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Thank You Unkie Sam!

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Re: Thank You Unkie Sam!

Postby Paphitis » Sun Mar 10, 2019 12:09 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Whatever makes you feel good.

But let me tell you this. There is far more democracy in the USA than there is in Cyprus or any EU country.

The USA is the land of the free whether you believe it or not. You are even free to bear arms and that right is enshrined in the second amendment of the USA Constitution which brings me to The Bill of Rights where all your human rights are enshrined and enforceable under US Federal Law. This document is so sacred to the citizens, it is near impossible to amend. Requires are majority in 75% of States. The Americans will NEVER allow any Government to play with it, without the approval of people, hence why it is almost impossible to remove the Right to bear Arms. No Government can just remove it because if they could they could remove all the other rights.

If the USA isn't a democracy, then there is no such thing is democracy globally, because this is the most free country on the planet.

And no, the USA has never resembled the old Soviet System and never was even close. If they did, then Cyprus resembles North Korea. Because you are not as free as a US Citizen is. Not even close. Not when they can pack a Magnum pistol.

The Americans fought a civil war over these rights. They have a psyche over their liberty which is unprecedented anywhere else. Even voting is not obligatory. Which I agree with btw.

The land of the free my ass. The land of anarchy more likely.
And the reason they have guns at home is precisely because of that, because there's so much anarchy their life is at risk even at home.
Householders get surprised learning Cypriot college students renting something don't have a gun, and they lend them one for free...

I only spent about 20 days there in total (traveled for work 3-4 times) and I felt my life was at risk at least twice, once when I got lost in a ghetto and another when someone was trying for about 10 minutes to hit my car from behind when driving in a desert road at about 100Kmh.
I got shit scared kept increasing speed until I managed to pull over....

When are you going to get that job in the US? I can hardly wait for the day you will get the shock of your life :mrgreen:


There isn’t that much crime over there and there is law and order.

Cyprus is the land of Anarchy where any bullshit goes. In the USA there are rules and regulations. You look at your stupid concrete slum cities, with no planning, no nature strips, pot holes on the roads and go to the USA and tell me where the anarchy is. Who got an ally raped by the Banks - was it the USA or Cyprus? How good is your Government. Are you a Banana Republic or not?

People have guns because they are gun centric. They always have been since they formed hundreds of years ago and nothing has changed. And yes, you are allowed to defend you house with a firearm in the USA unlike in Europe or Australia. If a thief breaks into your house and you shoot him in Europe or Australia, you will go to jail. If a thief gets shot by the homeowner in the USA, its bad luck, unless the force was too excessive I think. I like US laws better, because a man’s home is HIS castle.

Not everyone has guns in the USA either. In the big cities like New York, LA, and Chicago especially. But gun ownership seems to be the norm in other States, especially in the South and in smaller regional and rural areas. That is where crime rates are very low to non existent. And there is hardly any crime from legal and registered owners. It’s the unregistered guns which are involved in most of the crime, not the average Joe who likes to collect them as a hobby and registers them with the cop station.

No Pyro, that is bullshit. No one has guns to defend themselves in the USA nor is it necessary to have them to feel safe there. In fact, Democrat voters generally want tougher gun laws. Republicans don’t because they believe in the second amendment.

Americans are a little different to us yes. They value their freedom greatly. They value it more than us because they fought for it. They value their Bill of Rights. They grow up on this and the values of small Government which does not intrude into your living room and tells you how to live. Land of the free, mate!

You are the land of the Banana Republic!
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Re: Thank You Unkie Sam!

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Mar 11, 2019 10:09 pm

You are evolving to the number one bullshitter of the forum using data that are just in your imagination.
Sorry I don't have the time to present hard evidence to you, and If i would it you 'd repeat the same nonsense 2 days later...
It's just the norm for you.
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Re: Thank You Unkie Sam!

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Mar 11, 2019 11:23 pm

I can't avoid answering this supper vituperous part though. Why the hell are you in this forum Paphitis? To take revenge for your father's inferiority complexes regarding the place he "run away from" because he couldn't make it?

Paphitis wrote:There isn’t that much crime over there and there is law and order.
says who? Your imagination as usual?
Cyprus is the land of Anarchy where any bullshit goes.
Really? Why don't you come here and do the bullshit you think may go, and see what happens to you. Didn't you already try to do bullshit with your Bank accounts already to get your lesson?
In the USA there are rules and regulations.
There are rules and regulations everywhere in the world.
You look at your stupid concrete slum cities,
Stupid is you on the first place. Our cities are as beautiful as any other city of similar size in Europe
with no planning,
That's news to me! If you mean we did not plan our cities from 1850 onward like you did, that's true. since a)the place was inhabited for centuries b)evolved from rural to urban in the last decades c) had an invasion to deal with and d)we were occupied by the Ottomans and later the British for centuries. e)we only had our own government 50 years ago
no nature strips,
We have more nature strips per square Km than what you have
pot holes on the roads
No more pot holes than anywhere else in the world
and go to the USA and tell me where the anarchy is.
Like I said I 've been there and there is anarchy, and places the police is afraid to even go. It's not about the law, is how easily people can do crimes and escape the law. It's about their own anarchic mentality too, look at gunshot killings in public places.
Who got an ally raped by the Banks - was it the USA or Cyprus?
Who got their tax payers pay billions for the S&L crisis, then for the Lehman bothers crisis, then the whole world paying trillions for the international crisis they induced? Cyprus or the US?
How good is your Government.
Excellent considering it's 50 years of age. It took Europe centuries to evolve from feudalism to some sort of Government for the ordinary people.
Are you a Banana Republic or not?
We are not! Australia is more of a Banana Republic by definition.
You are the land of the Banana Republic!
Said the stoned Koala who doesn't even know what a Banana Republic is

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Re: Thank You Unkie Sam!

Postby Paphitis » Tue Mar 12, 2019 12:55 am

No I never found a lot of crime over there Pyro. Certainly no different to other big cities like Sydney or Melbourne, and the police presence is good too.

You need to be a bit more open minded because you have a jaded mind. The USA is a welcoming country that has opened its arms to the world. They are an open and transparent democracy where basically anything goes as long as you don't harm other people. Jurisdictions vary from State to State.

I do come to Cyprus and frankly if you want a BULLSHIT country, its Cyprus and you do have a lot of crime there and a lot of narcotics all because of the stupid foreigners you bring in from Eastern Europe. The USA has very heavy screening and vetting process and half the people in Cyprus would not be allowed in the USA. You virtually have to be a clean skin.

ou also, in terms of population have more crime in Cyprus that the US. In the US, there is less likely you will get away with crime as well. But its only natural, that in places like the Greater New York, Jersey and Philadelphia where 22 million people live, that there will be some crime activity. Lots of people = more crime, bt do they have more crime than Cyprus does. I ask this question all the time. In fact I also ask whether they have more crime than Sydney or Melbourne and I can't help to think that they do NOT. In fact I feel very safe there, whether you are on the subway or walking though Astoria or Queens. And the police are everywhere to and very nice and helpful.

And yes there are rules everywhere. But in Cyprus the rules only apply to idiots like you. They don't apply to the elites. And they are hardly ever enforced so you can do what you want.

No your cities are NOT as beautiful as other European Cities. Sorry to burst that bubble but your cities are terrible, dirty and very ugly. USA cities are far nicer and in my opinion a lot more livable too.

You don't have nature strips. You have potholes. You can't ride your bike safely without risk of breaking your neck. Imagine if that were the case in America. You planning is virtually non existent.

Look, you sit there living in Cyprus throwing mud against the USA. But its like someone from Syria saying they are better than New Zealand. Let's be realistic here. The USA has thousands of Cypriot migrants that will never move to Cyprus. Why would they when their kids can go to Harvard or Columbia? At a price of course, but the money is worth it to set your children up for life.

In Cyprus you have this mentality where Cyprus is the center of the universe.

The real Center of the Universe is however NEW YORK! And that isn't made up. It is for real.
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Re: Thank You Unkie Sam!

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Mar 13, 2019 1:45 pm

I am asking you once again: Why the hell are you in this forum Paphitis? To take revenge for your father's inferiority complexes regarding the place he "run away from" because he couldn't make it?
This topic has nothing to do with Cyprus. Yet all we hear from you is constant comparison of Cyprus with anything, be it Australia, the USA, even The Greek islands. We know exactly the pros and cons of Cyprus because we LIVE here. You don’t! And we prefer living here 100 times more than those who can’t make it. We are fighters, we are not renegates. You for a start would have never make it here. All you know is reading local criticism, which we are very good at, compared to the sheep that live in Australia and the USA who don't even dare utter a word.
If you don’t like Cyprus go away from this forum. We don’t need you! You arleady face contempt from most forum members, who don’t think it worths their time conversing with you.

Paphitis wrote:No I never found a lot of crime over there Pyro. Certainly no different to other big cities like Sydney or Melbourne, and the police presence is good too.

Jeez, you can shoot a man dead over there bury him and nobody would ever find out.The majority of the people are lonely, detached from their families, haven't seen a relative for years. There are huge areas where the police cannot even step foot. Do you know how many children disappear from the face of the earth per year? Don't mess up the recorded crime Vs the unrecorded.I really wish you ‘ll take that job in the US to open up your eyes.

You need to be a bit more open minded because you have a jaded mind. The USA is a welcoming country that has opened its arms to the world.

It's not about been open minded. It's about been able to see the reality under the surface.You only see the Holy Rosy things-FACT. And it’s not a welcoming country either. You will be discriminated for anything you can imagine. People are aggressive to each other, let aside with anyone who is a bit different..

They are an open and transparent democracy where basically anything goes as long as you don't harm other people. Jurisdictions vary from State to State.

I do come to Cyprus and frankly if you want a BULLSHIT country, its Cyprus and you do have a lot of crime there and a lot of narcotics all because of the stupid foreigners you bring in from Eastern Europe.

On the contrary. We have less crime than any other place in Europe, and on top of everything we don't have unrecorded crime like they have in the US. The narcotics have nothing to do with Eastern Europeans. Those people are known boozers not narcotic users. Another one of your superficial knowledge of things going on in Cyprus.

The USA has very heavy screening and vetting process and half the people in Cyprus would not be allowed in the USA. You virtually have to be a clean skin.

ou also, in terms of population have more crime in Cyprus that the US. In the US, there is less likely you will get away with crime as well. But its only natural, that in places like the Greater New York, Jersey and Philadelphia where 22 million people live, that there will be some crime activity. Lots of people = more crime, bt do they have more crime than Cyprus does. I ask this question all the time. In fact I also ask whether they have more crime than Sydney or Melbourne and I can't help to think that they do NOT. In fact I feel very safe there, whether you are on the subway or walking though Astoria or Queens. And the police are everywhere to and very nice and helpful.

And yes there are rules everywhere. But in Cyprus the rules only apply to idiots like you. They don't apply to the elites. And they are hardly ever enforced so you can do what you want.

They don't apply to elitists ANYWHERE in the world. How little you know! And don't give me the example of the Police officer who fined your minister... Nearly every US elitist who later became a politician was accused of sexual crimes that he's been hiding all along. Tax evasion is another, as for the financial elites who was ever even brought to justice from Lehman brothers? The phenomenon is INTERNATIONAL.
Of course comparing and targeting Cyprus is easy, because here it's a small place and everything would get known sooner or later.

No your cities are NOT as beautiful as other European Cities. Sorry to burst that bubble but your cities are terrible, dirty and very ugly. USA cities are far nicer and in my opinion a lot more livable too.

That's not the opinion of the 3 million tourists we have every year. It's beyond me to find anything nice in an American city the size of Nicosia or the population size of any of our villages. All small towns are almost identical, almost everyone has a street called "Elms Street", which is their "Ledras street" with some Banks a Wallmart and MacDonalds. Even the orientation of the Elms streets is the same all face East! Almost everyone has a cheap Motel by the exit from the highway used for local fcking. No diversity, nothing interesting, seen one you 've seen them all....

You don't have nature strips.

That's because you never looked around. And you never read links I gave you. Only along Pithkias in Nicosia we have the longest nature strip (about 20Km). We have Parks in almost every neighborhood. Where do you spend your time when you come to Cyprus? In some desert village in Paphos? Next time visit the Athalassa forest park in Nicosia.

You have potholes. You can't ride your bike safely without risk of breaking your neck. Imagine if that were the case in America. You planning is virtually non existent.

Have you visited any municipality and asked to see their town planning? Have you ever searched to find out about any of Cyprus' towns central sewerage system? Obviously not! Certainly we never had the luxury to plan a new city like you have in new places where nobody step foot for millennia. That is the case of Australia and the US. Go to Venice-Italy and ask to see their town planning. What could anyone do for a a city that's been built and inhabited 1000 years ago? You are comparing apples with oranges...

Look, you sit there living in Cyprus throwing mud against the USA. But its like someone from Syria saying they are better than New Zealand. Let's be realistic here. The USA has thousands of Cypriot migrants that will never move to Cyprus. Why would they when their kids can go to Harvard or Columbia? At a price of course, but the money is worth it to set your children up for life.

When someone emigrates you should take it for granted that he did so for certain reasons, thinking about it very well. It would be a disaster to take a wrong decision. Therefore it's actually naive telling me he would never come back, and the reason is because the US or whatever is better than Cyprus. It's better for HIM, for his OWN reasons. And if you think your Kids would ever make it to Harvard, or Columbia, or Cornell or the MIT, then you must be more naive that I thought. Is any of your kids a genius Paphitis?
:lol: :lol: :lol:

In Cyprus you have this mentality where Cyprus is the center of the universe.

No we don't. Nearly every one of us has traveled abroad and seen other places.We have seen with our own eyes and can compare objectively. You just read a lot of local newspapers, which are very good in criticizing ourselves.
In short "Σαν την κυπρο εν εσιει γιε μου, χωνεψε το". We pity you expats living in London and Australia and the US, but that was your own choice

The real Center of the Universe is however NEW YORK! And that isn't made up. It is for real.

The reason I reply with colored text is because you write essays that contain so much bull that have to be commented sentence by sentence, or else I would have to write my own essays. I don't like writing essays, I am not in high school anymore :wink:
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Re: Thank You Unkie Sam!

Postby Cp279 » Wed Mar 13, 2019 2:42 pm

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Re: Thank You Unkie Sam!

Postby Cp279 » Wed Mar 13, 2019 2:46 pm

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Re: Thank You Unkie Sam!

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Mar 13, 2019 2:58 pm

He doesn't read links Cp. After a week or so, he will repeat the same things...
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Re: Thank You Unkie Sam!

Postby Londonrake » Wed Mar 13, 2019 3:16 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:He doesn't read links Cp. After a week or so, he will repeat the same things...

I remember an occasion when you sang Paphitis praise wrt the Forum. :wink:

What’s happened to GR? :?
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Re: Thank You Unkie Sam!

Postby RichardB » Wed Mar 13, 2019 3:33 pm

Paphitis wrote:No I never found a lot of crime over there Pyro. Certainly no different to other big cities like Sydney or Melbourne, and the police presence is good too.

You need to be a bit more open minded because you have a jaded mind. The USA is a welcoming country that has opened its arms to the world. They are an open and transparent democracy where basically anything goes as long as you don't harm other people. Jurisdictions vary from State to State.

I do come to Cyprus and frankly if you want a BULLSHIT country, its Cyprus and you do have a lot of crime there and a lot of narcotics all because of the stupid foreigners you bring in from Eastern Europe. The USA has very heavy screening and vetting process and half the people in Cyprus would not be allowed in the USA. You virtually have to be a clean skin.

ou also, in terms of population have more crime in Cyprus that the US. In the US, there is less likely you will get away with crime as well. But its only natural, that in places like the Greater New York, Jersey and Philadelphia where 22 million people live, that there will be some crime activity. Lots of people = more crime, bt do they have more crime than Cyprus does. I ask this question all the time. In fact I also ask whether they have more crime than Sydney or Melbourne and I can't help to think that they do NOT. In fact I feel very safe there, whether you are on the subway or walking though Astoria or Queens. And the police are everywhere to and very nice and helpful.

And yes there are rules everywhere. But in Cyprus the rules only apply to idiots like you. They don't apply to the elites. And they are hardly ever enforced so you can do what you want.

No your cities are NOT as beautiful as other European Cities. Sorry to burst that bubble but your cities are terrible, dirty and very ugly. USA cities are far nicer and in my opinion a lot more livable too.

You don't have nature strips. You have potholes. You can't ride your bike safely without risk of breaking your neck. Imagine if that were the case in America. You planning is virtually non existent.

Look, you sit there living in Cyprus throwing mud against the USA. But its like someone from Syria saying they are better than New Zealand. Let's be realistic here. The USA has thousands of Cypriot migrants that will never move to Cyprus. Why would they when their kids can go to Harvard or Columbia? At a price of course, but the money is worth it to set your children up for life.

In Cyprus you have this mentality where Cyprus is the center of the universe.

The real Center of the Universe is however NEW YORK! And that isn't made up. It is for real.


Paphitis » Sun Feb 24, 2008 11:44 am

Hi there Miltiades,

I am originally from Yeroskipou. However, I was born in Australia but I feel very attached to Cyprus. Every time I visit Cyprus, my spirit feels like it has arrived home.


So Paphitis what has brought about this complete turnaround in the last 11 years??
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