Never mind, Paphitis rushed in to rescue the thread from descending into oblivion. Yet, it doesn't seem to matter about the repeated evidence of your own eyes (When does it ever?

So, there's a prolonged (off topic) heated discussion about the Russian land-grab in Ukraine. Cornered with a few of those unpleasant fact things, you pull the bog-standard stunt - rush off to find an "equivalence"

Robin Hood wrote:Londonrake wrote:So ..... you still can't provide any justification for your (Western) different attitudes to annexation by Israel vs annexation by Russia ? You just throw another totally unrelated event into the hat ..... Turkey/Cyprus !
Actually, I think it should have been - "a totally unrelated hat into the ring", but let's not get pedantic.

Both of us locked into a discussion about the Crimea - and Israel/the Golan wasn't a "totally unrelated event" then?

In case you haven't noticed, we live in Cyprus. In case you haven't noticed, this is primarily an ROC forum. In case you haven't noticed, what Russia did in the Crimea is fundamentally what Turkey did here. So "unrelated"? I don't think so.
This is futile I know (I've had 9 years of experience) but I challenge you to answer, without obfuscation or bullshite, for the interest of other members, a few pertinent questions.
Do you think the Turkish occupation of the north here was justified?
Do you think that if a referendum were held in the north which voted overwhelmingly for them to be annexed by Turkey that would be acceptable?
Do you think that the events which occurred - and such a hypothetical electoral event - are in accordance with the international law that you keep piously spouting about on other threads?
Do you acknowledge that events here in 1974 and since - and those which took place in the Crimea - are intrinsically the same?
I'm sure that, like me, nobody's holding their breathe. Blank.

BTW. Something I was reflecting on this evening. Can you cite a case where you've had a prolonged difference of opinion with anybody, on any forum (and there have been so very many such threads), which hasn't descended into acrimony? What do you think the common factor might just be?