Lordo wrote:Indeed, I would go further and say profits with no safety.
it is time to put this corporation out of it's misery.
Why do you post crap like that?
Whilst this thread has been mostly about problems encountered with the 737 Max (like all though it's wandered quite a bit) your knowledge of Boeing as a company and interest in it will actually be little to zero.
Suffice to say, it's the World's biggest aerospace company with over 10,000 commercial aircraft flying (about half the world fleet) for 150 countries. Overall it has an excellent safety record. Better than the global average. Moreover, it employs 140,000 people in 65 countries.
I'd post a link or two but as you demonstrate on a regular basis you don't even bother to read your own stuff a lot of the time, let alone others efforts.
When it comes to something worthy of being put out of it's misery you are surely a prime candidate? You come across as someone in a perpetual state of morose negativity regarding just about every subject you post on.
If you haven't bothered to actually look into something before you post contemptous comments - in laughable attempts to make yourself look knowlegeable - you might occasionally want to consider taking the STFU option. That'll be the day!
There's one good thing about being ignored, the other member's committed to just having to suck it up. As GR learned...................................... twice!