Kikapu wrote:Robin Hood wrote:Kikapu wrote:If and when the MAX takes to the skies again with billions of dollar in litigation for Boeing to pay out in out of court settlements for no guilt accepted, this may not save the MAX, or dare I say, to save Boeing from financial ruins if Boeing wants to stand by the MAX. At the moment the MAX is “damaged goods” product with the flying public, and should the flying public accept the MAX to fly with again, the next time the MAX suffers another MCAS related crash, the flying public and regulators will not forgive Boeing and the company will be as good as dead. Boeing needs to think hard to do away with the MAX right now and take their loss or risk losing the whole company with another MAX crash. Boeing can turn the B-757 design into their new MAX planes with it’s large engines and retire the B-737 MAX 8&9 models for good. Playing Russian Roulette is no way to run a company.
According to this mornings BBC World news, apparently the problem has now spread to the NG not just MAX! Boeing have been ordered to replace non-approved parts (Pirate cheap copies used during manufacture) on both types. Estimated to affect 200+ aircraft.
I predict the MAX even Boeing itself, will disappear and then reappear under other names. I agree with you though, no matter how they try to whitewash this and try to share the blame, Boeings name is tarnished for ever.

I read the same story. It is very disconcerting to know that Boeing is taking such risks that these cheap parts may cause problems during flight in the years to come.
Trump couple of months ago stated, that for Boeing to re-brand the 737 MAX in order to save the company. I think he was correct. As hard as it may be to re-brand the MAX, it may be Boeing’s only avenue at this stage. I believe B-757 can be the next MAX without much re-designing it.
I think you have to be very careful in judging these parts as
'dangerous or sub-standard'? It could be they are identical to the '
approved' one but did not have some required certification.
Many years ago when I was learning to fly, I was told that the reason a wing tip lamp for a Cessna cost about £40 although it was no different to the £5 one in your car ....... was the cost of the certification and paperwork you get in the box. Either could last years or blow the first time it was powered up.
There was only a single cause of the 737 MAX crash ..... MCAS failed ..... the pragmatic and if you like, moral judgement, can only be to blame Boeing.
What then happens is what Paphitis keeps describing and that is not pragmatic, it is judgement derived from the Legal aspect. For instance; If you are hit by another car with no fault attributable to you then the other guys insurance will pay out because he was at fault.
BUT ..... if his insurance company then finds out your Road tax expired the day before the accident ...... they will able to legally absolve them selves of responsibility. The other drivers insurance will get out of paying although an expired Road tax had no bearing on the accident ............. because The Law is The Law.
If Boeing can get rid of the responsibility by using lawyer to spread the blame about will to an extent, take the heat off Boeing and any compensation awards will be reduced or negated.