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Assange arrested!

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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jun 08, 2019 3:15 am

Australian Federal Police Under and Australian Sevurity Agencies have just raided the Australian Public Broadcaster (ABC) which is owned by the Australian Government and News Limited Offices owned by the biggest media magnate in the world, Rupert Murdoch.

This is the second time the Murdoch Family have landed themselves into hot water. The last time was when Murdoch Senior and Bean published a military document given to them by Field Marshall Monash after the Gallipoli landings. This was the very same Field Marshall who took overall command of the entire Western Front after the Gallipoli withdrawal which he oversaw.

The Australian Federal Police acting on behalf of ASIS which is the Government apparatus that spies internally in Australia in cohorts with ASIO which is the offshore equivalent which have claimed that the ABC and News Limited have compromised Australian National Security and revealed State Secrets concerning Australia’s overseas military operations in Afghanistan, Timor Sea, South China Sea, Syria and Iraq which they obtained from Wikileaks.

Computers and files have been seized.

The Federal Police have stated that journalists arrests are imminent.

This is very ominous for the journalist profession. There will be more arrests aside from Assange.

It just goes to show that just because you are a journalist doesn’t give you the right to publish shit about the military.

Even government owned departments, ministries, media, politicians and military personnel come under the watchful eye of our agencies tasked with the responsibility of keeping our troops, and civilians safe from all kinds of dangers.
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jun 09, 2019 8:00 am

One Australian News Corp journalist has now been arrested for publishing classified material that was leaked to her by Australian Military Personnel in Afghanistan.

According to Australian Security Agencies, there are many journalists currently under investigation including many Australian Military Personnel now facing Court Marshal and Civil Charges against the State Secrets Act.

Also, many public servants working for the ABC.

This is very ominous for Assange too. In fact it will be 100 times worse for him.

If this isn’t a very clear message, then I don’t know what is.

Just because you are a journalist doesn’t mean you have some privilege to inform the public of information gained illegally or hacked that is sensitive to the Nation’s Security or its Affairs.

The UN can shove that and smoke it and also stick their bogus freedom of press index because people’s lives are at risk.

Middle index finger has been extended quite literally. Enjoy!
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Jun 09, 2019 9:12 am

Paphitis wrote:One Australian News Corp journalist has now been arrested for publishing classified material that was leaked to her by Australian Military Personnel in Afghanistan.

According to Australian Security Agencies, there are many journalists currently under investigation including many Australian Military Personnel now facing Court Marshal and Civil Charges against the State Secrets Act.

Also, many public servants working for the ABC.

This is very ominous for Assange too. In fact it will be 100 times worse for him.

If this isn’t a very clear message, then I don’t know what is.

Just because you are a journalist doesn’t mean you have some privilege to inform the public of information gained illegally or hacked that is sensitive to the Nation’s Security or its Affairs.

The UN can shove that and smoke it and also stick their bogus freedom of press index because people’s lives are at risk.

Middle index finger has been extended quite literally. Enjoy!

So even if leaked documents show your country has committed war crimes ...... you believe the person that exposed their crimes should face punishment rather than those that committed the crimes? You would have liked living in Hitler's Germany or Stalin's USSR ..... they used to silence any opposition to their crimes!

I seem to remember you held 'Caesar' in great esteem for stealing what he claimed were 50.000 photos that showed Assad's torture victims and his war crimes ........ that later tuned out to be photos of unidentified bodies taken in the morgues of various hospitals! The US even rescued his family, gave them vast sums of money, an income for life and a new life in the US. But I suppose, as usual, your revulsion for whistle blowers is only when they expose YOUR war crimes. :roll:
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jun 09, 2019 10:41 am

Minimum 7 years imprisonment for any hapless journalist who violates National Security and the State Secrets Act.

Max penalty can be life imprisonments in a Federal Prison!
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Jun 09, 2019 12:38 pm

Paphitis wrote:Minimum 7 years imprisonment for any hapless journalist who violates National Security and the State Secrets Act.

Max penalty can be life imprisonments in a Federal Prison!

IMO: If a leaked document, recording, video is leaked and it clearly shows crime being committed then the publisher of the information should not be punished for refusing to identify his source. That crime could be a crime of an individual or right up to the very top of the political/business pyramid.

Nobody should face punishment for exposing criminal acts, no matter who it is committing that crime. All identities should be withheld until after an investigation.

If the information is not true or has been tampered with to distort the facts, then let the publisher face the consequences of his error and the same with his source.

Whistle blowers, whether in the Military , the NHS, government service or even in businesses large and small, should be protected from retribution not punished for blowing the whistle on crimes and malpractice. If anyone in my family was (mis)treated and died or suffered serious effects, from either a practitioner or a pharmaceutical company ........ they should be exposed and held to account. Those that conspire with them to attempt a cover-up should go down with them.

Assange should not go to the US for what can only be regarded as show trial. I don’t like the man but by doing what he did and has done many times before has benefitted our society by exposing those that act against all of our social and legal standards and principals. :roll:
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jun 09, 2019 1:04 pm

Your opinion counts for nothing and my opinion counts for nothing too. The only thing that counts is the State Secrets Act and the Law therein.

And the Law is very black and white. There can be no exceptions because these violations are very serious that compromise the military, endanger our troops and compromise entire families.

There are many anecdotal whispers that Australian and American troops will on occasion take matters into their own hands and sort out their own if they were deemed to be barbaric or “too aggressive”. People who ended up being shot from the flank, were covered up as lost in action from an enemy engagement.

Now it wouldn’t surprise me if that is true. The Security Services probably have information about it too, but will cover it up to protect the reputation of the victim and the other soldiers.

I have a mate who did 2 tours in Afghanistan. Has PTSD now and tells me when their unit witnessed a public execution of a small girl. He still says to this day that their mistake was to report it to the JSOC which ordered them to stand down and do nothing. If they didn’t report it they could have taken out the mufti in a “whoopsie” moment.

This guy is a married man and has a daughter of his own. He is no war criminal.

The point is, the public have no right to know these things and can never understand.

Violate the State Secrets Act and be prepared to pay for it because if people actually cared and wanted to help people they would volunteer and serve their country. It’s not about killing people you know. The vast majority of our operations overseas is to help people and help civilians.

When I go to Adelaide, one of my favourite places to go and spend time and eat is in a place called Little Kabul. Afghanis are an amazing people and the actual Afghans are very grateful to be free from The Taliban. They are I would say fairly liberal Muslims. So hard working and sincere people too. They have great food, music and an amazing culture too. Things that were banned under the Taliban regime. Even smoking was illegal.

These people are genuine.
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Jun 09, 2019 5:22 pm

Back to Assange and other whistle blowers .........

The Duran (Based in Nicosia apparently!) ........

An interesting but rather a long read with many links to sources, many of them ‘official’ ………… re Assange, whistle blowers and the type of World we are rapidly approaching with the majority not even aware of what is happening in plain sight.

The Force That Is Ending Freedom Is Lies - by Eric Zeusse - June 7, 2019

The heroic fighters for the freedom of everyone in the world are the whistle blower's, who
report to the public the corruption and evil that they see perpetrated by their superiors.

Paphits: don’t even try to read this! It is far too long and far too complex for you to understand and certainly would not be a favourite read of the ‘God bless America brigade’.

First paragraph ....... I think it fair to consider Australia as a vassal state, with many others of course, including The UK:

Every empire is a dictatorship. No nation can be a democracy that’s either heading an empire, or a vassal-state of one. Obviously, in order to be a vassal-state within an empire, that nation is dictated-to by the nation of which it is a colony. However, even the domestic inhabitants of the colonizing nation cannot be free and living in a democracy, because their services are needed abroad in order to impose the occupying force upon the colony or vassal-nation. This is an important burden upon the ‘citizens’ or actually the subjects of the imperial nation. Furthermore, they need to finance, via their taxes, this occupying force abroad, to a sufficient extent so as to subdue any resistance by the residents in any colony. Every empire is imposed, none is really voluntary. Conquest creates an empire, and the constant application of force maintains it. Every empire is a dictatorship, not only upon its foreign populations (which goes without saying, because otherwise there can’t be any empire), but upon its domestic ones too, upon its own subjects.”
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Paphitis » Wed Jun 12, 2019 2:41 am

Looks like Assange is roast with the latest arrest of real Australian Journalists, Assange has no chance now.

At this point, Australia would like to thank the Ecuadorian Government for their assistance and cooperation.

IMF Cheque inbound! 8)

We need to start speaking to the Turkish and Pootin Government about this matter too. They can give us a few pointers. :lol:

Middle Index Finger to the world and UN, EXTEND! 8)

Now if you would all excuse me, I'm in the middle of a domestic with Mrs Paphitis. She said to me it could have been her, and I almost had the ASIO hotline on my smart phone fast dial. :roll:
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Paphitis » Wed Jun 12, 2019 6:09 am

BTW, I do not know what gives you the idea why I would attempt to read Duran.

Sorry but I have standards here!

Honestly, how many forumers do you think will read your garbage trash links? One or 2? That's all! :lol:
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Jun 12, 2019 9:42 am

Paphitis wrote:Looks like Assange is roast with the latest arrest of real Australian Journalists, Assange has no chance now.

At this point, Australia would like to thank the Ecuadorian Government for their assistance and cooperation.

IMF Cheque inbound! 8)

We need to start speaking to the Turkish and Pootin Government about this matter too. They can give us a few pointers. :lol:

Middle Index Finger to the world and UN, EXTEND! 8)

Now if you would all excuse me, I'm in the middle of a domestic with Mrs Paphitis. She said to me it could have been her, and I almost had the ASIO hotline on my smart phone fast dial. :roll:

As you once described her as a well respected journalist ..... she obviously stays with you out of pity. If you have been stupid enough to even hint at your opinions on Assad and other journalists to her ...... start looking for somewhere to live after she throws you out! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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