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Re: Chernobyl

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Mar 15, 2019 9:41 pm

Londonrake wrote:

Information Clearing House.

Articles critical of:

Russia - zero
China - zero
Iran - zero
Syria - zero
North Korea - zero
Venezuela - zero.

Articles critical of the West:

Well, all of them actually.

Same goes for the likes of blacklistednews and all the other "independent" sites where paranoid conspiracy theorists go to look for "the truth". :roll:

"confirmation bias
the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories."

You beat me to it. Both items opinion pieces rather than news... I do have the advantage of family still in Russia so have an idea of what is happening...
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Re: Chernobyl

Postby Londonrake » Fri Mar 15, 2019 9:46 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:You beat me to it. Both items opinion pieces rather than news... I do have the advantage of family still in Russia so have an idea of what is happening...

Yes - I know. But - none of that matters you see................................... in Sherwood Forest. :wink:
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Re: Chernobyl

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Mar 16, 2019 7:52 am

Londonrake wrote:

Information Clearing House.

Articles critical of:

Russia - zero
China - zero
Iran - zero
Syria - zero
North Korea - zero
Turkey - zero
Venezuela - zero.
The Palestinians - zero

Articles critical of the West and Israel:

Well, all of them actually.

Same goes for the likes of blacklistednews/Moon of Alabama and all the other "independent" sites where paranoid conspiracy theorists go to look for "the truth". :roll:

"confirmation bias
the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories."

Once again ........ it’s all about me ............ what this has to remotely do with Chernobyl has missed me completely. But anyway ......... it does demonstrate why you are so poorly informed. Your paranoia replaces the need to understand that there are two sides to every story!

The first link is to an article on Putin’s annual address to the Russian Assembly, the Russian equivalent of Trumps State of the Union Address ..... but this one is given by a Statesman. I am sure you prefer Trumps presentation ... as he tells what you want to hear.

Of course you would not have seen it or read the transcript (it was live with an English translation, on RT) ..... as it is about Russia and the MSM tells you all you need to form your opinions about Russia. You accept without question that which suits you from sources you consider impeccably reliable when it comes to telling you the truth ........ you don’t need it from the horse’s mouth. Your sources give you an unbiased view and tell you all you want to know!

The second link .............. is an article based on a paper by RAND, if you didn’t see it in the Telegraph (behind a pay-wall) it’s because the RAND findings do not match the MSM propaganda that you place so much reliance on. Take careful note of who funds them and who they do research work for! :roll:


RAND ("Research ANd Development")[8] is an American nonprofit global policy think tank[1] created in 1948 by Douglas Aircraft Company to offer research and analysis to the United States Armed Forces. It is financed by the U.S. government and private endowment,[6] corporations,[9] universities[9] and private individuals.[9] The company has grown to assist other governments, international organizations, private companies and foundations, with a host of defense and non-defense issues, including healthcare.” ......... so in my perception it is hardly a Russian shill then? :roll:

But apparently you regard them as staunchly pro Russian/anti-US and according to your standards .... unreliable conspiracy theorists?

I doubt you read either link. You make yourself look rather foolish, it’s a habit with you. Before ridiculing my sources, try to understand how ‘independent news outlets’ work and the difference between a News Platform and a Blog. Normally News Platforms have no editorial policy, they rarely write articles of their own and are simply a platform for thousands of journalists to tell you what the MSM don't. Journalist who are often prevented from telling the full story by their editors/owners if they want to keep their jobs. It is the equivalent of a Harvey Weinstein scenario ..... they allow themselves to get f****d if they want to keep their jobs! The truth only comes out later when they have built a name, then they use independent news platforms or blogs. A blog is by a single author who will specialise in a limited sphere of subjects and invite feedback.

Lack of a balanced view is your loss, you remain in a world of brainwashed ignorance.

Maybe you should heed your own advice or does that only apply to others? :

"confirmation bias – noun: ..... the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories."

Like your existing beliefs ....... Russia/China/Nth.Korea/Iran/Syria etc = ALL BAD ....... but US/NATO/Israel/Koala’s = ALL GOOD! :roll:
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Re: Chernobyl

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Mar 16, 2019 8:07 am

Londonrake wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:LR: Thank you for your usual contribution ...... I think most forum readers get your message! You don’t like me .... well tough shit ..... wind your neck in and get off my back, you make it very obvious you have a serious obsessive mental hang up.

That's remarkably perceptive of you Hood! Correct, I don't like you (on the net) - at all - for excellent reasons, and in that respect there's never been a shortage of company. Your toxic manner's resulted in you being kicked off forums FFS. :lol:

So, whilst able, I'll continue to highlight things like your hypocrisy (I'm spoilt for choice in that respect) and it's really more a case of that being .........................tough shit. :wink:

"Your toxic manner's resulted in you being kicked off forums FFS."

Telling the truth and presenting things as they really are has never been your strong point, has it?

That statement is another lie and you know it! For a start it was not ‘forums .... plural’, it was your snivelling to one site owner that I was supposedly threatening you and that got my membership suspended, not “.... my toxic manner.” But, true to form, you conveniently ignore your own threats that provoked my response! Surely you remember that string of ‘TIC-TOC’s’ added to the end of every reply you made after telling me, by PM of course, how ‘people’ had contacted you by PM and wanted you to join them in ‘working me over’.

You are pissed off with me because several years ago you got caught out telling a blatant lie to a mutual acquaintance, which must have been very embarrassing for you at the time and you blamed me for your embarrassment. No amount of explanation would placate you and you have carried on the vendetta ever since. No matter the subject of a thread eventually you turn it, like you have with this thread, into an extension of your vendetta and I become the target of a vengeful and compulsive liar.

FFS you even joined his site just to get to me ........ how warped, paranoid and obsessive can that be?

Forum Members must be getting fed up with it? I know I am! Such an obsession, to the point you even keep a dossier on me? Now that is a serious medical condition and you really do need to see a psychiatric specialist .............with your extensive military combat experiences maybe it’s delayed PTSD or Haemorrhoids?
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Re: Chernobyl

Postby Londonrake » Sat Mar 16, 2019 10:22 am

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The archetypal victim speaks! :wink:

I could answer all that - because most of it's bull - but as you say, enough's enough - for now. Perhaps STUD, Tim, Paphitis and the half dozen or so other people who've been through it with you (most leaving forums - or "shot down" as you smirkingly say) might be better placed to comment on how you've always been the abused victim of bullying.

I apologise to the OP generator. Ohh - wait a minute! :lol:


Weren't you kicked off CL? IIRC, you didn't exactly leave in a blaze of glory. :? :lol:

Let's get just one thing straight though. Indulge me. Your once (widely known) big "surprise" was an intention to seek legal redress for what you laughingly viewed as your victimhood. I sought advice on the matter and was told that I should keep a record of your efforts in the "personal abuse" area. You can trust me when I say that you've been no shrinking violet in that respect. Added to your threat of criminal intent that I (and others) have and I suspect that particular bright idea has been nipped in the bud. Yes - bloody right I've got a record of it all. :wink:
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Re: Chernobyl

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Mar 16, 2019 9:10 pm

...if i can interrupt, this was an interesting thread until it got personal.

Both of you should understand that the reader needs more than this, the drama between the two of you. And that both of you offer a wealth of information, otherwise, from which everyone can make up their own minds. I don't understand what drives you to air out your differences in this way, but frankly it only reinforces the sense that there is a deep emotional bond between you; it is like watching siblings argue.

...why not open a thread, where you can sink your teeth into each other, without straying off-topic.
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Re: Chernobyl

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Mar 16, 2019 11:29 pm

Totally agree with you RW.
If one of the two guys would simply stop replying to these personal attacks that started a long time ago in another forum,
the whole shit would come to an end!
Yet one says something, the other replies, and the viscous circle starts spinning all over again!I can't count the times...
Will JUST ONE of you TWO guys, do us the favor and stop replying to personal attacks?
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Re: Chernobyl

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:51 am


You are both right! Thank you for the replies. Obviously common sense but easier said than done. If only?

I joined this forum 18/03/09, almost ten years to the day. Yes I have clashed with some, particularly Paphitis ( but then with Paphitis who hasn’t) but isn’t differing opinions what a forum is all about. I have strong views on certain subjects and do my home work but I will always explain my views when challenged and in detail, hence some tend to be long replies. One liners and verbal abuse is not my normal response.

I joined CF on 18/03/09. LondonRake joins CF 29/12/15..... some six years later, after driving me off another forum. That is when the personal stuff started all over again on CF. So who is hounding who here? :?: :?: :?:

As I have in this thread, I post my opinion. If another member feels differently I have no problem with that but a continuous stream of personal attacks, no matter the subject, gets tedious and annoying. I think the history of various threads since 29/12/15 supports my view that I am undoubtedly the victim here and the party inevitably on the defence ? My problem is I fall for the bait every time ..... and that I admit, but .....I claim the right to self defence when attacked!

I do agree with your expressed sentiments and will try harder to ignore the provocations. :wink:
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Re: Chernobyl

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Mar 17, 2019 12:43 pm

You are right you fall for the bait every time...
You have defended yourself countless of times of the events at the other forum, there is no need to do it again.
Be the one of the two guys who will stop it. That's all we -the rest of the forum members- need.
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Re: Chernobyl

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Mar 17, 2019 1:01 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote: He did not like the new leadership and how assets fell into the hands if gangsters, who in many cases were ex KGB, and went back to his Academic role.

He considered Putin as an arriviste thug.

Nice info STU. Russia imo needs a lot of time to evolve to real Democracy. Putin was the right man at the right time, and I really wonder if anyone different than an arriviste thug could ever get and keep the power over there, when the USSR collapsed.
It is true that the assets fell in the hands of mostly gangsters, not only in Russia but in all ex USSR satellites. However some fell in the hands of really clever people. For example there's a Romanian guy who became the Godfather of my nephew's daughter, His father was an academic, This guy abandoned the University and got in business doing Government bids. He initially managed to get one small power station in Romania. Slowly slowly he got most of them. He now lives in Switzerland, has his own private jet, and visits his Godchild in Cyprus 2-3 times per year. My nephew admires him.
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