A truly remarkable Canadian designed and built aeroplane, well ahead of its time and the rest of the field and would be so even today. The project was cancelled by PM Diefenbaker and the destruction of all the airframes and engines, and everything associated with the aircraft including rigs and drawings were scrapped with obscene haste, starting just hours after the announcement of the cancellation.
Also worth a watch for the professionals view of the Arrow project and the politics .....
Death of the Arrow .... the biggest mistake in Canadian Aviation history: History Channel.
For entertainment only ......... the one that got away? It is rumoured that a completed Arrow ‘escaped’ destruction and still exists somewhere .......... so, this could come about one day if that is true.
Toward the end of the CBS video the story seemed to have a familiar ring about it.

It reminded me of this fiasco in the UK when the new Labour Government scrapped the BAC TSR2, equally as advanced as The Arrow, in 1965 for most likely the very same reason as the Arrow met its end? It also was completely destroyed within a short time of the scrap decision. A poignant comment at the time by Sir Sidney Camm:
Aeronautical engineer Sir Sydney Camm said of the TSR-2: "All modern aircraft have four dimensions: span, length, height and politics. TSR-2 simply got the first three right."
Having an active mind and a reasonable knowledge of World events today ....... I have to observe that if you look at what is happening today, history is repeating itself!

The same happened with Concorde .... the US banned it for a long while to limit sales opportunities for what was/is a very lucrative market ...... they are now building their own ‘Concorde’ and the plans for UK/Fr Concord MkII were scrapped some years ago. The TSR2 was supposed to have been replaced with the F-111 but although 10 were ordered with an option for 40 more the contract was cancelled within 12 months.
There are several other aircraft (Nimrod) and helicopters (Westland) projects that were subject to cancellation and replaced by US alternatives ...... and now we seem to be in the same situation with the F-35, a yet unproven aircraft with a multitude of design and operational problems ..... as well as an astronomic price tag!
The guy in the History Channel video implied that these decisions were political and made primarily to keep the US aircraft industry as the premier suppliers of military aircraft. Like Trumps claim to create jobs for Americans to MAGA? Could he be correct in his view?
The UK has proved it has the skills, the technology and the people to design and build our own aircraft, with or without the EU! All the country needs is the motivation! So why do we still buy our military aircraft mainly from the US ...... and have to pay them a huge price and in US Dollars?