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Political equality

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Re: Political equality

Postby Maximus » Fri Feb 22, 2019 1:55 pm

That is correct,

The only way the TC's could achieve a state in Cyprus was through ethnic cleansing, which is illegal and theft of a part of someone else's country.

You cant say on the one hand, that you are Cypriot and Cyprus is your country pre 1960. Then post 1974, only the northern third of Cyprus is, which was 80% GC pre 1974.

Taking in to account the fact that no one, except Turkey recongises the "TURKISH republic in the north of Cyprus" further proves that the TC were not and are not entitled to their own state.

This artificial illegal state is now majority Turkish through the illegal transfer or Turks from Turkey. Therefor, it is not Cypriot.

Furthermore, why would Mak agree to giving a 50% veto to 18% of the population against the remaining 82% as well as 30% of anything financially related when previously he wanted enosis. He wouldnt't willingly, unless he was under duress. Which then makes the 1960's agreements legally invalid. This is why he proposed the 13 points to amend it because for 3 years, the TC were abusing the population and the state and the country was heading towards a civil war.
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Re: Political equality

Postby Maximus » Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:16 pm

Political equality as understood by Turkey and the TC is legally invalid because it discriminates and violates other peoples (the majority's) human rights.

It only leads to abuse, devastation and further suffering. Like it has done from 1960 to the present day with the illegal occupation of Cyprus. Its as simple as that.
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Re: Political equality

Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Feb 22, 2019 10:30 pm

B25 wrote:Soto, give it up mate you can't win arguing with a Turk cock sucking turd. everytime he goes over for his cheap branded T shirts he gets his instructions and a blow job to keep him going feed us all this crap.

You can include me in your 'we'.

I give you what the GCs are about to receive dealing with these criminals, thus:

You are evolving to a know it all about cock sucking and blow jobs.
Do you do anything else in your life?
How much do you pay per month to have sex with hookers?
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Re: Political equality

Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Feb 22, 2019 10:43 pm

Maximus wrote:Political equality as understood by Turkey and the TC is legally invalid because it discriminates and violates other peoples (the majority's) human rights.

It only leads to abuse, devastation and further suffering. Like it has done from 1960 to the present day with the illegal occupation of Cyprus. Its as simple as that.

The problem is we don't know how it's understood by the TCs.
Anastasiades just said they want to have a positive vote (hence a veto) on every simple matter.
Question is, is it possible for this to be true, or is it just an excuse? How exactly is this process of "every simple matter" going to be?
And is it really so hard to have a procedure that does apply the political equality as defined and clarified by the UN, without the risk of leading to devastating results?
I will continue tomorrow with my views on that.
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Re: Political equality

Postby Maximus » Sat Feb 23, 2019 12:26 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Maximus wrote:Political equality as understood by Turkey and the TC is legally invalid because it discriminates and violates other peoples (the majority's) human rights.

It only leads to abuse, devastation and further suffering. Like it has done from 1960 to the present day with the illegal occupation of Cyprus. Its as simple as that.

The problem is we don't know how it's understood by the TCs.
Anastasiades just said they want to have a positive vote (hence a veto) on every simple matter.
Question is, is it possible for this to be true, or is it just an excuse? How exactly is this process of "every simple matter" going to be?
And is it really so hard to have a procedure that does apply the political equality as defined and clarified by the UN, without the risk of leading to devastating results?
I will continue tomorrow with my views on that.

We do know and it is not democratic that is for sure.

A veto on every simple matter is enough to include a veto for every important and complicated matter too. why wouldnt it?

The result is basically deadlock for the republic.

In their view, 10% is equal to 90%. 1 TC vote that says no is equal to 9 GC votes that says yes and the result is a no.

With this arrangement, a veto, the TC has to always get what he wants or everyone gets nothing, except and if 5 GC's agree with the TC. Which ever way you look at it, everything hinges on the ' positive ' TC vote.

But the TC is alright jack, because the GC's are sending 30% of whatever financial assistance his way.

Thats fckd and open to abuse, so history repeats itself.

What you create here is something so fucked up that, every TC might as well be on welfare, funded by the GC's and the TC is dictating to the GC's what to do.

Of course that would be enough to make some think about doing the most awful things to escape the situation.
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Re: Political equality

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Feb 23, 2019 7:57 am

...i hate to say it, but read my manifesto. I dare to say the one that Kikapu proposes is as valid. Indeed, the possibility of a BBF, does not exclude democracy, or Freedom, in Cyprus.

It takes from the Turkish Community the willingness to return to their seats in the Legislature.

It takes from the Greek Community the willingness to fill the seats never filled in the Communal Chamber.

It takes all Cypriots to have the same commitment to Cyprus, without further distinction or discrimination. And that they may improve themselves based on merit.

...while the Constitution is dysfunctional, the Republic under it exists. While Constitutionally it can be reformed, the method seems elusive.

I suggest that there exists, in the Communal Chamber a possibility for both Communities to come to unanimity on their equal but respective needs. It would, under these circumstances, fall to the Legislature to take into consideration this Agreement, toward Legislation, and a better Constitution, respectively. The Constitution, i may add, is the only Agreement Erdogan cannot ignore, nor reasonably refuse, if as Cypriots, according to it, Cypriots change it.

Furthermore, i suggest that enclaves, the notion of them can be turned on its head, and that they are a good thing if as a part of the political geography they spot the whole island, so that its repopulation is better secured, so too free movement and association, so too services like Hospitals and Schools in both languages always close by island wide. That the "Green Line" is no longer a "border'', and in remaining, it is only a feature along with many other features that define the island as frontiers. Enclaves, if the "Green Line" must remain,(or if it didn't exist at all), would represent to the missing, the murdered, and the displaced, (both Greek and Turkish, as Persons,) Justice seen.

It is not hard to imagine Akinci and Anastasiades shaking hands under the Flag of Cyprus.

...just saying.; political equality: to each according to their needs, from each according to their ability.
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Re: Political equality

Postby Lordo » Sun Feb 24, 2019 1:06 am

what my native american friend or you propose has no value as it will not be dsicussed at the un. why waste your time writing it in the first place.

it is blatantly obvious the only solution possible is bbf as discussed at the talks and if it fails it only leaves one choice for a solution.
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Re: Political equality

Postby kurupetos » Mon Feb 25, 2019 12:01 pm

Lordo wrote:what my native american friend or you propose has no value as it will not be dsicussed at the un. why waste your time writing it in the first place.

it is blatantly obvious the only solution possible is bbf as discussed at the talks and if it fails it only leaves one choice for a solution.

If that was an option, Turks wouldn't be in the talks in the first place, kuzeni vromoshillo... :wink:
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Re: Political equality

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Feb 25, 2019 11:08 pm

...thank-you kuru.

..."this" must stop, i think Lordo. And let us remember that nothing is agreed until everything is agreed. If it is between the "Greeks", and the "Turks" as the debate is framed, whether or not Cypriots are recognised by them, Cypriots exist.

How is it that you expect things to stay the same, and that you agree to that, Cypriots and Cyprus torn in two? Is it cowardice, or part of a "Turkish" dogma? Forgive me, but nothing else comes to mind.

Don't get me wrong, i like your being here to express your opinion, like kuru who i don't deny is Cypriot too, because as much as it is offensive, to me, it gives me a reason to debate.

Frankly, i am flattered with your harshness, something i said has set you off.

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Re: Political equality

Postby Lordo » Tue Feb 26, 2019 2:08 pm

above is an interesting report about what happened at the talks and what akinci said for those who think akinci has said nothing. he saod plenty.

“There were harsh, hours-long bargains behind closed doors with President Erdogan especially in the territory and guarantees topics,” explains Kahvecioglu. “He even threatened a couple of times to leave the negotiation table if Ankara would stick to maximalist positions.”

On more than one occasion during the negotiations, Akinci took steps despite Ankara’s reservations, even objections.

“The first fight with Ankara was at Mont Pelerin [November 2016] when Akinci said he was ready to increase the percentage of area that would be returned to the future Greek Cypriot constituent state,” said Kahvecioglu. “Anastasiades didn’t reciprocate and asked for a recess. Then in Geneva, when he gave a map before securing a rotating presidency, just before Greece disrupted the conference.”

“Akinci is being reminded at every opportunity that he showed his cards too soon, that Anastasiades didn’t reciprocate,” says Kahvecioglu. “Erdogan is displeased that Akinci acted independently. And Erdogan’s displeasure is behind today’s crises.”

may i take this opporotunity to syggest to those who atill think akinci never said anything in these talks to please shove ......................................... the above info in their pipe and smoooooooooke iiiiiiiiiit. and btw stop smoking what ever itz is you are smoking currently as it aint doing you no good no how.
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