IMO: The majority of people on both sides of the argument didn’t have a clue what it was they were voting for. The whole referendum has been driven by a fear of the unknown and propaganda from both sides that supported their mostly distorted perceptions.
Cyprusgrump wrote:
I'm sorry, that is just daft...
I have no reason to question your figures as anything but accurate but, whatever they spent was clearly completely wasted as it never got the message over as to what Brexit/Remain actually involved. Going by this forum and others discussing the situation the opinions seem to be driven by propaganda and scare mongering from both sides. Very little is tied down to specifics.
Yes .... there were talking heads on the TV almost continually since the referendum but most just made predictions and waffled on without explaining how they came to their conclusions. To have an absolute grasp of the process and the effects is an impossibility .... as we can see from the absolute chaos that prevails in both Parliament and the Government. They all seem completely clueless ........ so who is pulling their strings?
I concentrated on only the bits that interested me and that I knew something about. I was already aware there was a weakness of the system that existed whether it was IN or OUT, that being banking, the monetary and financial systems. That is how I came to look at Articles 123 and 124 of the Lisbon Treaty ...... because in those two articles is a much bigger story. I even posted a link to what the effects of those articles were and how the ECB have used QE and that legislation solely for the benefit of the banks. It turns out that the UK Central Bank did exactly the same thing with their QE and both did it for the same reason .....for the exclusive benefit of the Banks which is obvious as it made no difference either way to the real economy but significantly influenced to the market economy. Neither was of benefit to the people or the real economy!
I don’t like Trump but, I question why May has taken 2½ years to ‘negotiate’ and still get nowhere when Trump can make momentous decisions with a TWEET? Maybe his advice to May was to tell the EU to shove it , send Junker/Barnier et al a TWEET and make it a clean break divorce .... then sort out the problems when they became problems. Not to try and cross all the tee’s and dot all the I’s before making the leap ..... I expect that to Trump, her lack of leadership and endless waffle, is nothing other than a sign of negotiating weakness on the part of the UK.
So it is not daft .... it is a view of events from another angle!