIEVE that ALL RELIGIONS ARE PURE MYTHOLOGY.
Invented by the Jewish people who somehow convinced billions the world over that there is a god.
By the way, Happy Easter to you all and Xristos Anesti.

Atheism has led a lot of people to madness, including you and Lordo.

There's still time for you to change, but your time is running out, old boy...

As I said before... Christianity is not a religion, it's the TRUTH. :wink:

Who told you that? Perhaps ypu were brainwashed like the rest of religious people. Boy, do you know the bible? Do you know that it was the Jews who wrote it ? Have you read Genesis or Exodus, 2 of the 5 books that Moses wrote. Read them and use your logic boy, pure mythology. God created Adam by spitting on soil ? He gave Adam a dick ? Come on now, use your logic, forget what was handed down to you. Boy there is NO god . The sun is 4.6 billion years old, the earth 4.54. Scientific FACT, NOT THE BULLSHIT THE BIBLE TELLS YOU
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Lordo » Sun Apr 28, 2019 1:20 pm

kurupetos wrote:
miltiades wrote:
kurupetos wrote:For the record... he's a communist, a member of AKEL, and of course a filthy atheist.

Atheists are the TRUE believers. They have have seen the light and firmly BELIEVE that ALL RELIGIONS ARE PURE MYTHOLOGY.
Invented by the Jewish people who somehow convinced billions the world over that there is a god.
By the way, Happy Easter to you all and Xristos Anesti.

Atheism has led a lot of people to madness, including you and Lordo.

There's still time for you to change, but your time is running out, old boy...

As I said before... Christianity is not a religion, it's the TRUTH. :wink:

mavro laoman and even the latest book written today will be out of date by next week you stupid idjot. what makes you think that the bible is the truth. is that what the priest was telling you as he was abusing you?
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Kikapu » Sun Apr 28, 2019 2:47 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:Serial killers victims were Filipino, Nepalese and Indian from what I've read so far. I gather he is public enemy number one and hated by many. I'm wondering if his victims were TC's if he would have been a national treasure? A hero? Just a thought :?

Did you actually thought about what you wrote before you wrote it or was it just impulsive action, MR? :roll: :evil:
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Re: First serial killer in ROC

Postby Cap » Sun Apr 28, 2019 3:36 pm

No, I'm sorry, this mother**er is a child of the RoC.
What an embarrassment to the CY armed forces and the Republic.
He was a ranking officer of the Republic , entrusted to protect its people, but committed the ultimate sin.
A classic psychopath.

I make no excuses.
Drag his ass up against a wall and execute the bastard.

But still....
Per capita, we're not the worst.
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