Usual strategy - blank out anything "awkward". That's a marvelous mental gift you have. I think it speaks for itself though.
Please note, because it's surely just a matter of time before you put on your "victim" coat and throw yourself to the metaphoric floor with a heart-rending plea for sympathy and support. It was at this point that
you turned things nasty. Which is entirely par for the course.
Stalin's writ covered the whole of eastern Europe for decades, even after his death in 1953. The Soviet Union
was Russia, trying to pretend that it was something completely different from the country today doesn't fool anybody. Meet the new dictator. Same as the old dictator.
Moreover, to infer that what happened in Poland from 1944 - 93 was in some way nothing to do with Russia - "the good guys" - but instead a bunch of puppet Polish apparatchiks is risible.
To try to compare the Liberty incident to events across Europe, which resulted in the deliberate deaths of millions, including large scale ethnic cleansing, is ridiculous. Desperate rubbish.
One of my main beefs with you is your sycophantic attitude to the great Vladimir Putin. A much maligned man who can do no wrong it seems. Land grabs in the Ukraine and Georgia. Civilian aircraft blown out of the sky. Assassination teams committing murder, or attempting to, against dissident voices in other countries. Sometimes recklessly using exotic and extremely toxic poisons. The regular bombing of civilians in Syria, in order to keep a butchering dictator in power. That, to secure Russia's only Med military bases, whilst destabilising the EU by promoting a flood of millions of refugees. Industrial scale exploitation of online western media, including "independent" sites of course. Cyber attacks, aimed at influencing political outcomes in the West. GRU teams caught red-handed attempting to hack into sensitive western IT systems.
All arrogantly swept aside. And here you are, the proud apologist, faithfully towing the Russian line on absolutely everything that comes out of the country. Following the standard philosophy: deny/divert/disguise. Then, hypocritically accusing others of being "
incapable of thinking outside the box". Also, wait a minute while I go get something. Pitter, patter, pitter, patter. Patter, pitter, patter, pitter. Here we go................................ "
At least what is in my head has not been scrambled, brainwashed and then tumble dried!". Actually, that's a perfect description of what's in your head.
You have a
one - hundred - percent record of supporting absolutely everything that's come out of Moscow. No matter it's sometimes gotten to the point of being laughable. Most would be embarrassed by having that pointed out. Yet, you're apparently a man who earnestly believes and prides himself upon "thinking outside the box". Really, can't you see how funny and hypocritical that is?
What has it to do with Assange? Nothing of course but then - after 9 pages and 84 replies on the self-opinionated twat - I suspect people might just appreciate a bit of light relief.