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Assange arrested!

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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Robin Hood » Sun May 26, 2019 5:29 pm

FYI: Edward Snowden sought and was given asylum in Russia in 2013 and is currently living in Moscow ..... with a ‘pole dancer’. I expect the US issued a request for extradition to the US so they could charge him with treason, in 2013. I believe they are still waiting for a reply. Terrible postal system in Russia! :roll:

Snowden and Manning both committed offences in the US, were both US citizens at the time and they stole US military documents/videos/e-mails etc and thus broke US Law.

Assange stole nothing and, if you don’t accept he was acting as a journalist, then how about he was a publisher? You can’t argue with that.

What Manning supplied and Wikileak’s released was authentic and accurate. Assange’s ‘crime’ is that the release exposed US war crimes and what is happening now is nothing more than a spiteful vendetta to punish Wikileaks (Assange) for having the audacity to show up US war crimes and crimes against humanity.

I have no problem with him being charged with rape but I also think it is pressure from the UK and the US on Sweden that have resurrected charges that were previously dropped through lack of evidence. If found guilty ..... then send him down.

To send him to the US on the charges they have come up with makes a mockery of the Law and will be a travesty of justice if they are allowed to extradite him. If this extradition goes ahead then the West is no better than the old Stalinist Soviet Union, after all isn’t the Law there to protect the people against criminals ? So what happened to the criminals the documents/videos exposed? Now we seem to let the criminals off and punish those that expose them.

BTW: The accusation of Assange colluding with Russia was only ever that, an accusation, the US has never presented an iota of evidence. Also, the accusation that Assange was responsible for hacking the DNC server was also proved to be a load of rubbish. It was never hacked! The data was loaded onto a memory stick, this was proved because of the download speed .... it was not achievable through a hack. It was an inside job! :wink:
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby kurupetos » Tue May 28, 2019 3:45 pm

I was right. :shock:

Julian Assange could face death penalty after US hits him with espionage charges and accused him using Wikileaks to endanger American lives ... e-charges/
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Paphitis » Tue May 28, 2019 11:41 pm

kurupetos wrote:I was right. :shock:

Julian Assange could face death penalty after US hits him with espionage charges and accused him using Wikileaks to endanger American lives ... e-charges/

He won't be facing the Death Penalty because if he did, it would become a serious hurdle for Australia, UK and Sweden and the Yanks won't do that.

Britain won't extradite him, Sweden won't and Australia will get involved and place pressure on the UK and Sweden not to either. If necessary, Australia will issue its own charges and ask for his extradition to Australia just so to avoid any Death Penalty and the UK and Sweden will be more willing to transfer him to Australia just so that he doesn't face Capital Punishment.
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Londonrake » Thu May 30, 2019 8:34 am

Just thought I’d post this article which surfaced today: ... veal-have/

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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Robin Hood » Thu May 30, 2019 11:35 am

Londonrake wrote:Just thought I’d post this article which surfaced today: ... veal-have/


Just thought I’d post this article which also surfaced today:...... from RT:

18 Ways Julian Assange Changed the World - By Lee Camp - May 28, 2019 "Information Clearing House"

Julian Assange is a dick. It’s important you understand that.

Assange and WikiLeaks revealed the American military’s war crimes, the American government’s corruption and the American corporate media’s pathetic servile flattery to the power elite. So, if you’re a member of our ruling class, you would view those as textbook examples of dickery.

In a moment I’m going to list all the ways Julian Assange changed the world by being a dick. :wink:

Full article .........
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Robin Hood » Fri May 31, 2019 7:56 pm

The UN is now on the case via The OHCHR ...........

UN expert says "collective persecution" of Julian Assange must end now

GENEVA (31 May 2019) A UN expert who visited Julian Assange in a London prison says he fears his human rights could be seriously violated if he is extradited to the United States and condemned the deliberate and concerted abuse inflicted for years on the Wikileaks co-founder.

The background to the report ....

The UN Torture Report On Assange Is An Indictment Of Our Entire Society by Caitlin Johnstone

On the eighth of April, shortly before London police forcibly carried WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange out of the Ecuadorian embassy, a doctor named Sondra S Crosby wrote a letter to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights requesting that the office look into Assange's case. Today, following a scorching rebuke of multiple governments by UN Special Rapporteur on torture Nils Melzer, mass media outlets around the world are reporting that Julian Assange has been found to be the victim of brutal psychological torture.

Melzer, who by his own admission began his investigation as someone who had "been affected by the same misguided smear campaign as everybody else" regarding Assange, speaks of Assange's plight with the fresh-eyed ferocity of a man who has not been immersed in a soul-corroding career in establishment politics or mass media. A man has not been indoctrinated into accepting as normal the relentless, malicious character assassinations of the western political/media class against a publisher of inconvenient facts about the powerful. A man who, when looking deeply and objectively into the facts with uncorrupted vision, was able to see clearly just how unforgivably abusive Assange's treatment has been.
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jun 01, 2019 5:33 am

The so called expert can piss off.

We don't care about so called "experts" There is no UNGA or SC vote condemning or preventing his extradition to the USA to face the law so expert opinions are irrelevant.

If the UN interfere, then Australia will issue its own warrants because he has violated Australian Laws against the Federal Government Secrets Act and that is a minimum penalty of 7 years to up to life imprisonment.

Our law is the law. We don't give a toss about UN expert opinions and interference against our judicial systems.

You can argue that the Death Penalty in the USA is a violation of Human Rights but the USA has a right to form its own laws as do other countries. I may not like it, and we all may not like it but their law enforcement and judiciary is a matter for them and not the UN.

Either way, there is no escape for assange. the Australian Government will not have him enjoying a great beach at the Sunshine Coast when he published State Secrets and jeopardized Australia's National Security.
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jun 01, 2019 6:52 am

Paphitis wrote:The so called expert can piss off.

We don't care about so called "experts" There is no UNGA or SC vote condemning or preventing his extradition to the USA to face the law so expert opinions are irrelevant.

If the UN interfere, then Australia will issue its own warrants because he has violated Australian Laws against the Federal Government Secrets Act and that is a minimum penalty of 7 years to up to life imprisonment.

Our law is the law. We don't give a toss about UN expert opinions and interference against our judicial systems.

You can argue that the Death Penalty in the USA is a violation of Human Rights but the USA has a right to form its own laws as do other countries. I may not like it, and we all may not like it but their law enforcement and judiciary is a matter for them and not the UN.

Either way, there is no escape for assange. the Australian Government will not have him enjoying a great beach at the Sunshine Coast when he published State Secrets and jeopardized Australia's National Security.

As far as the US and its allied mouthpieces are concerned Assange’s only‘crime’ is that he exposed their war crimes and crimes against humanity. For that he has to be punished! Even those in the media that have been opposed to Assange for years are now supporting him being released. I ask again; why are the criminals he exposed still free? :x

I don’t think I have ever met anyone as gullible as you for this National Security bullshit. Give you power and you would be dangerous! :roll:
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:09 am

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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Londonrake » Mon Jun 03, 2019 9:33 pm

Julian Assange: Swedish judge rejects detention of Wikileaks founder

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