Australian Federal Police Under and Australian Sevurity Agencies have just raided the Australian Public Broadcaster (ABC) which is owned by the Australian Government and News Limited Offices owned by the biggest media magnate in the world, Rupert Murdoch.
This is the second time the Murdoch Family have landed themselves into hot water. The last time was when Murdoch Senior and Bean published a military document given to them by Field Marshall Monash after the Gallipoli landings. This was the very same Field Marshall who took overall command of the entire Western Front after the Gallipoli withdrawal which he oversaw.
The Australian Federal Police acting on behalf of ASIS which is the Government apparatus that spies internally in Australia in cohorts with ASIO which is the offshore equivalent which have claimed that the ABC and News Limited have compromised Australian National Security and revealed State Secrets concerning Australia’s overseas military operations in Afghanistan, Timor Sea, South China Sea, Syria and Iraq which they obtained from Wikileaks.
Computers and files have been seized.
The Federal Police have stated that journalists arrests are imminent.
This is very ominous for the journalist profession. There will be more arrests aside from Assange.
It just goes to show that just because you are a journalist doesn’t give you the right to publish shit about the military.
Even government owned departments, ministries, media, politicians and military personnel come under the watchful eye of our agencies tasked with the responsibility of keeping our troops, and civilians safe from all kinds of dangers.