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Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Feb 05, 2019 11:35 pm

...also funny.
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Feb 05, 2019 11:56 pm

The only funny part was… “I’m not playing my horn!” :lol:

Must’ve graduated from the same school as Pyro!
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Feb 06, 2019 1:53 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:No. He is a disoriented person who doesn't know where his ass is.
Just like all Charlies :lol: :lol:

and btw we don't want to become a police state like Australia. We don't have enough money to feed useless cops ticketing us for parking in a "horafi" that's full of weeds for preserving nature imish.
As you may have noticed we are doing perfectly alright safety wise, and we don't have more fatal accidents than you.
The rest is useless luxury. Our Police is as lenient as it should be given the local economic circumstances.

The only disorientated person here is YOU Pyro. This kid is actually proud of Cyprus and lives there now and continues to make his funny sketches and his sketches are very funny.

And Australia and the USA are not police states. We just have law enforcement and equality before the law, something you do not have. You neither have as much law enforcement or equality.

And the USA is the most free state in the world, thanks to the second and fifth amendments. It's the epitome of small Government that stays out of your home and lets you live the way you want to live. This is one of the best things about the USA. The reason why the have gun issues is because the Government is unwilling to wind back the people's freedoms which include the right to bear arms.

In addition, our police here save lives. They don't want to be scraping you off the side of the road to put you in a body bag for the State coroner.

Plus you don’t have nature strips. You have some footpaths with potholes making it dangerous to walk on. So you can thank the American copper who gave you what you deserved because in the ISA and Australia, we have bueatiful nature strips and verges for people to walk their doggy. I know what I would prefer.
Last edited by Paphitis on Wed Feb 06, 2019 2:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Feb 06, 2019 2:04 am

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Postby B25 » Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:58 am

Paphiti, you summed up very well the Cypriot peasant, they are just like this, correction 99% of them are like this, Pyro fits in the 1% that aren't.
Give them a donkey and they would not know any different. Hade ousho!
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Feb 06, 2019 11:49 am

Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:No. He is a disoriented person who doesn't know where his ass is.
Just like all Charlies :lol: :lol:

and btw we don't want to become a police state like Australia. We don't have enough money to feed useless cops ticketing us for parking in a "horafi" that's full of weeds for preserving nature imish.
As you may have noticed we are doing perfectly alright safety wise, and we don't have more fatal accidents than you.
The rest is useless luxury. Our Police is as lenient as it should be given the local economic circumstances.

And Australia and the USA are not police states. We just have law enforcement and equality before the law, something you do not have. You neither have as much law enforcement or equality.

And the USA is the most free state in the world, thanks to the second and fifth amendments. It's the epitome of small Government that stays out of your home and lets you live the way you want to live. This is one of the best things about the USA. The reason why the have gun issues is because the Government is unwilling to wind back the people's freedoms which include the right to bear arms.

Unfortunately, police in the USA are generally corrupted by knowingly in most cases in violating individual rights, as well as violating the constitution they have swore to upheld by becoming police officers. Having said that, I also believe that most officers join the police force to be a good cop to serve and protect the public, but once they are in the force, they become corrupted by the system and by the examples set by their fellow officers and superiors in violating others rights. They become just an another "gang" members who uses their badges and the guns to push their personal will on law abiding citizens. This is nothing new, but many are getting exposed in the age of smart phones and cameras where cops are filmed as they violate citizens rights despite being filmed, because some feel they are protected by their superiors, district attorneys and the local judges, unless they commit very serious violations against citizens, that they will be punished, and ONLY if the incidents are recorder and filmed.

There are hundreds of examples on YouTube where citizens are filming the cops under FIRST AMENDMENT AUDITS.

This is one of them. Many more will appear on your screen automatically to choose from. Enjoy!
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Feb 06, 2019 1:31 pm


I hope you don’t really believe that.

I want you to watch this YouTube and tell me what you think. So much outrage because the police killed this guy. But why did they kill him?

Why do you believe the police in the USA are violating your human rights? Why would they want to bother you or your way of life? The worst you can expect from them is a fine for speeding or disregarding some road rules. You have the rigfht to demonstrate, and even burn the US Flag thanks to the US Bill of Rights.

Have the US Police ever hassled you from living your life?
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Feb 06, 2019 1:36 pm

B25 wrote:Paphiti, you summed up very well the Cypriot peasant, they are just like this, correction 99% of them are like this, Pyro fits in the 1% that aren't.
Give them a donkey and they would not know any different. Hade ousho!

Hi B25,

All tat is needed is zero tolerance. It will be a shock to begin with, but if your hit people in the hip pocket, they change their ways.

I recently got a speeding fine about a month ago. It was the first fine I got for about 10 odd years. It cost me $387 for being 8 kms over the speed limit.

It happens. But it made me to be extra cautious and careful.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Feb 06, 2019 3:30 pm

Paphitis wrote:Kikapu,

I hope you don’t really believe that.

I want you to watch this YouTube and tell me what you think. So much outrage because the police killed this guy. But why did they kill him?

Why do you believe the police in the USA are violating your human rights? Why would they want to bother you or your way of life? The worst you can expect from them is a fine for speeding or disregarding some road rules. You have the rigfht to demonstrate, and even burn the US Flag thanks to the US Bill of Rights.

Have the US Police ever hassled you from living your life?

Actually, I do believe in what I wrote, and not because I have had bad experience with cops, because I haven't. I have been stopped for traffic violations few times in my life in the states which some I have talked my way out of them, some I went to traffic school which no points were placed on my record, and paid the fine on one or two. Perhaps because I had answered all of their questions when I didn't have to and if I hadn't answered all their questions, who is to say how they would have had reacted, even if it was my right not to answer them, other than provide my drivers license, registration of the vehicle and proof of insurance. However, when one is not stopped by the police while driving but just minding your own business and are not suspected of committing a crime, police do not take it too well if you refuse to talk to them or show your ID. If a person is illegally detained, then you can just invoke your 5th amendment and refuse to talk to the cops as well as invoke your 4th amendment to searches and confiscation of your person, vehicle and property. When police are on a power trip, they will lie, cheat, conspire and do anything to violate your rights, and since most people do not know their rights, they go along with the cops questions. If the cops want to arrest someone badly, they will try to find something, so it is best not to say anything to them at all. If you are illegally detained and arrested, then you can sue the city or the county. The police will try to intimidate and provoke you in trying to force you to give them a reason to arrest you legally, which is why is not to walk away from them when detained, legally or illegally.

Now, regarding the video you have provided. First of all, the narrator is a cop cock sucking prick. As for the moment the cop shot the individual who pulled out the gun from his pocket, that was justifiable shooting by the cop, no question about it. If the guy was detained by the cops and he walked away, the cop holding him down was justifiable. The question is, was he detained? He was asked to leave because he was told he was trespassing and he refused, then they would need to trespass him before he can be arrested for violating his trespass order. Was he trespassed by the police? He then started to leave, but we don't know if he was leaving to go out of the building or to go into another part of the building. I don't know. If he wasn't detained, then he was free to leave in which time, the cop had no right to put his hands on him. So many questions that the video does not address I'm afraid.
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Feb 06, 2019 7:24 pm

I’ve got a couple of questions about the above Kikapu!

Why would the cops want to arrest you or anyone else badly unless you are already known to them?

If you are about to be arrested, I agree that your best option is to say nothing. That may aggravate them further but you are going to be arrested anyway for whatever it is they are going to arrest with with.

What they don’t do is arrest you for no reason or anything like that. They need something to arrest you with.

About the video. The guy who made it doesn’t like the police. He is a commentator about social topics and politics usually involving racial issues. I have watched a number of his videos and he isn’t pro police but does make comment on race issues, and also about extreme left or social politics, the me too movement and gender politics among other things. That is his angle. He is a culture war commentator.

Now have you ever been involved in police violating your rights?

When getting pulled over, I think it is smart to answer their questions and to be polite. It’s pretty stupid invoking your 5th when all they are stopping you for is for a traffic violation or a routine check. It probably would aggravate them too. Why would you invoke the 5th whether it’s your right or not over a stupid traffic infringement which only involves a fine?

Where you would invoke the 5 is if you robbed a Bank or when you are alleged to have broken other laws like let’s say you assaulted someone, or some other fairly serious criminal charge. The reason for that is because by opening your mouth in this emotional state could put yourself in a worse situation. You should be speaking to a lawyer before you speak to them or answer any of their questions. That is your right. They can’t do anything about it either. They can’t add other charges because they need evidence to charge you. You have this right in Australia too, the only difference is that the USA has enshrined these rights in the Bill of Rights within the US Constitution which in my opinion is awesome.

They could lie yes but usually they get found out and when that happens the shit hits the fan. There are so many organisations that have the power to investigate them and they are not above the law. In Australia we have the Police Ombudsman who will investigate any claims of wrongdoing.

I have an example. My dad was once in an altercation with 2 police officers many years ago whilst they were off duty. The 2 police officers were involved in a traffic accident and one of them died. The next day they tried framing my dad with assault, manslaughter and all kinds of things because one of their mates was in a morgue. It didn’t fly, and in the end they got into a lot of trouble. There was even an inquiry against them for racist behaviour.

That’s the only anecdotal evidence I have that supports your claim. I remember being followed to school whenever the police saw me. This was a small country town, the police were racist and this was in the seventies. It was very surreal, like Mississippi Burning. I grew up in a very conservative redneck country area. There were only 2 Greek Families and 2 Italian Families and we were not liked by the police.

Never experienced any police stuff since then though. And never really been in trouble with them despite maybe a couple of traffic violations when I was young. I do recall having fear issues of the police. I didn’t like them or trust them. In fact I had a phobia of them because of these traumatic experiences with them when I was young.

Have I seen them try to frame me since? No they haven’t. Have I seen them violate other people for no reason? No I have not.

In the USA you have your rights but it’s a bit silly upholding the 5th when all they want to do is see your ID, ask you for a breath analysis, or issue you with a speeding ticket. That would be aggravating to them and they probably would give you a hard time for being an idiotic wanker. If you answer their questions and are generally polite, you could even be let of with a verbal warning about your traffic infringement which they don’t have to do.

Sorry but that’s not violating your HR.
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