Get Real, I downloaded your browser and it is fair to say that at this point you have actually switched off all the things that make the internet so great, just because you want to be private. Like not having location services on a smart phone when you could be in an unfamiliar city and looking for a place to get a nice meal. Lucky Tseri is all you know old mate!
Argh! Let me give you some advice free of charge.
It's not Google you need to worry about. They don't care you are a basement porn addict, they just want to push the products of those advertisers that give them more money.In your case, you probably get a lot of advertisements for lube products.

Business is business.
The organizations that want to potentially violate your privacy (if you are a shady person that is) are Government State Entities and Actors, and they have so much technology and resources, there is nothing you or your Be Queer Tools Browser can do about it!

Now back to your brick phone and Be Queer tools old boy! As if Google gives a fuck about your wife browsing where to find the best make up deals and cooking recipes.

Now old boy, you can tip the entire island of Cyprus upside down, and get every penny drop and you still wouldn't have enough money that is more than the value of Google.

So leave the poor woman alone and please don't sterilize the internet for her too so that she can't access anything or do her business.