No obstacles!

kurupetos wrote:If I wear my foustanella, it will be easier to f*ck you, kuz...
No obstacles!
...what does Mr. Akinci not get? It is simple. If he wants to reform the Constitution he can demonstrate that he is a Cypriot.
...i am left, from the day he was elected, wondering, who he has become.
Who can deny that Cypriots voted for him, and yet, since that day (and that angry phonecall), it is for "Turkishness" he speaks exclusively.
Who can forget his ridicule of Mr. Anastasiades for wearing ''two hats''. And while Mr. Anastasiades defends all Cypriots as Individuals, and as Persons he, in the negotiations also represents the island's Grecophones, Where has Mr. Akinci represented himself to Cypriots, a Cypriot, and as such, Mr. Anastasiades' equal, to Cypriots?
He is at this moment, a servant-slave, a parasite, in Erdogan's mind. He must choose. he Turkish, or, a "Turk"?
He can stand beside the Flag of Cyprus. He can say for once that "Turkishness", that which has divided Cyprus for decades, is no better than the "Greekness" he abhors. Cypriots are not "Greeks", and they are not "Turks". One thing is clear, both treat this Flag equally as a rag. And if he continues with his "mentality", who is he betraying?
...i ask Mr. Akinci to remember, i ask all of us to remember, that while the "Greeks" and "Turks" were busy on their killing spree, who is it that they murdered, and made to disappear? "Greeks"? "Turks"? Each other? No, not them, but Cypriots, for "being" Cypriots; this is something to think about. ... stasiades/
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