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The A6 highway after Brexit .... I see problems!

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Re: The A6 highway after Brexit .... I see problems!

Postby Kikapu » Sun Mar 31, 2019 9:58 am

I look forward going to the UK for few days, but then, I look forward even more when to leave, so to return back to Switzerland.

Yes, the Brits were masters of the Indians and "Pakistanis" in India for centuries, so they do have certain superiority complex over them, whereas, they have very little over the European countries. Same with the Irish for the longest times as labourers, but no more.

No matter what happens, UK as we knew it is over, whether they remain in the EU or out of the EU. The country is totally divided.

There is an old adege, "if it isn't broken, don't fix it". The Brits version would be, "if it aint broken, don't break it"!

Of course, they have! :D
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Re: The A6 highway after Brexit .... I see problems!

Postby Paphitis » Sun Mar 31, 2019 11:02 am

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Just a quick question(s) for all the Brexiters.

1. Did the UK not benefit economically by being in the EU for the last 40+ years?
2. What was the harm for the UK being in the EU?
3. How would the foreign workers situation going to change in the UK if UK needs workers that the Brits won't do?
4. Will France act as a guard in stopping immigrants going to the UK after Brexit, or will they tell the immigrants, "here is your one way ticket to the UK and Bon Voyage"?

That is an impossible question to answer because we do not know how well the UK could have done out of the EU.

Brexiters are wanting a more independent UK where it isn't dictated to by the EU machine. The UK will have stronger control over its fiscal and monetary policy and its borders.

Norway, isn't an EU member and has one of the strongest economies in Europe. It's doing better than most EU members, if not all EU members.

What Norway, Switzerland and couple of other countries with strong economies who are not EU members, all have the 4 freedoms, as well as make financial contributions to the EU. They just don‘t take part in decisions makings in the EU as a member. It is what “soft“ Brexit would looked like if the UK accepted such a proposal. Norway and other few countries that have special relationship with the EU is as close as one can being an EU member, and yes, these few countries benefit economically by having this kind of relationship with the EU. What the Brexiters want is a 100% separation from the EU.

The truth is, the UK had benefitted economically for the last 40+ years as an EU member state. It is a known fact. One cannot prove a negative what the UK would have done economically if they were never part of the EU in any way or shape, so we can only say what it has been and not what it has not been.

The UK thought they could cherrypick what they want with the EU and leave the rest and the EU said to the UK, ”why don‘t you go fuck yourself“, and the UK is saying, ”thanks, we will“, and are doing just that. :D

Even Turkey is as close as one can be to an EU State.

Same with Australia and USA. We have Free Trade with the EU.

You guys seem to think you need to be a member of the EU to have Free Trade.

There is hardly any difference between an EU Member and Norway, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand and USA. In fact, the non EU members have advantages. BIG advantages. Those are, we have our own fiscal policy and monetary supply, and we are all in control of our borders and demand VISAs for all EU Citizens. Those are HUGE advantages.

The EURO has never been an advantage to many of the members of the EU. In fact, it has been a disaster and it continues to be a noose round their necks. They are not independent nations to set their own inflation levels to suit their own economies. One size does not fit all.

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Re: The A6 highway after Brexit .... I see problems!

Postby miltiades » Sun Mar 31, 2019 11:27 am

We shall soon be selling gas !! We shall soon be welcoming millions of tourists.
You are not ....bloody welcome !!!
Im currently due to apply for my Cypriot ID after driving with a UK license for over 50 years. My new Cypriot driving license opens up the world for me . No longer having to ...indicate, forget the bloody speed limits, ignore red lights and generaly drive freely just as my late grandfather rode his donkey !! Isn't just pure . .bliss !!
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Re: The A6 highway after Brexit .... I see problems!

Postby Paphitis » Sun Mar 31, 2019 11:28 am

miltiades wrote:We shall soon be selling gas !! We shall soon be welcoming millions of tourists.
You are not ....bloody welcome !!!
Im currently due to apply for my Cypriot ID after driving with a UK license for over 50 years. My new Cypriot driving license opens up the world for me . No longer having to ...indicate, forget the bloody speed limits, ignore red lights and generaly drive freely just as my late grandfather rode his donkey !! Isn't just pure . .bliss !!

Australia, USA, QATAR, UAE all sell Gas.

None are EU members.
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Re: The A6 highway after Brexit .... I see problems!

Postby miltiades » Sun Mar 31, 2019 11:46 am

Well, they can not ALL be lucky!!
Besides we Cypriots, and ....Charlies are the salt and souvla of the world !!
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Re: The A6 highway after Brexit .... I see problems!

Postby Londonrake » Sun Mar 31, 2019 12:06 pm

miltiades wrote:Well, they can not ALL be lucky!!
Besides we Cypriots, and ....Charlies are the salt and souvla of the world !!

Does that include real Charlies? :? 8)
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Re: The A6 highway after Brexit .... I see problems!

Postby miltiades » Sun Mar 31, 2019 2:28 pm

Yes mate its an all inclusive....virtue !!!
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Re: The A6 highway after Brexit .... I see problems!

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Mar 31, 2019 3:51 pm

I think we need to press the ‘RESET’ button and define what Brexit is all about and how it all started! :roll:

How did it start? Cameron! His decision to implement his election promise of a referendum on EU Membership was ill thought out because he made it a binary choice, ‘IN’ or ‘OUT’! To add to the chaos the government never explained what the penalties/benefits were of each choice to oppose/support either side of the argument. They couldn’t do that because each argument was based on different perception and without understanding the pro’s and the con’s of both arguments you could not reach a balanced conclusion.

If they had educated the people they would have realised that the voters were making their choice on two aspects of the argument at the same time, two aspects which were as different as chalk and cheese.

IMO: The majority of people on both sides of the argument didn’t have a clue what it was they were voting for. The whole referendum has been driven by a fear of the unknown and propaganda from both sides that supported their mostly distorted perceptions.

What should have been asked was:

1. Do you want to leave only the EU political union that is moving toward a Federal States of Europe ?

2. Do you want to leave only the Eu commercial union with respects to trade and commerce ?

3. Do you want to leave both the political and the commercial union in its entirety?

I would hazard a guess that the overwhelming majority vote from those choices would have been No.1 ..... that is if the people had been given the information they needed in a way ordinary people would be able to understand it, not in ‘Legaleese’.

We could have then started the negotiations to change the direction of the Federalists hijacking of Europe, put the bureaucrats back in their boxes and invited the other 27 States to join us in modifying the whole concept of the EU. Reading the news about attitudes in Europe I think that No.1 would be the majority result in almost all the 28 Member States if all were given the same referendum choices.

The first step would be the dissolution of the European Central Bank and the abandonment of the Euro! Each country would revert to its own Central Bank and its own currency. Once you do that there is a lot that can be done to strengthen the economies of all European countries. The Euro is to trade and stability, the equivalent of trying to water-ski with the anchor down! :x

Milti: I gave you an example of regulations that are a serious threat to the UK, namely Lisbon Treaty, Articles 123 and 124 ..... have you worked out yet why that is? BTW: I regard both as Federalism politics and there are a lot more like them! :wink:
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Re: The A6 highway after Brexit .... I see problems!

Postby cyprusgrump » Sun Mar 31, 2019 4:29 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
IMO: The majority of people on both sides of the argument didn’t have a clue what it was they were voting for. The whole referendum has been driven by a fear of the unknown and propaganda from both sides that supported their mostly distorted perceptions.

I'm sorry, that is just daft...

There was over thirty million Pounds spent by the remain and leave campaigns, plus the £9M the government spent sending a brochure explaining Brexit to every household in the country.

There were debates on just about every TV show and radio channel plus billions of words of debate on Internet forums, blogs and on-line newspapers.

There are plenty of videos on YouTube of both leavers and remainers explaining that a 'leave' vote would mean leaving all the institutions of the EU including the customs union.

Politicians, businesses and business groups from all around the World (including Potus) made clear what leaving the EU would mean.

You would have had to have been living on the Moon not to know what it was all about...
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Re: The A6 highway after Brexit .... I see problems!

Postby Kikapu » Mon Apr 01, 2019 6:20 am

Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Just a quick question(s) for all the Brexiters.

1. Did the UK not benefit economically by being in the EU for the last 40+ years?
2. What was the harm for the UK being in the EU?
3. How would the foreign workers situation going to change in the UK if UK needs workers that the Brits won't do?
4. Will France act as a guard in stopping immigrants going to the UK after Brexit, or will they tell the immigrants, "here is your one way ticket to the UK and Bon Voyage"?

That is an impossible question to answer because we do not know how well the UK could have done out of the EU.

Brexiters are wanting a more independent UK where it isn't dictated to by the EU machine. The UK will have stronger control over its fiscal and monetary policy and its borders.

Norway, isn't an EU member and has one of the strongest economies in Europe. It's doing better than most EU members, if not all EU members.

What Norway, Switzerland and couple of other countries with strong economies who are not EU members, all have the 4 freedoms, as well as make financial contributions to the EU. They just don‘t take part in decisions makings in the EU as a member. It is what “soft“ Brexit would looked like if the UK accepted such a proposal. Norway and other few countries that have special relationship with the EU is as close as one can being an EU member, and yes, these few countries benefit economically by having this kind of relationship with the EU. What the Brexiters want is a 100% separation from the EU.

The truth is, the UK had benefitted economically for the last 40+ years as an EU member state. It is a known fact. One cannot prove a negative what the UK would have done economically if they were never part of the EU in any way or shape, so we can only say what it has been and not what it has not been.

The UK thought they could cherrypick what they want with the EU and leave the rest and the EU said to the UK, ”why don‘t you go fuck yourself“, and the UK is saying, ”thanks, we will“, and are doing just that. :D

Even Turkey is as close as one can be to an EU State.

Same with Australia and USA. We have Free Trade with the EU.

You guys seem to think you need to be a member of the EU to have Free Trade.

There is hardly any difference between an EU Member and Norway, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand and USA. In fact, the non EU members have advantages. BIG advantages. Those are, we have our own fiscal policy and monetary supply, and we are all in control of our borders and demand VISAs for all EU Citizens. Those are HUGE advantages.

The EURO has never been an advantage to many of the members of the EU. In fact, it has been a disaster and it continues to be a noose round their necks. They are not independent nations to set their own inflation levels to suit their own economies. One size does not fit all.

Whilst the Germans sell Porsche and BMWs, Cyprus sells Kolokasi!

No Paphitis, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand and the USA are not as close as they can be as being an EU members, because they do not have the 4 freedoms. Turkey has been begging the EU to up grade their customs union for the last few years and the EU has been ignoring them. The whole world have a trade agreements with the EU, some being a ”free trade“, but it does not make them being close to being an EU members.

Look, not everything is hunky dory with the EU, but at the same time, there are other countries who are lining up to join. Surely they are not that stupid to join a ”sinking ship EU“ are they, if there was no economic benefit For them?
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