Pyrpolizer wrote:Well like I said, I only went to the US a couple of times for work, and I had absolutely no problem driving.
The driving test at that specific state was a written exam plus an on road test in a pre designed test area.
Greeks living there told me it was a piece of cake...
Cypriots are excellent drivers Paphitis and can drive in "easy" places like the US with absolutely no problem.
Now give any foreigner the wheel in Cyprus and if he won't crash in a week I will cut my throat.
This proves we are better than anyone, because we are trained in a very difficult road system where you have to be extremely careful.
Notice within just 10 days I got a fine ticket in the US. I parked at the side of an empty plot full of weeds. They fined me $40 for parking on the grass!!!
One thing is certain to me. You can get fined in a foreign country for silly reasons but never for silly reasons in Cyprus.
That was the requirement in Australia, however, it all changed about 5 years ago. It was a piece of cake in Australia as well. It just isn't a piece of cake anymore, and knowing that the USA always review their laws, I seriously doubt its as easy today as it was a few years ago. Plus, 52 States = 52 jurisdictions. The laws vary. Some States are a lot tougher than others. Some States have the Death Penalty and others don't.
The USA is fluid, they too would have changed or evolved. Probably also have a logbook system. I know many EU countries have a logbook. One country follows the other.
Once some countries change, everyone follows if they think it has an impact and I believe it has had an impact on the number of deaths.
I don't believe Cypriots are excellent drivers because I find them inconsiderate and seem to think the road rules are flexible. Sorry! Transplant the NYPD or LAPD into Cyprus and your heads will spin.
I don't want to be offensive, but for me, Cypriot drivers are pretty shit. They think they are good drivers, but they are not when they think they can speed, not indicate and double park and tailgate. And when you indicate to change lanes in a busy street and they behave like they don't give 2 hoots. To me, they are crap drivers.
When you blokes get behind the wheel, your IQ takes a nosedive.

I really don't understand what is so hard about driving on Cypriot Roads. OK some road conditions in Troodhos can be challenging, but overall your roads are OK, especially the highways. What I find challenging in Cyprus are the other drivers and their stupid behavior, like motorcyclists not wearing helmets, passengers not wearing seat belts and so on.
What is apparent to me is that the police in Cyprus are a lot more lax than in the USA. There is a good chance you won't get fined, so people break the rules and cause accidents. In the USA, you will get a fine for not wearing a helmet, or a seat-belt, or parking where you are not suppose to. So, on average, i believe the Americans are better drivers and as hell of a lot more considerate and kind.
One of the reasons why the USA has better roads and conditions is because the police will give you a parking ticket for parking on the grass. Next time, you will know not to do that, so they have modified and corrected your behavior. You will only do it once right? Unless you are a totally stupid moron that is.