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The A6 highway after Brexit .... I see problems!

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The A6 highway after Brexit .... I see problems!

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Mar 28, 2019 4:50 pm

As the A6 road tunnel and the stretch of highway that goes from Paphos to/from Limassol, through the British Sovereign Base Area is effectively passing through UK Territory after Brexit (With or without an Agreement.):

• Will there now be UK Customs and Immigration checks at the crossing points?

• Will I need a transit visa?

• Will my Cyprus licence and car insurance still be valid or will I need an International license and an Insurance green card?

• Will I have to pay duty on goods bought in Paphos or in the other direction, Limassol?

• Will the speed limits be changed to MPH from Kph?

• Will the GESY arrangements still work if I have an accident in the tunnel and need treatment?

• Does passing through the tunnel count as ‘Leaving Cyprus’ for Tax purposes?

..... or do I just say f**k it ..... and go the long way round through the hills and villages? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can see BIG problems here! I think we need a backstop and we need a Referendum followed by a series of Meaningful Votes or maybe just Indicative Vote’s, to sort this all out ......... better late than never ........ you know what Cypriots and UK Civil Servants can be like when interpreting the rule book! :roll:
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Re: The A6 highway after Brexit .... I see problems!

Postby Kikapu » Thu Mar 28, 2019 5:13 pm

Robin Hood wrote:As the A6 road tunnel and the stretch of highway that goes from Paphos to/from Limassol, through the British Sovereign Base Area is effectively passing through UK Territory after Brexit (With or without an Agreement.):

• Will there now be UK Customs and Immigration checks at the crossing points?

• Will I need a transit visa?

• Will my Cyprus licence and car insurance still be valid or will I need an International license and an Insurance green card?

• Will I have to pay duty on goods bought in Paphos or in the other direction, Limassol?

• Will the speed limits be changed to MPH from Kph?

• Will the GESY arrangements still work if I have an accident in the tunnel and need treatment?

• Does passing through the tunnel count as ‘Leaving Cyprus’ for Tax purposes?

..... or do I just say f**k it ..... and go the long way round through the hills and villages? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can see BIG problems here! I think we need a backstop and we need a Referendum followed by a series of Meaningful Votes or maybe just Indicative Vote’s, to sort this all out ......... better late than never ........ you know what Cypriots and UK Civil Servants can be like when interpreting the rule book! :roll:

Most probably build a tunnel or an overpass for the general traffic to avoid going through the Base, but instead go beneath it or over it. :idea:
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Re: The A6 highway after Brexit .... I see problems!

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Mar 28, 2019 7:27 pm

Most probably build a tunnel or an overpass for the general traffic to avoid going through the Base, but instead go beneath it or over it. :idea:

Nope ..... can't do that! :roll: Overpass .... will be in UK airspace and we won't let you dig under us as its our dirt It is either around us or ...... some bright spark starts a roll-on-roll-off ferry to go round it by sea!

We will take all steps to defend our Sovereign territory ...... and all options to protect our citizens are still on the table, including sanctions on the RoC. :lol: :lol:
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Re: The A6 highway after Brexit .... I see problems!

Postby kurupetos » Thu Mar 28, 2019 11:53 pm

No worries RH. Cypriots love duty free shops! :mrgreen:
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Re: The A6 highway after Brexit .... I see problems!

Postby miltiades » Fri Mar 29, 2019 4:30 am

What a bloody mess, the laughing stock of Europe and the world at large. Small minded little Englanders. Led by arsehole Farage and Boris the Clown, they have reduced our parliament to a circus.May must go down in history as the most incompetent pm, but whoever follows could even be far worst, could it be the Clown ?? The mind boggles. The only solution to this is for a referendum, the people now know what leaving the EU would mean for us all, for the young and the new generation. Some still believe that leaving the EU would be beneficial to the UK, they do not really care if our economy will suffet just as long as .....we have our country back !! I have challenged many to name just one detrimental law imposed by the EU on us without receiving one logical answer. Someone responded by stating that " we can now control our own borders" yes sure, the country is overrun by third world immigrants, yet we do not want Europeans who share so much with us.
Boy am I pleased to be out of it, the thought of the Clown leading the country makes me puke.
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Re: The A6 highway after Brexit .... I see problems!

Postby B25 » Fri Mar 29, 2019 9:30 am

Robin Hood wrote:As the A6 road tunnel and the stretch of highway that goes from Paphos to/from Limassol, through the British Sovereign Base Area is effectively passing through UK Territory after Brexit (With or without an Agreement.):

• Will there now be UK Customs and Immigration checks at the crossing points?

• Will I need a transit visa?

• Will my Cyprus licence and car insurance still be valid or will I need an International license and an Insurance green card?

• Will I have to pay duty on goods bought in Paphos or in the other direction, Limassol?

• Will the speed limits be changed to MPH from Kph?

• Will the GESY arrangements still work if I have an accident in the tunnel and need treatment?

• Does passing through the tunnel count as ‘Leaving Cyprus’ for Tax purposes?

..... or do I just say f**k it ..... and go the long way round through the hills and villages? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can see BIG problems here! I think we need a backstop and we need a Referendum followed by a series of Meaningful Votes or maybe just Indicative Vote’s, to sort this all out ......... better late than never ........ you know what Cypriots and UK Civil Servants can be like when interpreting the rule book! :roll:

Simple solution to that, is :
Get rid of the British Bases and so called SBA! :)
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Re: The A6 highway after Brexit .... I see problems!

Postby Kikapu » Fri Mar 29, 2019 10:37 am

B25 wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:As the A6 road tunnel and the stretch of highway that goes from Paphos to/from Limassol, through the British Sovereign Base Area is effectively passing through UK Territory after Brexit (With or without an Agreement.):

• Will there now be UK Customs and Immigration checks at the crossing points?

• Will I need a transit visa?

• Will my Cyprus licence and car insurance still be valid or will I need an International license and an Insurance green card?

• Will I have to pay duty on goods bought in Paphos or in the other direction, Limassol?

• Will the speed limits be changed to MPH from Kph?

• Will the GESY arrangements still work if I have an accident in the tunnel and need treatment?

• Does passing through the tunnel count as ‘Leaving Cyprus’ for Tax purposes?

..... or do I just say f**k it ..... and go the long way round through the hills and villages? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can see BIG problems here! I think we need a backstop and we need a Referendum followed by a series of Meaningful Votes or maybe just Indicative Vote’s, to sort this all out ......... better late than never ........ you know what Cypriots and UK Civil Servants can be like when interpreting the rule book! :roll:

Simple solution to that, is :
Get rid of the British Bases and so called SBA! :)

Let’s hope the UK leaves the EU, and once the damage is done and the UK will want to come back to the EU, they will have to give up their bases in Cyprus, give up Gibraltar and Northern Ireland for starters. :D
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Re: The A6 highway after Brexit .... I see problems!

Postby Londonrake » Fri Mar 29, 2019 11:54 am

Just a wild guess here but actually I suspect things will go on in the same way they do at the moment. Well, much like cross channel trade.
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Re: The A6 highway after Brexit .... I see problems!

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Mar 29, 2019 1:36 pm

It was posted as a spoof ..... not to be taken seriously but ......

Simple solution to that, is :
Get rid of the British Bases and so called SBA!

Absolutely! We should give it back to those we took it from ...... hang on a minute ...... that was Turkey! :shock:

So let’s think of a better solution like make Dhekelia a displaced persons camp for refugees from the local war zones and Episkopi/Akrotiri the location of a new United Nations centre to replace the one in New York. Gift both sites to the UN put it under UN control and international administration. It would put Cyprus on the map. :wink:

Or we could give it back to the RoC ...... but we already have enough taverna’s, bars, restaurants, kiosks, mini markets etc don't we? The alternative would be to turn it into a very upmarket, very expensive development like the Marina but on a massive scale ...... for foreigners. (Russians?)

Let’s hope the UK leaves the EU, and once the damage is done and the UK will want to come back to the EU, they will have to give up their bases in Cyprus, give up Gibraltar and Northern Ireland for starters.

What makes you believe the UK will ever want to return to be part of a federal Europe, a sort of United States of Europe dominated by the US? The EU as a federal state will never happen, too many other countries also do not want it. ALL want effectively a free trading area but with common standards. Just like the EEC was intended to be before the EU Federalists decided to create a USoEu.

Both NI and Gibraltar have expressed the wish to remain part of the UK. :roll:

As for the Bases .... see above!

The only solution to this is for a referendum, the people now know what leaving the EU would mean for us all, for the young and the new generation.

The problem is that the majority have no clue as to what leaving could achieve nor what remaining entails. Most believe the shit that they read in their chosen news source or TV station. How many programs have there been on TV where all these implications are explained in a non-biased way so that the ordinary man in the street, who does not have a Masters Law Degree, can understand them?
I have challenged many to name just one detrimental law imposed by the EU on us without receiving one logical answer.

OK ..... I will give you an answer ........ Lisbon Treaty aka The EU Constitution.
Article 123

1. Overdraft facilities or any other type of credit facility with the European Central Bank or with the central banks of the Member States (hereinafter referred to as ‘national central banks’) in favour of Union institutions, bodies, offices or agencies, central governments, regional, local or other public authorities, other bodies governed by public law, or public undertakings of Member States shall be prohibited, as shall the purchase directly from them by the European Central Bank or national central banks of debt instruments.

2. Paragraph 1 shall not apply to publicly owned credit institutions which, in the context of the supply of reserves by central banks, shall be given the same treatment by national central banks and the European Central Bank as private credit institutions.

Article 124

Any measure, not based on prudential considerations, establishing privileged access by Union institutions, bodies, offices or agencies, central governments, regional, local or other public authorities, other bodies governed by public law, or public undertakings of Member States to financial institutions, shall be prohibited.

…….… and there’s more! You should read through them and then read this.

If you have a problem working out the implication’s .... say so and I will be more than happy to explain! :wink:

BTW: I didn’t vote. I have been away too long. If I had voted I would have voted ‘OUT’ based simply on the implications of Articles 123, 124 and the others, on the UK if the UK remains part of a Federal Europe.
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Re: The A6 highway after Brexit .... I see problems!

Postby Kikapu » Fri Mar 29, 2019 2:19 pm


The UK might want to come back to the EU as half the country wants to stay in the EU. At another time, there could be another referendum to return, but at a huge price. That is what democracy is all about, no?
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