Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:One thing I’m looking forward to is America. They are 20 years ahead of the game and leading the world in terms of the way they organize their airspace. Such a very well structured Air Traffic Control machine or system second to none. With the traffic in their airspace, everything is black or white, totally systematic and down the line.
No confusion, or opportunity for misunderstanding as they dumbed it down so much you know exactly what happens next. Professional.
Line up, take off, fly from ILS to ILS, land. Maybe a couple of holding patterns in between which are preprogrammed into the Flight plan anyway so all you do is press the hold button and the aircraft turns on to its outbound leg after its entry segment to join the pattern, automatically and you set you speed and altitude as directed.
Children of the magenta line.
Still, commercial pilots have landed at wrong airports/runways/lined up to taxiways on approach or have overflown destination airports without realizing it.
Maybe pilots with a Commercial License flying a bug smasher in the outback or non controlled airports have.
With some anecdotal tales of the occasional airliner lining up on a major highway initially.
But the way the tech is these days, I just find it inconceivable. I have however lined up on finals (15 miles on an RNAV) and heard of planes taxiing to the reciprocal runway. We get on the blower and they hold short for us.
No, I meant commercial pilots with major airlines.
I’ve never met anyone do such a thing. If they fly to an Initial Approach Fix and shoot an approach, it’s impossible.
Only in a Visual approach but airlines wouldn’t be allowed to do these unless they had to.