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Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 05, 2019 2:32 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:You are generalizing again!
Tailgating is an American invention where they do it on purpose.
You may have your opinion and I have mine:most foreigners are worse drivers than Cypriots.

I'm not generalizing at all.

These are observations I have made about Cyprus. In the USA and Australia, I have NEVER seen a motorcyclist not wear a helmet. In Cyprus you see them every day. To me this is an indication of lack of any consideration to their own personal safety, and if that is so, there is also a lack of consideration of others safety as well.

So what's the difference between Australia/USA and Cyprus?

I will tell you what the difference is. The Australian and US law enforcement is unyielding. They are there, and they are doing their job. You just know not to mess with them.

Everyone knows that in the USA or Australia, you will get a fine if you break the road rules. In Cyprus, you might get pulled over and even if you get pulled over, you can play the koumbaro card.

In the USA or Australia, you know its not going to be your day if the coppers pull you over. So everyone wears a helmet, and a seat belt. No one parks blatantly illegally, and no one will wiz pass you over the speed limit. If you indicate, they will let you in not give you the dekata! No one wants to get pulled over. And the coppers won't pull you over if you do the right thing. They would rather not as well.

We have law enforcers, who will fine you for parking on the grass or nature strip. that's why we have nature strips and trees in the US and Australia. You don't park on them. You know, its about Keeping Australia Beautiful, not turning it into a garbage dump.

Do you mind telling us how many days of your life you lived in Cyprus and what century was that?

I was there in 2018.

I end up going most years, but am trying to avoid the place as much as possible. The less time in Cyprus, means more time in other places, and Cyprus is low in the pecking order these days I am afraid. I usually want to spend my time in Greece and pair that up with another Euro destination each year. I also like spending a lot of time in UAE (I love Dubai very much). I also like visiting USA and Canada, so you see there is more to this world than Cyprus. I also like going to some Asian countries like Singapore, and Thailand. New Zealand is very pretty too. A lot more prettier than Cyprus.

Cyprus isn't really my thing. When I am there, I am already working on my quick extraction from the place. The quicker the extraction, the better.

The country I like has even less considerate drivers than Cyprus by a small factor, so my care factor about the state of your driving is literally zero, zilch, nada. In other words, I don't care whether you drive good or bad, because it doesn't affect me much. If I was in Cyprus, I would care more.

I just like being honest.

And I'm totally sorry, but Cypriot drivers DO NOT drive as well as in some other countries and generally become a lot more selfish and inconsiderate when hey get behind the wheel.
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Postby Londonrake » Tue Feb 05, 2019 8:16 am

Paphitis wrote:Cyprus isn't really my thing. When I am there, I am already working on my quick extraction from the place. The quicker the extraction, the better.

This explains why I’m still waiting for my Keo. :( :lol: :wink:
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Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 05, 2019 9:07 am

Londonrake wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Cyprus isn't really my thing. When I am there, I am already working on my quick extraction from the place. The quicker the extraction, the better.

This explains why I’m still waiting for my Keo. :( :lol: :wink:

I will try for next time, but my longest stay in Cyprus was 11 days. Last year it was 7 days so my visits are getting shorter. :D
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Feb 05, 2019 11:36 am

Paphitis wrote:
I was there in 2018.

I end up going most years, but am trying to avoid the place as much as possible. The less time in Cyprus, means more time in other places, and Cyprus is low in the pecking order these days I am afraid. I usually want to spend my time in Greece and pair that up with another Euro destination each year. I also like spending a lot of time in UAE (I love Dubai very much). I also like visiting USA and Canada, so you see there is more to this world than Cyprus. I also like going to some Asian countries like Singapore, and Thailand. New Zealand is very pretty too. A lot more prettier than Cyprus.

Cyprus isn't really my thing. When I am there, I am already working on my quick extraction from the place. The quicker the extraction, the better.

The country I like has even less considerate drivers than Cyprus by a small factor, so my care factor about the state of your driving is literally zero, zilch, nada. In other words, I don't care whether you drive good or bad, because it doesn't affect me much. If I was in Cyprus, I would care more.

I just like being honest.

And I'm totally sorry, but Cypriot drivers DO NOT drive as well as in some other countries and generally become a lot more selfish and inconsiderate when hey get behind the wheel.

So it was 7 days last year. And you watched everything and you know everything and you are absolutely certain the Koumbaro card still plays.
What can I say? I also like to be honest. And sorry but you sound like a crazy person to me who has nothing better to do in his life than accusing Cyprus and it's people for anything he can imagine, doesn't even miss a chance to mock his country of origin, even by comparing it's low rain fall to other places. Cyprus is this-Cyprus is that, Cyprus is shit, Australia is this, Australia is that, Australia USA and Canada are Holy Rosy places.WHO CARES? As if having stupid Carlies living here , doing such comparisons basically to boast about the "great place they were living" was not enough, we also have such stupid expats like you, playing the same tune. Not even considering that their father came from the most peasant part of Cyprus. Oh man he emigrated to Holy Rosy Australia paid a fortune to make his flamboyant son a pilot, just to bust our balls in this forum on a daily basis.
That's how you come across to me Paphitis, and the next question is, if you don't like Cyprus what the hell are you doing in this forum??
I wish you 'd finally get that offer from the Americans and go live there to get the shock of your life. :evil:
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Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 05, 2019 1:27 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
I was there in 2018.

I end up going most years, but am trying to avoid the place as much as possible. The less time in Cyprus, means more time in other places, and Cyprus is low in the pecking order these days I am afraid. I usually want to spend my time in Greece and pair that up with another Euro destination each year. I also like spending a lot of time in UAE (I love Dubai very much). I also like visiting USA and Canada, so you see there is more to this world than Cyprus. I also like going to some Asian countries like Singapore, and Thailand. New Zealand is very pretty too. A lot more prettier than Cyprus.

Cyprus isn't really my thing. When I am there, I am already working on my quick extraction from the place. The quicker the extraction, the better.

The country I like has even less considerate drivers than Cyprus by a small factor, so my care factor about the state of your driving is literally zero, zilch, nada. In other words, I don't care whether you drive good or bad, because it doesn't affect me much. If I was in Cyprus, I would care more.

I just like being honest.

And I'm totally sorry, but Cypriot drivers DO NOT drive as well as in some other countries and generally become a lot more selfish and inconsiderate when hey get behind the wheel.

So it was 7 days last year. And you watched everything and you know everything and you are absolutely certain the Koumbaro card still plays.
What can I say? I also like to be honest. And sorry but you sound like a crazy person to me who has nothing better to do in his life than accusing Cyprus and it's people for anything he can imagine, doesn't even miss a chance to mock his country of origin, even by comparing it's low rain fall to other places. Cyprus is this-Cyprus is that, Cyprus is shit, Australia is this, Australia is that, Australia USA and Canada are Holy Rosy places.WHO CARES? As if having stupid Carlies living here , doing such comparisons basically to boast about the "great place they were living" was not enough, we also have such stupid expats like you, playing the same tune. Not even considering that their father came from the most peasant part of Cyprus. Oh man he emigrated to Holy Rosy Australia paid a fortune to make his flamboyant son a pilot, just to bust our balls in this forum on a daily basis.
That's how you come across to me Paphitis, and the next question is, if you don't like Cyprus what the hell are you doing in this forum??
I wish you 'd finally get that offer from the Americans and go live there to get the shock of your life. :evil:

Yes I spend as little time as I can get away with in Cyprus. Do I know everything? No of course I don't know everything about Cyprus.

Do I know a bit about Cyprus? Yes I do, and of course I got family there as well.

I never said anything about the Koumbaro Card, although I do know it exists in Cyprus. I know enough to appreciate the subtle differences between driving in Cyprus and driving elsewhere. Cypriot Drivers are notorious for parking illegally, and not obeying some of the road rules in general - such as speeding, not wearing safety helmets, not wearing seat belts and talking on mobile phones whilst driving.

You will see these things every single day in Cyprus, whereas in Australia its a struggle finding people willfully disobeying road safety rules. Drivers can speed by mistake, but generally there isn't an intrinsic disregard of the road rules. maybe because the police will enforce them. In Cyprus that might not be the case, otherwise motorcyclists will wear their helmets.

I don't get off criticizing Cyprus and I told you before I don't particularly care. Its you guys that get very defensive about it. In Australia, Adelaidians actually laugh at themselves and poke fun at themselves about their driving when the rest of the country pokes fingers at them. They actually recognize the fact that they can be inconsiderate on the roads and they often talk about driving in Mexico (Melbourne) and Sydney and drivers letting you in when changing lines, something that doesn't occur in Adelaide as much.

In Australia, you don't have to live in a place to recognize hat Adelaidian drivers are close to if not the worse drivers in Australia. They are the most inconsiderate drivers in Australia and the rest hate Adelaide drivers because they are selfish probably because they are spoilt with the best planned road network in the country, if not the world. Sydney drivers for instance can't afford to be pricks because of the gridlock that exists there, so people help each other out.
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Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 05, 2019 1:50 pm

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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Feb 05, 2019 3:18 pm

Your video actually demonstrates the BIG difference between a modern day Cypriot and a Charlie. (the video actors are Charlies in case you haven't noticed).
A Charile is a Cypriot expat with the peasant mentality of the 50s. Includes those who eventually return.
These are the people who caused us a bad fame abroad.
Funny for some, ludicrous for me.
Countless of them currently living in the UK and Australia. They are all around you Paphitis, and the fact is you are an offspring of those people.
How much you got away from that mentality? Not much imo. Otherwise you wouldn't boast all day about Australia comparing it to the shitty place of your origin.
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Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 05, 2019 3:32 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Your video actually demonstrates the BIG difference between a modern day Cypriot and a Charlie. (the video actors are Charlies in case you haven't noticed).
A Charile is a Cypriot expat with the peasant mentality of the 50s. Includes those who eventually return.
These are the people who caused us a bad fame abroad.
Funny for some, ludicrous for me.
Countless of them currently living in the UK and Australia. They are all around you Paphitis, and the fact is you are an offspring of those people.
How much you got away from that mentality? Not much imo. Otherwise you wouldn't boast all day about Australia comparing it to the shitty place of your origin.

The guy is a Cypiot kid born and raised in the UK.

In other words, he has a broader outlook about the world to many Cypriots.

He is just making comic sketches about Cypriots and the Cypriot Culture and other generalizations in the name of humour.

British drivers, even those of Cypriot background< do not behave like that. Also, Cypriot Drivers who drive in Australia and the USA do not drive like Cypriot drivers do in Cyprus. They are generally more responsible and considerate of others. They behave like other local drivers. So what's the difference? In my opinion, the police enforce the laws and there is a zero tolerance. You have to reform, otherwise its expensive.

I only posted the video because it is funny. I wasn't using the video for any other purpose, but the generalizations about Cypriot Drivers do exist.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Feb 05, 2019 4:57 pm

No. He is a disoriented person who doesn't know where his ass is.
Just like all Charlies :lol: :lol:

and btw we don't want to become a police state like Australia. We don't have enough money to feed useless cops ticketing us for parking in a "horafi" that's full of weeds for preserving nature imish.
As you may have noticed we are doing perfectly alright safety wise, and we don't have more fatal accidents than you.
The rest is useless luxury. Our Police is as lenient as it should be given the local economic circumstances.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 05, 2019 5:16 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:No. He is a disoriented person who doesn't know where his ass is.
Just like all Charlies :lol: :lol:

and btw we don't want to become a police state like Australia. We don't have enough money to feed useless cops ticketing us for parking in a "horafi" that's full of weeds for preserving nature imish.
As you may have noticed we are doing perfectly alright safety wise, and we don't have more fatal accidents than you.
The rest is useless luxury. Our Police is as lenient as it should be given the local economic circumstances.

A ....donkey mentality !! Whats the point of indicating, my great grandfather never had to. A helmet riding a bike ? Ate re pareta mas. Red lights? Ma peripezis mas.!! So what if i do 70 when the limit is 50. Exathiken o cosmos re gamoto !!
So I dont turn right entering the left side of the road. Big fucking deal. Ate pareta mas en je hathiken o kosmos.
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