Paphitis wrote:OK Charlies and Charlisses,
it's time we get acquainted with the definition of Charlie.
A Charlie or a Charlissa, is a guy or a girl of Cypriot heritage who grew up in the Norf London area and who invented their own little language and words for our amusement.
For instance, the following forumers are Charlies, and Charlisses!
Miltiades, Kurupetos, Get Real, DT, Oracle, Yialousa, and so forth.
I myself, who come from Avstralia = NOT a Charlie.
Other non Charlies are:
Pyro, Boomerang, Sotos, Repulsewarrior, Cap, B25 etc etc.

A person born and raised or spent most of his life in Cyprus cannot be a Charlie by definition.
The word Charlie comes from all those "Charalambous" guys who emigrated primarily in London, and since nobody could spell their name were called Charlies, some of them even changed it to such.
But what are the typical trades of a person to be be called Charlie in a contemptuous way?
a)Speaks broken Cypriot language. Just hearing them talking makes you laugh.
b)He is out of space and time living in Cyprus.
c) A lot of charlies are aggressive and insulting generally expose irritating behavior
d)Complains all the time for anything Cyprus related.
e)Praises the country he lived most of his life as the best Country in the World.
From the a.m. persons the ones who classify as a Charlie for one or more reasons are
Paphitis, Miltiades, and B25.
I am sure nobody would call boomers a Charlie if he ever returned in Cyprus.
He's just not the guy to provoke such a contemptuous reaction