Snowden and Manning both committed offences in the US, were both US citizens at the time and they stole US military documents/videos/e-mails etc and thus broke US Law.
Assange stole nothing and, if you don’t accept he was acting as a journalist, then how about he was a publisher? You can’t argue with that.
What Manning supplied and Wikileak’s released was authentic and accurate. Assange’s ‘crime’ is that the release exposed US war crimes and what is happening now is nothing more than a spiteful vendetta to punish Wikileaks (Assange) for having the audacity to show up US war crimes and crimes against humanity.
I have no problem with him being charged with rape but I also think it is pressure from the UK and the US on Sweden that have resurrected charges that were previously dropped through lack of evidence. If found guilty ..... then send him down.
To send him to the US on the charges they have come up with makes a mockery of the Law and will be a travesty of justice if they are allowed to extradite him. If this extradition goes ahead then the West is no better than the old Stalinist Soviet Union, after all isn’t the Law there to protect the people against criminals ? So what happened to the criminals the documents/videos exposed? Now we seem to let the criminals off and punish those that expose them.
BTW: The accusation of Assange colluding with Russia was only ever that, an accusation, the US has never presented an iota of evidence. Also, the accusation that Assange was responsible for hacking the DNC server was also proved to be a load of rubbish. It was never hacked! The data was loaded onto a memory stick, this was proved because of the download speed .... it was not achievable through a hack. It was an inside job!