Hello Eric,
Is this info any good to you?I recieved this letter last week from the Customs office in Nicosia.
Dear Sir,
With reference to your e-mail dated 6 January 2006, provided you come to stay permanently in Cyprus, I would like to inform you the following:
A. Persons who transfer their Normal Residence
According to our legislation The Excise Duties (Relief Applicable to Imports from a Member State of the Personal Property of Individuals) Regulations of 2004, (P.I. 376/04) and the Council Regulation (EEC) No. 918/83 of 28 March 1983, persons who transfer their normal residence from outside the Republic are allowed to import without payment of any duties (import or excise) and VAT, their personal and household belongings (private used motor vehicle is included), provided that these goods:
• must have been acquired on payment of all local duties and taxes and never refunded or exempted on exportation
• must have been in applicant’s possession and actual use outside the Republic for at least six months before their transfer to Cyprus
• must be brought into the Republic within 12months from the date of transfer of residence
As regards applicants:
• they must have lived for a continuous period of at least 12months outside the Republic before their arrival to take up permanent residence and
• they are holders of a valid driving license (a Cypriot driving license for persons coming from third countries)
The applicant and his dependents may drive the vehicle.
Relief is limited to one m/vehicle for each person concerned. Applicants will be required to produce sufficient documentary evidence to support their application.
An application on the appropriate form is to be completed in person by the applicant in Nicosia Customs, Andrea Karyou 1, Industrial Area, Engomi.
If you do not intend to stay permanently you have excise duty is charged on your motor cycle at 30% on its current value which will be assessed by customs.
General Information
A T2L document certified by the competent authorities of your country must be produced in order to prove the community status of your personal and household belongings.
For any further information you are advised to visit our website
www.mof.gov.cy/ce where you will find all information you need on m/vehicles if you click on the picture of the m/vehicle.