ArcticIce wrote: Birtish is most civillised nation in the world!
This is the most stupid remark yet made on this forum. I am ashamed to say that I'm of British birth, as were all my ancestors, as far as I can trace back. I left the UK permanently in 1963. Why? Precisely because I found Britain increasingly uncivilised.
You, who claim to be of Indian origin, have you forgotten what the Brits did to your country? Was the East India Company, which looted the riches of your country, headed by a low-born megalomaniac, Clive, and who set Raja against Raja to prevent the French from even further looting civilised? Was the Black Hole of Calcutta civilised? Was setting Hindu against Muslim and Sikh against both civilised? Was imprisoning a man of peace and allowing him to starve civilised? Was arbitrarily dividing your country civilised? Was calling the sovereign of a far-off country, who never set foot in it , emperor civilised?
The Brits are a band of arrogant barbarians at heart, as this country can testify with much of its history over the past 130 years, and it continues even today: see today's Cyprus Weekly headlines and tell me whether they are civilised.