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Assange arrested!

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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Maximus » Thu May 02, 2019 11:31 am

I dont think any of that is the point and of course, you can expect him to get demonized by certain factions.

That's the way the story usually goes. Anything to assassinate his character, add weight to a cause and divert attention away from the fallacy of it all.

I dont really know to be fair

But what is he actually being arrested and standing trial for? He wasn't bolted up in an embassy for so long because of allegations of sexual assault. Those charges were dropped. He didn't commit a crime in the UK and he wont end up in Sweden. Guess where he will end up?

All this was because he was a whistle blower , he published information about the crimes of other people in high places.

What about those he told on? They seem to be immune from investigation and his evidence.
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Londonrake » Thu May 02, 2019 11:55 am

Maximus wrote:I dont think any of that is the point and of course, you can expect him to be get demonized by certain factions.

Of course it's the point. The man was indicted on sexual misdemeanour related charges in Sweden. His reputation as a so-called champion of "free speech" had nothing to do with that.

If you want some good examples of "demonisation" you should look into the stuff that's been thrown at his two accusers in the past. These have been subsequently much more muted, due to one of the latest lefty trends, the #MeToo era.

He has been arrested, and tried for the crime of reneging on his bail terms and why not? Whilst he's enjoying his time at her majesty's pleasure the UK will probably have to decide whether to send him back to Sweden - that's what my money's on - or the greater political hot potato, westwards.

When Jeremy gets in to No 10 all bets will be off! :lol: Then I wouldn't be surprised to see Diane Abbott elevate Assange to sainthood. :wink: Attacking the Great Satan always out trumps (sorry!) a lesser thing like rape of course
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Londonrake » Thu May 02, 2019 12:04 pm

BTW. Sweden’s a funny place. :D Whilst the term “Rape” is quite emotive it looks like he was actually having consensual shags with these 2 ladies but surreptitiously removed his condom. Thus “forcing” them to have unprotected sex. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Robin Hood » Thu May 02, 2019 2:26 pm

Maybe a door slammed, he thought it was her husband and he just went limp and it came off? I think 'ladies' is an insult to ladies ..... they were apparently hookers or at least escorts!

Assanges fear, and fully justified, is that the second he got to Sweden he would be handed over to the US. Even today, apart from his association with Manning no other charges have been release ..... only hinted at by those he has upset.

As I person I don't like Assange any more than Williamson but he did a service to people all over the World by exposing a lot of war crimes, corruption and manipulation by those in high places. He really did no more than a good investigative journalist would do ..... WikiLeaks never disclosed their sources and, believe it or not, in all the years they have been releasing these documents not once have they issued false claims, it was all kosher! More than you can say for the MSM?

So, I feel sorry for him. I think 9 years banged up in a single room with little or no access to the rest of the World, should be regarded as time served. The UK Government knew where he was the whole time ...... that cost the taxpayers £16m apparently. The reason Ecuador took his asylum away from him was to placate the US and the UK went along with the US demands. In return the US rubber stamped a $10.4bn loan from the IMF for the Ecuadorian Government ..... everything has a price. :roll:
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Robin Hood » Thu May 02, 2019 5:47 pm

An opinion by what I think could be regarded as retired but still patriotic US Military Professionals. A valid argument and explanation.

VIPS: Extradition of Julian Assange Threatens Us All

Retaliation against Julian Assange over the past decade plus replicates a pattern of ruthless political retaliation against whistleblowers, in particular those who reveal truths hidden by illegal secrecy, VIPS says. By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity

In an analysis of the indictment’s implications, the Project on Government Oversight (POGO) observed that it includes an allegation that “Assange and Manning took measures to conceal Manning as the source of the disclosure…including by removing usernames from the disclosed information and deleting chat logs between Assange and Manning,” and that they “used a special folder on a cloud drop box of WikiLeaks to transmit classified records.”

“These are not only legitimate but professionally advised journalistic practices for source protection,” notes POGO. It is worth noting that Manning had Top Secret clearance and did not need Assange’s assistance to gain access to databases, but only to hide her identity.

Full article ... with links:
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Londonrake » Thu May 02, 2019 7:50 pm

As a matter of long held principle Sweden doesn't extradite people for military or political crimes. IIRC it was considered a safe-haven by deserters from the US armed forces during the Vietnam era, almost half a century ago.

Whilst the subject is always inexorably driven towards Assange's cyber activities the fundamental remains unaltered, he was wanted for alleged sexual misdemeanors by the authorities in Sweden, however bizarre their laws might appear to others. He was set to be returned there under the conditions of a European Arrest Warrant to face related investigations and jumped ship accordingly.

I can't find anything to indicate that the women involved were whores and suspect that's a very apt demonstration of my earlier point about how they, rather than Assange, have been the targets of a campaign of slurs

I can find a record of an IMF loan of $4.2 billion issued to Ecuador in March on their website. That was under entirely transparent conditions which are routine for IMF activities. That after all is what the organisation exists to do. I think the idea that the US "rubber stamped" it - brown envelope with a wink and a nod - purely to get their hands on a minnow like Assange borders on conspiracy theory.

Assange's 7 year incarceration in the Ecuadorian embassy was entirely self inflicted. Had he surrendered himself to the authorities, as required by the conditions of his bail, should he have been convicted he would have been free years ago. That would have been the case even if he'd ended up in the US, where AFAIUI the maximum term for his alleged offences would have been 5 years. Now he faces the possibility of having to go through all that, regardless. Short of spending his entire life in the Ecuadorian embassy that outcome seemed inevitable. I can't think of a better pointer to what a plonker the man is.

"Chelsea" Manning was actually Bradley at the time of his offence. He/she was subsequently released by Obama on compassionate grounds. As always I have no doubt that had he/she committed such crimes in the armed forces of some of the nations frequently stoutly defended on these forums he would have simply been quietly done away with. With nods of understanding agreement of course.

Sorry but I don't accept links from "independent" sites such as informationclearinghouse for reasons which I've highlighted many times in the past. In a nutshell, they ain't actually "independent" at all. :wink:
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Paphitis » Fri May 03, 2019 3:08 am

He has asked for diplomatic assistance from Australia... :lol:

Gosh, he is desperate now. The Australian Government would arrest him and the only reason they haven’t issued espionage charges is because the Yanks are after him.

Some people are calling this journalism but what he engaged in was anything but. It was Espionage alright.

Australia would extradite him to USA as well. Means we don’t have to deal with him.

As for Chelsea Manning, the law is very clear. She had no right to reveal State Secrets to be published on the net. People do not have the right to know. She is still in prison even though she got a pardon as a virtue signal because of her sex change. But she won’t be released unless she testifies against Assange who is the big fish here.

No sympathy from me. Chooks coming home to roost! In the old days it would have been the Death Penalty.

I just wish the Brits handed him over to the Yanks already. Now we have to wait 50 weeks for the real show to begin. I mean come on Brits. There must be something in the water over there. Skipping bail is the least of Assange’s worries. He faces several counts of espionage, hacking government agencies, collusion with enemy States, and revealing State secrets whilst at war.

This is going to be a very big lesson here. Don’t fuck with the State.
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Paphitis » Fri May 03, 2019 4:11 am

Last night the Brits said they could deport him to Australia after he is released from jail so that the Aussies can extradite him to USA - which they will.

The reaction from Canberra could be heard from Sydney - went something like this!

ScoMo - NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOooooooooo we don’t know this man. We much rather have horse face (I need an orthodontist) Jacinda Ardern!

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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Robin Hood » Fri May 03, 2019 6:23 am

Sorry but I don't accept links from "independent" sites such as informationclearinghouse for reasons which I've highlighted many times in the past. In a nutshell, they ain't actually "independent" at all.

So educate me? What sites do you consider to be independent?

This is why any dialogue with you is a waste of time. You have your very narrow opinion, from your selected sources, so any other view is not worth your consideration. That is what propaganda, a single sided and biased view, is all about! :roll:

ICH is just a platform not a publishing house and is about as independent as you can get! When Tom Feely gets the flu .... the platform stops until he is better. Run by one man, no adverts and is completely reader funded.

If you want Corporate media independent platforms ............ there aren’t any! :roll:

Before you pass judgement on ICH, maybe you should let the man speak for himself? :?:

I don't believe that readers should trust any source of information. Readers should gather information from alternate sources and use their own intellect and judgment of the content to form opinions.” – Tom Feeley.
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Re: Assange arrested!

Postby Londonrake » Fri May 03, 2019 10:02 am

Oh dear, that’s got to be the Everest of cherry-picking. Still haven’t learned to go make that cup of tea yet then? :(

Dialogue with me may be “a waste of time” but mostly you don’t seem to attract much else - beyond one-liner stuff or the obsequious. Even here, where you’re always ensured of a sympathetic ear by some.

This is usually where I get indignantly accused of personal abuse.

Over 9 years I’ve probably expended more effort reading your “independent” links than the rest of this site combined. In all that time I’ve yet to come across a single article criticising the likes of Russia/Iran/China/North Korea/Venezuela, et al, whatever goes on. They’re packed to the gunwales with people writing anti-West/Israeli material, sometimes even feeding off each other’s output and plagiaristically regurgitating it as original and “the real truth”. :roll: Highly prejudiced “authors” with an axe to grind. Those sites are the antithesis of independent and talk of my having “a very narrow opinion” in that context is pretty hypocritical. :wink:

I’ve always been consistent in my view of such sites whilst, conversely, some will scathingly dismiss any MSM material which doesn’t suit, whilst on other occasions happily posting articles appropriate to their agenda, usually under the cover of “I thought you might be more inclined to believe this”. :roll: Which of course is very............ :wink:

Anyway, I think I’ll just leave Julian to his fate at this juncture. It’s for the best. 8)
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