Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:cyprusgrump wrote:miltiades wrote:It is people with similar attitudes to you who in 1974 handed Turkey half of Cyprus. They were naive extremists just like you who believed that the destiny of Cyprus had but one goal. Union with Greece. Immense hatred for the Turkish Cypriots as well as those who did not share their extremist views. Only genuine negotiations can lead to a solution, war would have immense catastrophic consequences both for Greece and Cyprus. Believing in your self is one thing but having dellusional thoughts is a different matter.
The EU , is here to stay and will grow stronger and go forth ad a world force.
The EU is finished...![]()
How will it get stronger without the £350m a week the UK sends...?![]()
They won't be able to pay the bar bill, let alone fund an EU army and expand the bloc...![]()
I didn’t realize the EU’s second largest economy in the world worth trillions was purely dependent on UK’s measly £350m weekly contribution for the EU to remain in existence .![]()
How many countries are net contributors?![]()
And now that the biggest or second biggest net contributor has left the building.
Can the EU still afford to keep the lights on?
this is why the EU didn't want BREXIT. there is a huge black hole to fill now!
No club wants to lose any members, but if a member wants to be cunt, then it is best to get rid of them as they become a cancer in the club’s day to day operation. I’m sure EU citizens would be happy to pay extra £30 more tax a year to cover any shortfall in the EU’s budget if needed to compensate the UK’s withdrawal. It will be worth getting rid of all those UK MP cunts out of the EU parliament and their disruptive and distrusted behaviours.
It's really sad that the EU may view it that way.
What Britain did was its right in accordance with its self determination and sovereignty.
It was the EU that was the Cunt, just like an imperial overlord now over the remaining 27 countries which today arew less Sovereign than Britain is.
Britain beat the EU. And every single member remaining in the EU, should rejoice at the defiant resistance of the UK against the criminal EU which in my opinion is about 100 times worse than British Colonial rule in Cyprus.
I would love for the EU to propose extra Federal Tax laws upon the EU citizens. that would be fantastic to screw down every EU Citizen, including all Greeks and Cypriots for extra tax. Bring it on EU!
And let the domino effect happen because before you know it, we will be having GREXIT, right after Hungary, Italy, and France.