The airlines will make sure of it by increasing fares. The demand will be there, so the only thing airlines can do is raise fares and that is what is going to happen for as long as demand outstrips supply or capacity.
I'm a bit more optimistic than IATA. As soon as a vaccine becomes commercially available, everything ramps up. Pilots and engineers back in the winning circle holding the airlines over a barrel.
Recruitment would start pretty much immediately because there is a massive black hole to fill and I don't think there are enough. So big packages will be on offer.
You are even dumber than I thought you were! Do you really think once/if they find a vaccine for this virus everything will be back to normal? What is happening now, day after day, is just the beginning and if I were you I would hang the uniform up in the wardrobe in mothballs and buy some overalls! There is a greater chance you will never fly again than your rather wild comments on aviation even remotely becoming a reality!
The virus was the trigger for a series of events that has basically changed the World forever. Things will never return to the way they were even six months ago and we have yet to see the full impact! There is a financial tsunami on the horizon which is going to devastate the US dominated banking system and the markets. But , it will have a far lesser impact on those countries like China and Russia than it will on the US/UK and their associates.
It all comes down to the way western banking works compared to the banking system in China. I pointed out to you many of the pitfalls of the western banking system, some years ago but you thought you knew far better than me what is was all about. Now the ‘
chooks’ are coming home to roost.
The only way the west will get out of this is to adopt the Chinese system of State owned/run Banks who have the sole right to create currency ..... and that will take the western banks down anyway, so the Banke'rs will strenuously resist any attempt to change their system. The Bankers can fool you and most of the western population because most don’t have a clue how it works!
I won’t bother with detail’s .... it would be like trying to teach a five year old quantum maths.