Kikapu wrote:Londonrake wrote:I suspect that’s actually a difficult forecast to get right. Once this plague settles down to flu-like proportions and consequences I wouldn’t be surprised if there was an explosion (poor pun) in air travel.
Personally, I’ve flown on 11th September a couple of times since 2001 and always felt it was probably the safest day of the year to do so.
Yes, of course it is a difficult forecast, but airlines around the world are not able to be very optimistic since Covid-19 will not go away and neither will it downgrade itself to being a flu-like proportions and consequences. The only possibility of getting back to some degree of normalIt’s is that we all have vaccination travel passes to be updated with booster shots every year or a Covid tests each time one flies, which will come at price as well as last minute trip cancelations at a cost should the Covid test is a positive a day before departure. We already know many millions of people will not want to be vaccinated, but also many millions of people won’t have the opportunity to be vaccinated around the world.
A little different than just flying on September 11th since 2001.
It doesn’t matter that millions will choose to not have the vaccination. These people are the least likely to fly anyway.
I can foresee that anyone who works will be forced to get vaccinated. So when most of the worlds population is vaccinated, there is no reason at all for the travel industry to not resume towards normal operating capabilities.
If you ask me, COVID is here to stay. But hopefully with a vaccination, it just means a runny nose for a few days.