As a matter of long held principle Sweden doesn't extradite people for military or political crimes. IIRC it was considered a safe-haven by deserters from the US armed forces during the Vietnam era, almost half a century ago.
Whilst the subject is always inexorably driven towards Assange's cyber activities the fundamental remains unaltered, he was wanted for alleged sexual misdemeanors by the authorities in Sweden, however bizarre their laws might appear to others. He was set to be returned there under the conditions of a European Arrest Warrant to face related investigations and jumped ship accordingly.
I can't find anything to indicate that the women involved were whores and suspect that's a very apt demonstration of my earlier point about how they, rather than Assange, have been the targets of a campaign of slurs
I can find a record of an IMF loan of $4.2 billion issued to Ecuador in March on their website. That was under entirely transparent conditions which are routine for IMF activities. That after all is what the organisation exists to do. I think the idea that the US "rubber stamped" it - brown envelope with a wink and a nod - purely to get their hands on a minnow like Assange borders on conspiracy theory.
7 year incarceration in the Ecuadorian embassy was entirely self inflicted. Had he surrendered himself to the authorities, as required by the conditions of his bail, should he have been convicted he would have been free years ago. That would have been the case even if he'd ended up in the US, where AFAIUI the maximum term for his alleged offences would have been 5 years. Now he faces the possibility of having to go through all that, regardless. Short of spending his entire life in the Ecuadorian embassy that outcome seemed inevitable. I can't think of a better pointer to what a plonker the man is.
"Chelsea" Manning was actually Bradley at the time of his offence. He/she was subsequently released by Obama on compassionate grounds. As always I have no doubt that had he/she committed such crimes in the armed forces of some of the nations frequently stoutly defended on these forums he would have simply been quietly done away with. With nods of understanding agreement of course.
Sorry but I don't accept links from "independent" sites such as informationclearinghouse for reasons which I've highlighted many times in the past. In a nutshell, they ain't actually "independent" at all.