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niyazi kizilyurek

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Re: niyazi kizilyurek

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Feb 23, 2019 11:39 pm

...yes, well said Pyrpolizer, while i cannot agree entirely with Sotos, in affect i suppose my post is directed mostly to Lordo's comments,

...when ELAM managed to have Legislation passed that offended anyone not "Greek", what happened, once the President made the effort to correct the harmful affects; defending Cypriots he stood alone.

...and at Crans Montana, who stood, for Cypriots? Certainly not Akinci because he said nothing.

...and Anastasiades, look closely, he did give everything away, everything the "Turks" wanted but, Cypriot Sovereignty. He stood alone; Akinci did not stand beside him.

...where is it, a photo where Akinci stands beside the Flag of Cyprus? It would not surprise me, if he was to do that, half the population either Turkish or Greek, would rally around that Flag with him. Would Anastasiades refuse?

...(only the "Greeks" and "Turks" refuse)

...indeed, i will watch for this candidate, sounds Hopeful, because despite the insistence of "Greeks" and "Turks" there exist, in Cyprus, among them, Cypriots.
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Re: niyazi kizilyurek

Postby Lordo » Sun Feb 24, 2019 12:04 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...yes, well said Pyrpolizer, while i cannot agree entirely with Sotos, in affect i suppose my post is directed mostly to Lordo's comments,

...when ELAM managed to have Legislation passed that offended anyone not "Greek", what happened, once the President made the effort to correct the harmful affects; defending Cypriots he stood alone.

...and at Crans Montana, who stood, for Cypriots? Certainly not Akinci because he said nothing.

...and Anastasiades, look closely, he did give everything away, everything the "Turks" wanted but, Cypriot Sovereignty. He stood alone; Akinci did not stand beside him.

...where is it, a photo where Akinci stands beside the Flag of Cyprus? It would not surprise me, if he was to do that, half the population either Turkish or Greek, would rally around that Flag with him. Would Anastasiades refuse?

...(only the "Greeks" and "Turks" refuse)

...indeed, i will watch for this candidate, sounds Hopeful, because despite the insistence of "Greeks" and "Turks" there exist, in Cyprus, among them, Cypriots.
sometimes i really think you live on a different planet rw.
the talks regarding bbf took place between anastasiades and akinci. when the tlaks moved on to guarantees terggy greece and uk joined.
do you remeber in january that year when anastasiades asked to take a week off to go to greece that was because greece was not at the talks and nor was terggy. so this idea that akinci said nothing is utter and total bullshit. in fact akinci had already offered before they got to the talks against the terggys wishes that he would accept a phased withdrawl of both the troops and the guarantees and faced the wrath of erdogan. he was pulled off the media in terggy on erdogans instructions.

so at the talks the un suggested that they could replace the guarantees with an implementation plan to ease removing the guarantees. and what did anastasiades do instead changed his demands and demanded that both troops and guarantees are removed from day one.
i cannot understand your logic regarding akinci. you will never have another tc leader like him. even in the last few months he has gone against terggy and you still dont see it.

akinci will not go to the talks till anastasiades accepts that they will not be endless. limited time with what ever has been agreed to be put to the people with two choices. bbf or two states and unless both sides vote for bbf it wil be two states.
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Re: niyazi kizilyurek

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Feb 24, 2019 12:28 am

Lordo wrote:sometimes i really think you live on a different planet rw.
the talks regarding bbf took place between anastasiades and akinci. when the tlaks moved on to guarantees terggy greece and uk joined.
do you remeber in january that year when anastasiades asked to take a week off to go to greece that was because greece was not at the talks and nor was terggy. so this idea that akinci said nothing is utter and total bullshit. in fact akinci had already offered before they got to the talks against the terggys wishes that he would accept a phased withdrawl of both the troops and the guarantees and faced the wrath of erdogan. he was pulled off the media in terggy on erdogans instructions.

so at the talks the un suggested that they could replace the guarantees with an implementation plan to ease removing the guarantees. and what did anastasiades do instead changed his demands and demanded that both troops and guarantees are removed from day one.
i cannot understand your logic regarding akinci. you will never have another tc leader like him. even in the last few months he has gone against terggy and you still dont see it.

akinci will not go to the talks till anastasiades accepts that they will not be endless. limited time with what ever has been agreed to be put to the people with two choices. bbf or two states and unless both sides vote for bbf it wil be two states.

Most of it is guesswork. Because we don't know exactly what they say in those talks, and the newspapers are all biased. The people are kept in the dark and I personally don't like it. The minutes of the talks should be made available to the public by the UN themselves. Otherwise there will never be a solution.
We need to know, to judge. I hope the UN wakes up one day. They can't let the leaders talk behind our backs...

From some reports in the papers it seems Anastasiades accepts the troops to remain as per treaty of alliance (650 Vs 900). Not as per treaty of guarantee. Any reports about what Akinci wants?
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Re: niyazi kizilyurek

Postby Lordo » Sun Feb 24, 2019 1:04 am

akinci had already accpeted to remove the troops in a phased way back to 650/900 formula and the gurantee to be replaced by an implementation plan which was a un suggestion. akinci wants a limited duration for talks and then end it. he will not attend the talks otherwise.

and of course anastasiades has just anounced that everything agreed at crans montana no longer aplies. akinci wants to continue withing the framework but with limited timeframe. it is blatantly obvious who wants a solution and who does not.

i find it very strange that un never release the minutes of what is being discussed. infact just so there is no dispute they should bloody well be recorded so we can see what they are saying.
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Re: niyazi kizilyurek

Postby Sotos » Sun Feb 24, 2019 6:31 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:I am not sure when exactly we the Gcs started wanting a united Cyprus.
Before 1974 or after??

You just reached a new high level of stupidity. Why would GCs want to be ethnically cleansed and have 1/3rd of their island stolen from them?

What I am sure though is that the chunk of Sot'o's ilk always wanted a Cyprus without Turks.
The coup against Makarios was simply because he chose the method of eradicating them slowly
whereas the Junta and Eoka B wanted it faster.

Makarios was elected by the great majority of GCs. So you are saying that "Soto's ilk" is the great majority of Cypriots, and that we wanted a Cyprus without Turks.
The answer to this depends on what kind of Turks we are talking about. If we are talking about Turks who collaborate with foreign powers to violate our rights and oppress us like they have done during Ottoman rule, then of course we would much prefer Cyprus free from them. Crete is free from such Turks and Crete doesn't have any such problems. But if the Turks were to accept democracy and human rights for all without discrimination then we would have no problem at all with them being in Cyprus as our equal compatriots, just like we have no problem with all the other minorities.

We are lucky to have been in Europe, and discovered hydrocarbons, and still have international recognition,
to have something to offer in exchange of a United Cyprus_with_Turks.

Our international recognition and EU membership were not a matter of luck. We are the native people and also the great majority of people of this island.

These are the elements that might possibly one day lead us to re-unification. Niazi is one of those people who
have enough brains left to know what is good for all Cypriots. There are people from all sides of the GC political spectrum
that respect him, in fact I remember he and Kate Klerides were once very close friends.
If he was the kind Soto's tries to portray not even one GC would even say kalimera to him, let aside have him joining a political party as a candidate for Euroelections

Sure, Niazi has brains. You are the one who doesn't. You have been fooled by GR who is a school drop out, so how hard would it be for a university professor to fool you?

Niazi is the same kind of partitionist as another friend of AKEL: Akinci. What they want is a thin layer of pretend unity under which absolutely everything is divided in two. Unfortunately there are idiot GCs who don't understand that this is not "unification" but the worst kind of partition. Even Yes Man Anastasiades has come to realize this recently. I don't how long AKEL will take to realize this, those idiots still didn't realize that communism has failed.
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Re: niyazi kizilyurek

Postby Sotos » Sun Feb 24, 2019 6:58 am

Lordo wrote:it is blatantly obvious who wants a solution and who does not.

:lol: So close and yet so far. The Turks thought that they came close of achieving the perfect solution FOR THEMSELVES: Partition + EU + Share of Natural Gas. And then Yes Man Anastasiades makes a u-turn on them in the last second :lol: You can take your "solution" and shove it up your ass Lordo.
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Re: niyazi kizilyurek

Postby Lordo » Sun Feb 24, 2019 11:54 am

Sotos wrote:
Lordo wrote:it is blatantly obvious who wants a solution and who does not.

:lol: So close and yet so far. The Turks thought that they came close of achieving the perfect solution FOR THEMSELVES: Partition + EU + Share of Natural Gas. And then Yes Man Anastasiades makes a u-turn on them in the last second :lol: You can take your "solution" and shove it up your ass Lordo.

now there's progress so you accept that anastasiades was to blame for the talks collapsing. now get back into the cage boy
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Re: niyazi kizilyurek

Postby Lordo » Sun Feb 24, 2019 11:57 am

and of course never miind speaking at the talks, akinci actually submitted a map for what was going to be returned. then anastasiades complained that it was withdrawn after he collapsed the talks and now he says everything agreed is lost so back to where exactly? 1960? or [erhaps 1879. my preference in 1571. thats where we need to start. although i am sure terggy will find an excuse to bring it about quite soon in the future just after the first well begins extracting gas, they will take the whole cyprus and wallah we are back in 1571 again.
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Re: niyazi kizilyurek

Postby Sotos » Sun Feb 24, 2019 1:51 pm

:lol: :lol: The Turks are so pissed that the perfect solution FOR THEMSELVES was trashed :lol: Why was Anastasiades to blame for the talks collapsing Lordo? The talks wouldn't collapse if you had accepted the very few things Anastasiades was asking. But as always you were greedy, and even Yes Man Anastasiades has his limits.

The Cypriot people gave their answer loud and clear in 2004. If you want a BBF then it should be massively better for the GC side compared to the Annan plan in order to get our approval.
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Re: niyazi kizilyurek

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Feb 24, 2019 10:48 pm

Sotos wrote: You just reached a new high level of stupidity. Why would GCs want to be ethnically cleansed and have 1/3rd of their island stolen from them?

Huh!? From the very first line you revealed you are such an ignorant regarding the history of Cyprus. An arrogant on top of it daring to call me stupid. I will just attempt to enlighten you a bit, but don’t expect me to teach you everything. You need a long way to go to just get the basics. Back to your question: Because nobody evaluated the risk from Turkey correctly. Turkey was always threatening but nobody expected it to invade, and even if it would, we thought we would tear them to pieces. After all our history taught us the Greeks always win. How could it be possible to lose against the Turks?

wrote: Makarios was elected by the great majority of GCs. So you are saying that "Soto's ilk" is the great majority of Cypriots, and that we wanted a Cyprus without Turks.
The answer to this depends on what kind of Turks we are talking about. If we are talking about Turks who collaborate with foreign powers to violate our rights and oppress us like they have done during Ottoman rule, then of course we would much prefer Cyprus free from them.

Any kind of Turks, meaning everybody who speaks Turkish even those among the TCs who knew more Greek than Turkish. If it weren’t the Turks we would eradicate the Maronites. And if it weren’t the Maronites we would eradicate the leftists.In the meantime we kept busy eradicating each other for been Makariakoi or Grivikoi. How little you know of our past poor Sotos!
As for who collaborated with who, may I remind you that we collaborated with Greece for the purpose of Enosis, which endangered the physical existence of TCs on the island just like it happened in Crete. Hence we left them no other choice than collaborate with Turkey.

wrote: Crete is free from such Turks and Crete doesn't have any such problems. But if the Turks were to accept democracy and human rights for all without discrimination then we would have no problem at all with them being in Cyprus as our equal compatriots, just like we have no problem with all the other minorities.

It cost Greece more than what it gained. In our case Greece wanted to get bigger, not lose more lands. In fact what happened in Crete was what caused the TC fears in Cyprus from the 40s onwards.

wrote: Our international recognition and EU membership were not a matter of luck. We are the native people and also the great majority of people of this island.

How little you know again. It’s not because we are the native people, but because Turkey actually invaded/occupied/ and ethically cleansed the GCs getting under it’s control a disproportional part compared to what was needed to safeguard the TCs. Had she taken about 18% we would today have 2 recognized states in Cyprus. Hence we were lucky in our misfortune. The EU membership was just a follow up, which btw made the TCs EU citizens as well, depriving the occupied administration of any EU rights.

wrote: Sure, Niazi has brains. You are the one who doesn't. You have been fooled by GR who is a school drop out, so how hard would it be for a university professor to fool you?

Really, have I? You are so pathetic Sotos, I started feeling sorry for you. Just stop mocking Lordo for been stupid, it looks you deserve 1st prize.

wrote: Niazi is the same kind of partitionist as another friend of AKEL: Akinci. What they want is a thin layer of pretend unity under which absolutely everything is divided in two. Unfortunately there are idiot GCs who don't understand that this is not "unification" but the worst kind of partition. Even Yes Man Anastasiades has come to realize this recently. I don't how long AKEL will take to realize this, those idiots still didn't realize that communism has failed.

If you think Akinci is a partitionist then you better tie a rock on your neck and go get drowned in the sea. Denktash, Eroglu and the likes yes, but not Akinci. Furthermore you confuse communism with socialism. Akel today is not a communist party, but rather a socialist party. Socialism is about caring for the people. It doesn’t matter if they are Turks or Greeks.
As for what re-unification could be, it has already been agreed and what is left is the final details. Nobody cares if you like it or not, but don’t give me the bullshit it’s going to be the worst kind of partition. Tell that to the ignorant fanatics of ELAM . If on the other hand you think you are ever going to have a unitary state where you will throw the settlers in the sea, get back homes and lands, everybody back to his villages as in 1974, and the TCs would live under a minority status, then you are simply dreaming. Weak up!
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