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Boeing 737 MAX+

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Re: Boeing 737 MAX+

Postby Kikapu » Sun Jan 31, 2021 9:11 pm

Paphitis, how rusty are you lately! :wink:

I stop flying single engine Cessna family of planes long time ago as I knew sooner or later my luck would ran out as a hobby pilot. :oops:

Past years I preferred others doing the flying whilst enjoying G&T in comfort. :D

These daysI have to make my own G & T at home. :lol:

The Telegraph
Rusty pilots admit they are making mistakes because of a lack of flying time

David Millward
Sun, January 31, 2021, 5:02 PM

Airline pilots are making mistakes because they have become rusty because of the lack of flying time during the coronavirus pandemic.

Dozens of pilots have told NASA’s Aviation Safety Reporting System that they have made errors since getting back into the cockpit.

On one occasion a pilot forgot to disengage the parking brake when pulling away from the gate.

Another pilot struggled to land a plane in heavy wind, only succeeding in doing so at the third attempt.

Other incidents included a first officer forgetting to turn on the de-icing system, which ensures that the altitude and speed sensors operate properly.

The coronavirus pandemic has wrought havoc on the aviation industry with thousands of flights being grounded as demand for air travel slumped. :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: ... 34390.html
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Re: Boeing 737 MAX+

Postby Londonrake » Sun Jan 31, 2021 10:39 pm


Switch to Zivania.

Same thing.

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Re: Boeing 737 MAX+

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Feb 27, 2021 2:42 am

i'm just putting this here for the record,

..."manage the situation or the situation will manage you."
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Re: Boeing 737 MAX+

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 27, 2021 3:31 am

repulsewarrior wrote:i'm just putting this here for the record,

..."manage the situation or the situation will manage you."

The fact though is that Aviation is generally the most managed and micro managed and most heavily regulated industry there is. Few industries are at a similar level other than perhaps Marine, Rail, Resources and Energy, abs maybe the Banking and Financial sector although many will argue that isn’t the case with regard to the Banking and Financial Sector. So that one maybe arguable. :lol:

The fact is, situations like the United incident are going to occur from time to time albeit extremely rare. It’s impossible to eliminate it or stop it. The chances though that the above will cause loss of life is minuscule. Engines have in built extinguishers with which by a single press of a button after the engine is shut down, fills the engine cowlings with fire retardant. The fire will be extinguished within seconds. But you can’t eliminate the vibration and the engine shredding itself apart and bits falling to the ground. Usually these fires are as a result of Foreign Object Debris or the infestation of birds or a rotor blade pulling itself apart and being invested. It causes massive damage and fire. In addition to that the engine starts to surge and the turbo fan is out of balance causing the very violent vibration. As the object is pulled through the engine it can cause damage to hydraulics, and fuel lines. Then as it goes through the turbine it causes damage to the turbine taking chucks out of that. Even a small 10 cent piece of damage will put the turbine out of balance causing more surging and vibration. It will be felt by passengers plus the noise of the engine pulling itself apart, the vibration and surging can in some cases be quite biblical and loud and the surging will cause an abrupt assymetric situation resulting in the aircraft to start rolling and yawing towards the firing engine.

Hence why the one of the vital actions is to pull back on the thrust levers to alleviate the assymetric forces causing the toll and yaw. In addition to this, the Flught Nabafement Computer detects these forces and the trims starts spinning automatically to arrest the adverse fling conditions. Pilots then complete vital actions and get the secondary check list out which is to clean up - shut down, extinguishers and then select a lower cruise altitude and pick an diversion airport.

Then communicate with air traffic and either declare an emergency or make a pan pan distress call but air traffic will be on their back because they would already have noticed the non cleared departure from their cleared level.

Then, the passengers would be spoken to over the blower to calm them down etc etc.

Should be a normal landing but emergency services will be mobilised so there will be fire trucks and ambulances everywhere. In other words the full Aerodrome Emergency Plans would be activated into a full response. But the reality is they won’t be needed 99.5% of the time.

Engines will be engines at the end of the day. They are such precise pieces of engineering balanced in perfection to within a gram fir thousands of rpm. These engines are almost bullet proof.
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Re: Boeing 737 MAX+

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 27, 2021 4:00 am

Kikapu wrote:Paphitis, how rusty are you lately! :wink:

I stop flying single engine Cessna family of planes long time ago as I knew sooner or later my luck would ran out as a hobby pilot. :oops:

Past years I preferred others doing the flying whilst enjoying G&T in comfort. :D

These daysI have to make my own G & T at home. :lol:

The Telegraph
Rusty pilots admit they are making mistakes because of a lack of flying time

David Millward
Sun, January 31, 2021, 5:02 PM

Airline pilots are making mistakes because they have become rusty because of the lack of flying time during the coronavirus pandemic.

Dozens of pilots have told NASA’s Aviation Safety Reporting System that they have made errors since getting back into the cockpit.

On one occasion a pilot forgot to disengage the parking brake when pulling away from the gate.

Another pilot struggled to land a plane in heavy wind, only succeeding in doing so at the third attempt.

Other incidents included a first officer forgetting to turn on the de-icing system, which ensures that the altitude and speed sensors operate properly.

The coronavirus pandemic has wrought havoc on the aviation industry with thousands of flights being grounded as demand for air travel slumped. :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: ... 34390.html

I’m not rusty at the moment as I’m still flying. Usually you got to stop flying. That hasn’t happened with me yet.

And if it does happen, then sure I can become rusty but usually that situation is fixed with the extra sim sessions. Simulators are not exactly the same thing as the real thing. They are deliberately calibrated to make life hard with regard to the flight characteristics.

Hand flying a jet is a very easy thing. There is so much more stability than a small light aircraft. Flying is very easy and so too is landing and take off once you are use to the speeds and anticipating the turns which most people have trouble with. Plus the control inputs take time because of our inertia and momentum.

Our parameters are far more stringent to as we have to be stabilised by 400Ft where we actually call out Stabilised, and landing which is the point where we are committed. We can still declare a go around for any reason but if we are not stabilised with wings level, on runway centreline, within half scale deflection of the ILS, and speed to within Vref + 10 knots (plus crosswinds additive for wind shear) then it’s instant full power and gear up and have another go at it.

Vref is equal to Vstall + 20% (1.2 Vs) but we have crosswind additives as well. So for a 20 knot crosswind we add another 10 knots. This is what happened to the Turkish Airlines B737 a few years ago. They stalled and lost their altitude and went in.

The higher gross weight the higher the Vref. Not like a Cessna where you are taught to have the same throughout. Other things that change Vref is temperature. So each landing is different so we look up our Vref fill in Taje Off and Landing cards and brief the card at all times just after briefing the approach abd discussing the weather conditions. After that the Go Around procedure is briefed and we also brief what will we do if we have any loss of power or engine failure so it’s all automatic. Plus we also have a Standard Departure Procedure which we brief even fir every landing in case of a go round. And on top of that we go into a discussion about any Treat and Error Management and discuss things like Obstacles, Terrain, Traffic etc.

We got it so down pat it’s like watching poetry in motion. A bit like a symphony orchestra, we do the same thing day in and dow out and we always follow our procedures and not skip a step. Doesn’t mean it’s 100% accurate or 100% error free 100% of the time but we are within a bee’s dick. :wink:

FOs are also extremely well trained and utter professionals and trained well to provide the extra back up and are able to conduct everything with professionalism and utter diligence.

We are very stringent on our tolerances.

In Sydney they are very stringent their as well with break out procedures if any place breaks out. All aircraft must break out of the ILS. Runway R is a right turn, Runway L is a Left turn and climb out to 3000 or as directed. Then everyone is shoved into a hold. :lol:

Then you are dealing with very irate controllers. :mrgreen:
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Re: Boeing 737 MAX+

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 27, 2021 5:50 am

repulsewarrior wrote:i'm just putting this here for the record,

..."manage the situation or the situation will manage you."

I’m not saying Sully is wrong but the biggest mistake in that video is that the pilots or it seems like the pilots didn’t Aviate, Communicate and then Navigate. Might be extremely picky of me. Most pilots will never have a real one, just practice simulator scenarios. I am certain the pilots were 100% professionals plus I know a few United people and the ARE pros.

I’ve never had a situation like that ever. But here is what I do in the sim.

We get an engine failure and or fire. We Aviate and control the aircraft. That’s our priority. Then we conduct Vital Memory Checks. If the plane does something adverse, we attempt to control and trim it.

Then we conduct a Mayday or Pan pan call. I always opt for the pan pan as the plane never seems to fall out of the sky when I get these in the sim. United went for Mayday. Fair call there. The distinction is you are declaring an urgent emergency that is extremely urgent and requires activation of all emergency services as opposed to a mayday which does that and you are declaring that the aircraft is in grave danger that will result in loss of life or a crash. That might have been the pilots assessment initially which is why they went for mayday. Or they just wanted to use mayday because they didn’t want to hold back which is fair too. Or they got flustered at the time under the pressure which is AOK. Yes you do get flustered under pressure and the workload is intense which is y I don’t go to the radio immediately and prefer to control my plane as I feel this is the thing that will kill me snd other people. As for the controllers and my deviations, they can wait and get other planes out of my way. Which is what they would do in real life anyway. Then I talk to them when I’m ready for it.

Aviate then communicate.

Sometimes they give us radio calls from Air Traffic Control as you are given the emergency or as you are completing Vital Actions.

I even sometimes ignore them as I don’t want my Vital Actions check list to be I teruoted. So then the checker keeps interrupting with “are your Ops normal?”

I may come back and just say “no. standby” and go back to vital actions” And the obvious answer to that question is that the situation is abnormal as we are turning, slowing down and have a reducing rate of climb plus speed due to the failure you just gave me Mr Checker. :lol:

When vital actions are done, we will make the pan pan or mayday call. A pan pan more likely.
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Re: Boeing 737 MAX+

Postby erolz66 » Sat Feb 27, 2021 10:07 am

Paphitis on Thu Mar 28, 2019 wrote:Anyway it will all come out in due course. The B737 MAXI will also be flying within the next few days as well.

Rest assured, Boeing knows what it is doing. The B737 is probably the best built aircraft and most successful aircraft ever built.
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Re: Boeing 737 MAX+

Postby Londonrake » Sat Feb 27, 2021 10:31 am

erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis on Thu Mar 28, 2019 wrote:Anyway it will all come out in due course. The B737 MAXI will also be flying within the next few days as well.

Rest assured, Boeing knows what it is doing. The B737 is probably the best built aircraft and most successful aircraft ever built.

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Re: Boeing 737 MAX+

Postby Kikapu » Sat Feb 27, 2021 1:01 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Then we conduct a Mayday or Pan pan call. I always opt for the pan pan as the plane never seems to fall out of the sky when I get these in the sim. United went for Mayday. Fair call there. The distinction is you are declaring an urgent emergency that is extremely urgent and requires activation of all emergency services as opposed to a mayday which does that and you are declaring that the aircraft is in grave danger that will result in loss of life or a crash. That might have been the pilots assessment initially which is why they went for mayday. Or they just wanted to use mayday because they didn’t want to hold back which is fair too. Or they got flustered at the time under the pressure which is AOK. Yes you do get flustered under pressure and the workload is intense which is y I don’t go to the radio immediately and prefer to control my plane as I feel this is the thing that will kill me snd other people. As for the controllers and my deviations, they can wait and get other planes out of my way. Which is what they would do in real life anyway. Then I talk to them when I’m ready for it.

Mayday Mayday was the right call here because this was not just the case of an engine flame out and just flying on one engine which could easily get back to the airport. This was the case of uncontrolled destruction of the engine which was still on fire and with large pieces falling apart and from the engine. My guess is the right seat pilot could not see anything from his seat and more than likely neither pilot left their seats at this time of emergency to go and take a look from the cabin. Most probably, a flight attendant took a look and relayed the information to the crew in the cockpit, and from the FA's point of view, the engine is totally destroyed, still on fire and shaking like a leaf about to fall off the wing completely, which then can go anywhere, including the engine striking the Horizontal stabilizers and /or the tail, ripping it/them off completely, in which case, the plane would have crashed 100%, so the possibility of life and death situation was very real and present with this situation.
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Re: Boeing 737 MAX+

Postby Londonrake » Sat Feb 27, 2021 1:41 pm

Mayday - imminent threat to life. Pan - urgent situation?

I had a couple of Pan calls. Pull up a sandbag ........ :lol:
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