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Re: Beautiful Cyprus nature.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Feb 27, 2019 6:31 pm

miltiades wrote:Just ignore the ...ex- General
His views on Cyprus are just as stupid as his views were on Syria. If my son was to express such derogatory comments on Cyprus I would disown his case both he and his wife have their roots in Cyprus yet such disparaging commentd. Its time he stops calling himself Paphitis, I suggest he changes to Malakas, far more suitable.
Cyprus attracts 3+ million of visitors, most I have met have been here before. They love our weather, the very best in Europe, they love our people, most hospitable on the planet and may I say we have in Cyprus some of the world's most gorgeous women, ok they are not necessary Cypriot born but boy are they crackers!!
Not forgetting that many coming to Limassol do come for a stroll on the enaerios pier where they have the ....pleasure of meeting....yours truly !!!

He speaks for Australians as if he is The_Australians. :o
I live in Cyprus, I am a Cypriot, how can I speak for anyone as if everyone is like me??
I have my own idiosyncrasy just like any other Cypriot.
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Re: Beautiful Cyprus nature.

Postby Paphitis » Thu Feb 28, 2019 6:12 am

miltiades wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Poor Turks. They get more tourists from Slovakia than they get from Australia!
Paphiti I am still waiting for your 1 million Aussie tourists in Turkey link!!
Your guesswork is over mate. You already got a big straight

Aussies In turkey 2018.PNG

Hardly a good comparison now is it.

You can drive from Slovakia to Turkeyt. Can you drive from Australia? No you can't.

But 100K to Turkey is pretty good numbers. Greece would get at least 100K as well, Maybe even more. That's 200K to Greece and Turkey alone.

Now, we already know 10 million travel each year right. Possibly 11 million this year and maybe 12 million.

Do you realise that this is nearly half the Australian population. Dissect that for one minute Pyro. Half the Australian population travels international each year. Over 1 million visit the USA and 1 million visit the UK each year.

Now what does this tell you? That Australians travel a lot, and by comparison are worldly people right. We are one of the most traveled populations on the planet.

Compare that to your little bubble. Do 500,000 Cypriots travel overseas every year? I bet they don't, despite it being easier.

Australians feel isolated at the far corner of
the world, the reason so many travel. They long to see the world , after all Australia in a way, its way out of the rest of the world.
I did meet a Disgruntled Cypriot Aussie in Limassol last summer. A man in his 60s rather stocky, who criticized every aspect of Cyprus, he had been in Cuprus for about 2 months and he swore he would never set foot on the island again. On further conversation I summised that he had out of money !! I amplified my own feelings stating that Cyprus IS my Paradise Island and that I was so so happy being back to my roots. I believe that most diaspora Cypriots would happily return if their financial situation would permit, life here is bloody marvellous provided one dies not have to deal with solicitors, banks and some government departments. I have criticised a number of aspects here not least the diabolical driving standards and the inseciable love of money but I can cope with this. Not being the least pretentious I can voice my opinions in our wonderful language I just love our Cypriot language, at least we dont add an "aki" or "oula" on every fucking word like the Greeks do.
We are the best the VERY BEST !!

No we don't feel isolated.

We feel very happy we are this far and the fact we don't have a land border is a big blessing.

We call ourselves the lucky country. If you actually come here, you will see why. We have sun, the best cities, a very high standard of living, high quality of life and freedom. We also have great infrastructure, and great services from our Government plus great healthcare and education.

Our children grow up knowing they can do anything here. They have hope and a future to do and become what they want. That is something you don't have.

As for the driving aspects. I suggest you grow up. Yes Cypriot Drivers are lacking in consideration to some countries like Australia, but I wouldn't say they are completely bad.

Australians travel because we have higher disposable incomes that all other countries. That is one contributing factor. Another contributing factor is that Australians are very cultural, and already have a knowledge of foreign countries like Turkey, Greece and Italy. We have the food and the drink here and we grow up with other cultures and Australians love to experience these cultures very much.

Another contributing factor is that Australia is culturally very Anglo Saxon, Germanic and Irish. With a sprinkling of all the other European Nations and also is culturally connected to North America and there are many North Americans in Australians too. Australians love to travel and experience and they like the cultural aspect more so. Hence travel to Hong Kong, and Japan is also popular but so too is travel to USA, UK and other parts of Europe like Turkey, Greece and Italy.
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Re: Beautiful Cyprus nature.

Postby Paphitis » Thu Feb 28, 2019 6:29 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote: You still have not told me what it is that could possibly attract a mainstream Aussie traveller to Cyprus Pyro. What is it that could possibly attract an Aussie to Cyprus rather than Greece, Turkey or Italy? Is it Troodhos? Is it Akamas? What about Agia Napa? Limassol maybe? Nissi Beach. These things are marketable to the British, French, Russians, Swedes and so on, but not to Australians or Kiwis. If you try to market it to Australians and Kiwis, then its like trying to sell ice to Eskimos. And they won't buy!
Why the fuck would an Aussie go to Cyprus to see Nissi Beach?

If you were in business you would go bankrupt within a year Paphitis.
Simply because you assume that people want/like/need what you want/like/need.
It doesn’t work that way.
Tourism is a product, and if you were a good businessman you should forget about your own opinion, and try to sell the product in the best of your abilities.

Asking me what an Aussie could possibly be attracted from Cyprus is as naive as it can get.
Cyprus is a tourist destination, and offers a lot of things to ANY candidate tourist.
If you were a tourist agent, and Cyprus was one of your products, you wouldn’t be able to sell not even one package for Cyprus. Actually judging from what you said you wouldn’t be able to sell not even one package for overseas holidays to any Aussie, trying to convince him that Australia is the best in everything so why go abroad? However your competitor round the corner would sell hundreds of packages for Cyprus simply because he believes and trusts the value of the product he sells.

People go on holidays for al sorts of reasons: to get out of everyday routine, to relax, to have an adventure, to see interesting places, to learn new cultures, etc etc etc, the list is endless.
Some people arrange their holidays themselves, however the majority (at least in Europe) rely on tourist agents. Now if someone wants to go mountain climbing he wouldn’t come to Cyprus, however if he wants the best climate in Europe, then the Mediterranean is the answer, and Cyprus is in the Mediterranean. If he doesn’t like big crowded beaches he wouldn’t go to Cannes. But if he likes a small place where he can see hundreds of interesting places within one hour drive, plus relaxing a few days by the beach, then sure Cyprus is a perfect candidate.

Of course a lot of people like the Greek islands. The Greek islands are very small and don’t have much seeing around. Not my personal taste, but then again I am just a unit. Others go to France, to the UK to Turkey to Italy, to Egypt, everywhere you can imagine. Everybody does it for his own reasons, and as always it depends on the cost.

Some people have heard about Cyprus from friends. Others from Cypriot expats.
The first tourists we ever had from Canada, were because the few Canadians serving in the Unficyp spread the word back home.
Now if every Aussie expat is the same is you, thinking that Cyprus is the worst place to have his holidays then we would be doomed. Obviously they are not, hence the reason we have so many tourists from Australia.

Tourism choices are as diverse as every individual person. And tourism is a product. Just remember that.

I am in business Pyro and I have made some money over the years. Also lost it too. But over all I am grateful and ahead with a spring in my step.

Mate, I am telling you from experience. Australians don't travel to Cyprus because Cyprus isn't cultural for them or offers what they want. If Cyprus could offer the wonders of Greece or Italy, they would come. But it doesn't. So sorry you don't like what I have to tell you.

There literally is no reason for an Aussie to travel to Cyprus unless they had family connections in Cyprus.

If you set up a travel agency specializing in travel to Cyprus in Australia, you would be the one that goes bankrupt. You got better chance selling ice to Eskimos than holiday packages to Cyprus.
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Re: Beautiful Cyprus nature.

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue May 28, 2019 3:16 am gotta see this guy's video. ... otosvideo/

“I started storm chasing as a hobby three years ago. In the first year I was taking pictures with my mobile phone and in the past two years I do it with a relatively good equipment,” Yiorgos says.
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