That is incorrect. There was a procedure published in the Flight manual. That has been verified.
Ytah ..... I should think the pilots were too busy at the time to read the f*****g manual!!!!
MCAS Failed!The accusation is Boeing didn't provide adequate training material yes but because the procedure was published in the Flight Manual, the pilots should have had that procedure replicated into their Emergency Procedures and Quick Reference Handbook (QRH).
See above ........
MCAS Failed!The investigation team will look at all those factors.
Pity they didn't do it when they were told there were problems! As you demonstrate anyone can be an expert after the event!
MCAS Failed! Only 2 to 3 factors point to Boeing. There could be many more factors here and they could point elsewhere. Nothing is quite as simple as saying Boeing is 100% at fault, or Ethiopian is 100% at fault.
The fact the aircraft was in the air and not on the ground was a factor ....... who will you blame for that?
MCAS Failed! There could also be Flight Crew issues and maintenance issues.
You said :
"It's not a smart idea to speculate. Usually these investigations will come up with a multitude of contributory factors to the accident. There are always multiple factors to the accident. The fact that Boeing has accepting it is responsible for 2 contributory factors - training and rogue MCAS software and faulty sensors is old news.But there will easily be 10 or more other factors and Boeing won't be responsible for all of them.""
It's not a smart idea to speculate" ....... then you speculate! Are you as stupid as you appear ?
MCAS Failed! MCAS Failed! MCAS Failed! MCAS Failed! MCAS Failed! MCAS failure was the cause of the accident ....... there was no other cause ......just like metal fatigue caused the Comets to crash ..... and debris on the runway and a hit on full fuel tanks caused the Concorde crash .......... stop trying to pretend that the investigators will find another fall guy .........
MCAS Failed!Jesus Christ and they let you fly aeroplanes .....