miltiades wrote:You have made it crystal clear that you do not like Cyprus, I have also made it abundantly clear that I love Cyprus hence we can never see eye to eye. Utopia exists nowhere , No nation can satisfy all of the people all of the time, personal circumstances influence one's feelings about a country. Money , in most cases, dictates ones views on a country. I too lost a substantial sum but Im lucky that my philosophy is that money does not constitute the main ingredient of happiness, indeed it does contribute but it is not the be all and and all. I have also met a number of " English Cypriots" who returned to Cyprus and are by no means entirely happy, reason ? MONEY the underlying cause. My younger brother brother returned some 27 years ago after receiving a lucrative offer to teach in Limassol at the American Academy. He made his life here in Cyprus and he is very contended. I have been here for almost 2 years now, the happiest and most full fulfilling years of my life, my roots are right here, numerous relatives, and so much to do and see. I understand that if I was starting a family and having to buy a house I might have felt differently. Cyprus has been in my blood all my life, never once did I " betray" my roots and here Im now enjoying my last 25 or 30 years of life !!!
By the way Cyprus attracts 4 times as much of its population in tourists where as Australia attracts around a third, about 8.5 million. I have nothing against Australia other than its too bloody isolated from the rest of the world.
I wouldn't say I hate it.
Like Pavlov's Dog, I associate the place with bad experiences and 2 million Euros isn't a small amount of money.
The problem is, in another country, there are protections from the things that resulted in our family losing a lot of property to third world because some old fart like you couldn't keep his dick in his pants. For instance, in Australia there are laws against slave labor. Only rich people can bring in "maids" from poor third world countries like Russia, Philippines, or Sri Lanka. That's because you have to pay them the same wage as an Aussie, and pay for all their medical expenses and boarding. The unions will never allow anyone to bring in labor and pay them peanuts. It can only maybe happen on the black market but if you get caught, then you are going to jail.
Likewise, if the Banking collapse that happened in Cyprus occurred in the USA or Australia, there would be inquests going on for decades and people and politicians would be in jail. There is no way there would be no blood let. In the USA, they are trying to impeach a POTUS. They have impeached one before in their history (Nixon). Can this happen in Cyprus? No it can't. It will never happen in Cyprus.
In Cyprus, little people get done over time and time again. No one cares. The elites have a Golden Parachute and will always escape. There is no transparency, and no one important will be held as accountable.
I respond to your over praising. Now I don't hate the place. I don't hate the Cypriot people. I just don't think of the place as some kind of paradise. It isn't a paradise. It's not even close to being a paradise or a utopia. In fact, it's very close to other tin pots like
Zimbabwe, because a lot of people have worked all their lives and went to Cyprus and they got done over. They lost everything. There is no justice in Cyprus and you won't find it if you tried. Now imagine something like this occurring in Australia or USA. Lot's of new arseholes would be ripped.
And, it offers absolutely ZERO to someone growing up in Australia. In fact, you would have to be a first class Malaka to leave Australia for Cyprus. It's third world in comparison, and no you do not have the same quality of life or lifestyle. Australia is positively a very brilliant country that is hard to top. Cyprus has no chance of getting close. But there are some other countries that can get close. New Zealand for instance. Maybe Canada too, or Switzerland. That's pretty much it. Cyprus isn't on the radar. nd never will be either.
I wouldn't say I hate Cyprus. I don't hate it. And I don't hate the people either. You poor bastards are victims of total ineptness and absolute total bullshit on a grand scale. I feel sorry for you all. But I do get angry when I am in Cyprus and have very low tolerance for the stupidity. I can never live there. I know this because I will end up in trouble.
Cyprus does not appeal to me. Greece does, and many other European countries do. Cyprus isn't impressive at all.