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Postby devil » Fri Jan 20, 2006 5:38 pm

ArcticIce wrote: Birtish is most civillised nation in the world!

This is the most stupid remark yet made on this forum. I am ashamed to say that I'm of British birth, as were all my ancestors, as far as I can trace back. I left the UK permanently in 1963. Why? Precisely because I found Britain increasingly uncivilised.

You, who claim to be of Indian origin, have you forgotten what the Brits did to your country? Was the East India Company, which looted the riches of your country, headed by a low-born megalomaniac, Clive, and who set Raja against Raja to prevent the French from even further looting civilised? Was the Black Hole of Calcutta civilised? Was setting Hindu against Muslim and Sikh against both civilised? Was imprisoning a man of peace and allowing him to starve civilised? Was arbitrarily dividing your country civilised? Was calling the sovereign of a far-off country, who never set foot in it , emperor civilised?

The Brits are a band of arrogant barbarians at heart, as this country can testify with much of its history over the past 130 years, and it continues even today: see today's Cyprus Weekly headlines and tell me whether they are civilised.
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Postby pumpernickle » Fri Jan 20, 2006 6:26 pm

I'm civilised and I'm British.

Although I do have a habit of initiating conversation before having finished a mouthful, but only sometimes and in informal company.

Still a heinous sin.

anyway, enough of the poo-larks about British rule over India. We gave 'em cricket and G&T, how much more could a country want!

you wrong.

Plus, I fear you are a Daily Mail Peter Hitchen-ite loon-o with views like, 'I left Britain in 1963 because it was becoming more uncivilised'.

Did you find those shrieking girls at the feet of John Lennon and George Harrison the last straw? Or was it the callous invention of the Morris Mini which facilitated women to move about freely that broke the camel's back?
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Postby devil » Sat Jan 21, 2006 11:40 am

Actually, it was two stays on this island, 18 months in 52/53 and again 6 months in 56 that started to open my eyes and my mind. The Suez "crisis" didn't help, either. The two last straws were that I, as a member of a liberal profession governed by Royal Charter, was being forced to join a militant Trade Union, against my will, in order to continue practising and also there was the quasi-certainty of Wilson being elected the following year. Now don't get me wrong: I'm not, in any way, right wing. In fact, if you have to label me, I'm somewhat left of centre on most issues and very left on some others. I'm not against trade unions, except where a) they are controlled from a foreign country with extremist views and b) where they try to remove individual powers of negotiation. It was not civilised for my working conditions and salary to be regulated from Moscow. I'm not against the Labour party, as such, but I was against what Wilson stood for, just as much as I'm against what Blair stands for today, but for different reasons.

However, your biggest insult, which I take very personally, is your implication that I may read tabloid rags of the lowest level of humanity. I have no idea who your Peter Hitchen may be but if he writes for that rubbish, then he earns, de facto, no respect from me (the same goes for writers for all other tabloids and even some of the broadsheets). So please do not associate me with the nadir of journalism.

And I liked the Beatles. And it was the Minor, not the Mini, that emancipated women (remember the lilac series to commemorate the millionth one off the production line?)
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Postby Mikros » Sat Jan 21, 2006 2:35 pm

Yes, the Mini was for the gays.... like the Beetle! :)
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Postby VEX8 » Sat Jan 21, 2006 2:57 pm

Oooh..... somebody actually said " quasi". This is getting so highbrow i nearly spilt my earl Grey.
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Postby VEX8 » Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:06 pm

On a more serious note as I am working to emigrate to Cyprus as soon as possible can anyone tell me if this Ruskie issue is a real problem or has it been exaggerated ? And are there any "race" issues that are a problem?
I should say that i am a white Brit who is getting mighty fed up with the attitude of my government and fellow citizens towards racial integration, not only from a white point of view mind, but also because i get the feeling that some other races and cultures that have made Britain their home are deliberately excluding others, so causing a feeling of tension. Am i wrong or just ignorant of the bigger picture?
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Postby Svetlana » Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:00 pm


Do tell us more about yourself and where you intend to move to and work at.

This Forum is going through a 'Russian' phase ATM, but it will pass; Russians are a true minority here; depending where you live, you will go for weeks without meeting any. The are responsible for very little crime, but are an easy target for bad-mouthing.

The main racial issues are: GC v TC and Turks and some Cypriots who regard coloured people as being beneath them. There are also a few ex-pats who think they are rather superior, too.

Generally, life is very laid back here; always remember that you are a guest here and respect that Cypriots will have a different culture to someone from the UK.

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Postby devil » Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:22 pm

VEX8 wrote:On a more serious note as I am working to emigrate to Cyprus as soon as possible can anyone tell me if this Ruskie issue is a real problem or has it been exaggerated ? And are there any "race" issues that are a problem?
I should say that i am a white Brit who is getting mighty fed up with the attitude of my government and fellow citizens towards racial integration, not only from a white point of view mind, but also because i get the feeling that some other races and cultures that have made Britain their home are deliberately excluding others, so causing a feeling of tension. Am i wrong or just ignorant of the bigger picture?

If I interpret what you are saying correctly (I hope I'm wrong), you may feel out of place here because you will be an alien in a Cypriot culture. How well can you assimilate? Will you speak Greek? Will you wish to live in a British ghetto, like many of my fellow-Brits or would you like to live in a village without any other Brits within a few km and where only a few inhabitants may even speak English? IOW, the boot may be on the other foot.
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Postby VEX8 » Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:24 pm

Thanks for your interest Svetlana.
As for me I have no idea where i am going to live or what i am going to do for a job when i finally get to Cyprus. The only 'skill' i have is as a delivery driver in London and the home counties, something that i am sure won't be of much use to me when i do get over there. I am trying to convince myself that i need to taste some adventure before i become a real grown up (i'm actually 35 today, but i refuse to act my age).
Don't laugh, but i have never actually been to Cyprus. My brother was posted there during his army days where he spent the first Gulf War defending democracy by scuba diving at the army's expence. Also my mum, step father and one of my sisters moved out there about 6 years ago (they had a villa built at Coral Bay) but i want to do this as much on my own as i can. My brother and his family are also going to Cyprus but it'll be just me and my dog Juno trying to make it together. I can't say i'm not worried about what i'm going to do but i will not give up without trying.
As for a job i'm going to do anything that pays the rent. I'm realy looking forward to simplifying my life, not that it's too complicated at present, so the slower pace of life will be welcome.
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Postby bacardi » Sat Jan 21, 2006 6:32 pm

Hi Vex8 and welcome, Im only a newie too

The others have made good points about living here and certain parts of the island are totally different to others. Saying that one thing will be a constant - you are the foreigner! As long as you think you can handle this you'll be ok. The English are treated, in my humble (so apologies to anyone that wishes to correct me) as slightly higher up the food chain than some other nationalities that live here but there is still racism here.

Can I just ask, are you planning a visit before you move here?
I wish you luck whatever path you take.

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