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Re: Army and Casino

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 03, 2019 3:00 am

There are no facts you can tell me that can in any way shape or form connect conventional armies to organisations like ISIS.

You would only be clasping at straw men.

There is more of a connection between Cypriot Militias such as Sampson and his merry thugs in Cyprus with ISIS, than any conventional army like the US Army and many others around the world. Yes Pyro, when we are talking about crimes against humanity, take the clock back to 1963. There were Cypriot militias, with little training, little discipline, and certainly little humanity that were going into Turkish Cypriot villages and just terrorising TCs. Sometimes murdering and raping them too. I fail to see the correlation between that and a professional army I am sorry. No way in the world that a US Army or Australian Military unit would ever do such a thing. If they tried, it is likely that our own soldiers will take matters into their own hands. Some US and Australian Soldiers were killed by our own and not the enemy. This is an untold part of history.

As far as the Turkish Army is concerned, and 1974. They did some bad stuff. But once again, there are Armed Services and there are armed services. The Turks are by no means the worse in the world. If you want to talk about crimes, you will need to look at the Russians, Iranians and there are even worse still. Let’s try Saudi Arabia. I bet they are not warm and cuddly either. What about the Syrian Army and there use of chemical weapons in rebel areas? There are countries that to this day will not follow the Geneva Convention and they will do terrible crimes against civilians.

But that is a world away from EU or NATO Armies, the Cyprus National Guard, the Hellenic Military, the Australian Defence Force, US Military and British Army. I only use these as an example. there are many more around the world that are just as ethical. Probably things will still happen in a fully blown war, but these are the exception, not the rule. And they will be crimes in our countries as well as crimes against The Generva Convention.

As for Turkey, I am more aware of what the Turkish Military did in Cyprus. My wife’s village is between Nicosia and Kyrenia. They owned a Petrolina there as well. Father in Law was incarcerated in Adana, Turkey. Another 2 family members were raped and we have 4 missing. 2 have been found and one of our missing found was one of the 4 CNG soldiers being shouted a cigarette by a Turkish Soldier before being executed by a nearby armoured vehicle. We at least were given bones and had a State Funeral which I attended with my partner. I think you know the photo I am talking about.

So Pyro, I really hate what the Turks did. Crimes against humanity. But I also hate what we did too between 1663-1967. That was equally criminal and cruel.

So I know what the military is capable of and I have served my country for 11 years too and know that we do not do these things in the Australian Military. That isn’t to say that Australia hasn’t done anything in the past, but destroying things and killing innocent people isn’t a core thing. We are not mirderers or rapers. We are protectors and we are disciplined and there to help people, not kill them.

Nor am I a Taliban or ISIS thank you very much. :roll:

And speaking of the Turkish Invasion, the occupation of today is a clear cut violation of International Law. The Turks had every intent of invasion, cleansing (they use fear to do this) so they can occupy a part of the island. Once everyone knew what the Turks were doing, everyone was making a run for it and that is what the Turks wanted from the beginning.

And speaking of rape, we all know what kind of taboo and stigma exists with rape and the repercussions against the victims of rape who become victims again but at our own hands instead of receiving the medical and psychological support they need.

The British Army (“our enemy”) Pyro, opened its SBAs to these women, and performed a number of abortions in secret to help our women Pyro. Gosh those nasty Brits hey! Yeh we had a war with them but that doesn’t mean I hate them forever. I will never let them forget and tell them they are largely responsible for the partition of Cyprus but I won’t hate them. I can be their friend today because I am a civil person just like they proved to be civil by helping us or helping rape victims. The Brits are less likely to judge these women too, unlike certain parts of our society.

It was the British Army in Cyprus that did this Pyro. Is this another example of ISIS type behaviour too?

Not just that Pyro, but I am willing to bet the Brits also helped many Turkish Cypriot rape victims too. There were many Turkish Cypriot Girls who were raped by “our” thugs. And I also bet we would criticise the Brits as “helping the Turks” Nothing to do with that of course. The Brits were just doing what was humane and necessary. Even I would be happy to help any Turkish Cypriot girl against “my own”. I say it right here that I would have no problem at all sowing a CNG soldier from top to bottom if they were raping a TC. I am so sorry, but I am no rapist, no murderer and no thug. How anyone can live with themselves by allowing these crimes is beyond me. And just so we are very clear, I don’t differentiate one bit between a Greek Cypriot Girl and a Turkish Cypriot Girl. Both my sisters ok.

ISIS Pyro, would have stoned them. We would judge them, but the Brits helped them. It was easier for a Cypriot Girl to get help from the Brits than from our own.

So maybe it is us who are somewhere in between civility and ISIS. Just putting it out there and just saying.

But. I am not finished there either Pyro. Many Cypriots and Greeks supported Slobodan Milosevic in the Balkan Conflict. Are we aware of the atrocities committed by Serbian Militias against Muslims and Albanians? What about the chemical attacks in Syria? We seem to support that. Then we talk about Turks raping. You can’t get more hypocritical than that I am afraid.
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Re: Army and Casino

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Jan 03, 2019 7:18 pm

The paradox here is that on one hand you are confirming what I said that "All armies are exactly identical to ISIS when they get control. " even sparing me the time in having to provide you historical evidence, while on the other hand you stick to your opinion that the army - any army - is a body guided by principles and as such it follows those principles when they get the control as e. g. in times of war.

This is not what happens in reality, and while the majority of the soldiers are not criminals, they have no other option other than keep silent watching all sorts of crimes and atrocities committed either on order, or by other individuals who_are_criminals.

If you think the British or Australian armies are an exception to the rule do a simple Google search to find out.

When I was doing my NG service we once had a lecture of what we should do with the captives in case of war. Much to my surprise there was a guy in the company who after we were released said "the hell I will treat them like that, I will wipe them all off, and fuck their women. A few others then said they would do the same …

The good thing about doing a military service is that you are forced to associate with "καθε καρυδιας καρυδι" -->all types of scum that exist. People who don't do military service never have such a chance, e.g imagine someone going to a prestigious school, then to a University then gets a high level job. He basically has no idea of what kind of society he lives in. Everything looks rosy to him and he may even have a admiration of anything related to the military. :mrgreen:
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Re: Army and Casino

Postby Paphitis » Fri Jan 04, 2019 4:37 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:The paradox here is that on one hand you are confirming what I said that "All armies are exactly identical to ISIS when they get control. " even sparing me the time in having to provide you historical evidence, while on the other hand you stick to your opinion that the army - any army - is a body guided by principles and as such it follows those principles when they get the control as e. g. in times of war.

This is not what happens in reality, and while the majority of the soldiers are not criminals, they have no other option other than keep silent watching all sorts of crimes and atrocities committed either on order, or by other individuals who_are_criminals.

If you think the British or Australian armies are an exception to the rule do a simple Google search to find out.

When I was doing my NG service we once had a lecture of what we should do with the captives in case of war. Much to my surprise there was a guy in the company who after we were released said "the hell I will treat them like that, I will wipe them all off, and fuck their women. A few others then said they would do the same …

The good thing about doing a military service is that you are forced to associate with "καθε καρυδιας καρυδι" -->all types of scum that exist. People who don't do military service never have such a chance, e.g imagine someone going to a prestigious school, then to a University then gets a high level job. He basically has no idea of what kind of society he lives in. Everything looks rosy to him and he may even have a admiration of anything related to the military. :mrgreen:

No I never said any army is guided by principles. I said some Aremed Services are guided by their history, traditions, and principles.

The Australian Defence Force is one such military. Even when they gain control somewhere, it isn’t a case roof “Lord f the Rings”. Their is a chain of command, a hierarchy, and they are representatives of The Australian People and Government.

Also, the country is a signatory to The Geneva Convention and that is something they take very seriously.

They DO NOT kill indiscriminately, destroy towns, and people, rape or pillage. There is zero correlation with ISIS or any other organisation. The help people, hand out candy to children, and will even offer medical assistance to local people whenever necessary.

Even when Baghdad was under occupation in the Green Zone, Australian Soldiers had very clear codes of conduct when interacting with the Iraqi People, and their Security Forces which they were training. You couldn’t say “boo” top any local and our soldiers were even trained to be culturally aware of their needs. For instance, our soldiers would help them but also be aware to give them their own space.

Anyone who did anything indecent, would be in massive trouble. From what I know, this was very rare because our soldiers are extremely well trained, and well disciplined and obedient to the chain of command and they are also very proud to wear the uniform with the Australian Flag on the left shoulder representing their country. In no way shape or form would it be tolerated to disrespect Iraq, or any of the countries cultural or religious customs, its institutions or laws.

You should know this very well Pyro. Australian Soldiers Havel also served in Cyprus. There were Australian Soldiers in Cyprus during the 1974 invasion, based in Dhekelia. Not just any unit, but the SAS. They were there, maintaining a low signature as they always do, over-seeing the defences of the Sovereign Base Area against possible Turkish Aggression. No disrespect to Cyprus or its people in the slightest. They had their mission and they were there to execute that mission to the letter and follow their orders. No killing and certainly no rape or lawless behaviour. Not from our boys anyway.

This is the same with many Armies Pyro, but it doesn’t;t apply to all Armies. I believe it applies to The Cyprus National Guard as we Cypriots are not monsters. Sure, even we are capable of crimes as I described previously from a few of our thugs, but I do not believe the Cyprus National Guard will disgrace itself with similar actions against the TCs. On the contrary, there is a very clear focus by the Republic of Cyprus that is inclusive of TCs as citizens and therefore the Cyprus National Guard is required to protect them too.
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Re: Army and Casino

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Jan 05, 2019 6:59 pm

The Australian Army has not participated in any war ever since WWII in any other way other than providing assistance.The only exception was the Afgan war where they had some more active involvement just to prove they are no different from any other in committing war crimes and atrocities. Here are some links. ... cddd188306

Australian special forces soldiers accused of war crimes while serving in Afghanistan ... 4zkau.html
Secretive and elite SAS soldiers grilled about alleged war crimes ... -disregard
Australian commandos accused of Afghan war crimes and ‘disregard for human dignity’

As for what Australia was doing after WWII in providing a safe heaven for the Nazi Criminals, here it is: ... ifflet.pdf

In the 1980s, journalist Mark Aarons brought public attention to the issue of
former Nazi war criminals being resident in Australia.

Yes in Cyprus the NG will safety and protect the TCs. In case of war we will be asking the enemy soldiers who will be firing at us to show us their ID proving they are TCs, not settlers or mainland Turks. We will then serve lemonades to the TCs and fire mortars to the rest. Are you serious mate?? :shock:
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Re: Army and Casino

Postby DT. » Sat Jan 05, 2019 7:30 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Paphitis,
The Australian Army has not participated in any war ever since WWII in any other way other than providing assistance.The only exception was the Afgan war where they had some more active involvement just to prove they are no different from any other in committing war crimes and atrocities. Here are some links. ... cddd188306

Australian special forces soldiers accused of war crimes while serving in Afghanistan ... 4zkau.html
Secretive and elite SAS soldiers grilled about alleged war crimes ... -disregard
Australian commandos accused of Afghan war crimes and ‘disregard for human dignity’

As for what Australia was doing after WWII in providing a safe heaven for the Nazi Criminals, here it is: ... ifflet.pdf

In the 1980s, journalist Mark Aarons brought public attention to the issue of
former Nazi war criminals being resident in Australia.

Yes in Cyprus the NG will safety and protect the TCs. In case of war we will be asking the enemy soldiers who will be firing at us to show us their ID proving they are TCs, not settlers or mainland Turks. We will then serve lemonades to the TCs and fire mortars to the rest. Are you serious mate?? :shock:

:roll: took me forever to get to grips with the lemonade drills....
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Re: Army and Casino

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Jan 05, 2019 10:11 pm

DT. wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Paphitis,
The Australian Army has not participated in any war ever since WWII in any other way other than providing assistance.The only exception was the Afgan war where they had some more active involvement just to prove they are no different from any other in committing war crimes and atrocities. Here are some links. ... cddd188306

Australian special forces soldiers accused of war crimes while serving in Afghanistan ... 4zkau.html
Secretive and elite SAS soldiers grilled about alleged war crimes ... -disregard
Australian commandos accused of Afghan war crimes and ‘disregard for human dignity’

As for what Australia was doing after WWII in providing a safe heaven for the Nazi Criminals, here it is: ... ifflet.pdf

In the 1980s, journalist Mark Aarons brought public attention to the issue of
former Nazi war criminals being resident in Australia.

Yes in Cyprus the NG will safety and protect the TCs. In case of war we will be asking the enemy soldiers who will be firing at us to show us their ID proving they are TCs, not settlers or mainland Turks. We will then serve lemonades to the TCs and fire mortars to the rest. Are you serious mate?? :shock:

:roll: took me forever to get to grips with the lemonade drills....

Hmmm. Nice opportunity to check the mental speed of our friend Paphitis. :wink:
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Re: Army and Casino

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 17, 2019 5:19 am

DT. wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Paphitis,
The Australian Army has not participated in any war ever since WWII in any other way other than providing assistance.The only exception was the Afgan war where they had some more active involvement just to prove they are no different from any other in committing war crimes and atrocities. Here are some links. ... cddd188306

Australian special forces soldiers accused of war crimes while serving in Afghanistan ... 4zkau.html
Secretive and elite SAS soldiers grilled about alleged war crimes ... -disregard
Australian commandos accused of Afghan war crimes and ‘disregard for human dignity’

As for what Australia was doing after WWII in providing a safe heaven for the Nazi Criminals, here it is: ... ifflet.pdf

In the 1980s, journalist Mark Aarons brought public attention to the issue of
former Nazi war criminals being resident in Australia.

Yes in Cyprus the NG will safety and protect the TCs. In case of war we will be asking the enemy soldiers who will be firing at us to show us their ID proving they are TCs, not settlers or mainland Turks. We will then serve lemonades to the TCs and fire mortars to the rest. Are you serious mate?? :shock:

:roll: took me forever to get to grips with the lemonade drills....


I really do not have time to respond to this at all but most of what you say is completely wrong.

Australia has been in many wars since WW2. Probably too many. I will list some of the wars Australia was involved with and which included heavy combat:

Korea - as part of a UN led force


In other conflict zones, the ADF was not directly involved in any combat but it did have its Special Forces stationed or some other involvement in some form or another.

For example Cyprus:

The ADF deployed its SAS to Dhekelia just before Turkey commenced its invasion and it had withdrawn from Cyprus in 1975. The mission of this deployment was to act as a deterrent to Turkey with regard to the British Sovereign Bases. These forces saw no action in Cyprus, and the SAS regularly see no action wherever they are deployed. The missions are more Black Op type missions.

Other wars Australia was involved with as follows.

Gulf War 1
Gulf War 2

East Timor - this operation was led by the ADF and was a multinational effort just like every other effort. The Americans were also involved in it to assist Australia. This was an Australian led and instigated intervention into Timor at the request of The Australian Government. Alexander Downer was the man that instigated it to a very large extent.


And finally, Syria - Australia was the 3rd most active behind the USA, and France. Australia was more active than the UK and was responsible for more air sorties and weapon releases. There were several thousand weapon releases from RAAF aircraft, and there was also a Command and Control capability provided by the USA, France and Australia with AWACS aircraft.

Now as to accusations of War Crimes by the SAS. It is false and fake news. There may be incidences where a civilian was killed (collateral) but the intent on killing wasn't there. The media like headlines, and such headlines are juicy. No SAS member or unit was ever formally charged even after some inquiries. And we do as a Nation have Parliamentary Inquiries and Ethics Committees deliberating and scrutinizing ADF actions in the field continuously. War crimes is something the Australian Government will not tolerate in the name of the Commonwealth or the people.

I have a friend who was in the SAS. It is a very controlled environment, like the entire ADF is. I remember him telling me about a patrol in Afghanistan where their unit set up an Observation Post outside of a rural Afghan town. There was US, British, and Australian Air Support above. F-18s, A-10, Tornado, and F-16s. 2 km away, there was a public gathering whereby a very young girl was being buried into the ground up to her chest. She wasn't even an adult, probably not even 16 years old according to my friend. It was obvious to the Australians that she was about to be stoned. The commander ordered Australian Snipers to acquire the target and the target was the IMAM who was addressing the crowd. He of course is a religious leader or priest, as well as a civilian. A War Crime? Perhaps. It would depend on your moral outlook in life. As for me, the answer is a no - but Lawyers might have a different opinion.

But the Australian CO did the right thing and called the situation through to the Joint Strategic Operations Center led by the USA. All Coalition partners are involved in JSOC - USA, Britain, France, Denmark, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria etc etc

The Australian CO was requesting to GO GREEN on the target. In other words open fire and liquidate the IMAM. A religious leader and civilian and patriarch of their society. The objective was to save the girl.

The Australians were not allowed to "Go Green" and the young girl was stoned...And that really pissed everyone off in the unit. The Australian SAS reluctantly did not remove the safety from their weapons and watched it all unfold before their eyes. So no, the SAS does not do war crimes. Even if they killed the IMAM, it is no war crime in my book, but others will disagree. You got to admit though many would be tempted.

To the subject of NAZI War criminals.

It is true that Australia did give refuge to some NAZIs after WW2. This is something I agree with and fully support. Not all NAZIs were bad people, and not all of them were war criminals. Some of the NAZIs that came to Australia were scientists and physicists and they were even helping Australia with new technologies, including satellites, and rocketry and the development of missiles and even Nuclear Weapons. Many were working in Australia's Defence Department and within ADF Defence projects. Others went on and worked at Australian Universities and they made lives for themselves in Australia and became Australian Citizens. Australia gave them a new beginning.

All of that is true and I am very proud at what Australia did.

We even have 2 Senators in Australia's Parliament today who were the grand sons of a prominent WW2 Nazi.

We are a civil society here in Australia Pyro. Yes we had a war with the Nazi's and thousands of our soldiers were killed. But we are not going to maintain our hatreds. Sometimes you need to move on, forgive, don't forget and build a better tomorrow and that is what Australia did and continues to do. One of the reasons we are one of the best countries on the planet.

Plus, Australia is very Germanic too. There are towns and cities with German names, German architecture, and we have one of the best beer and wine industries thanks largely to German influences. I love the Barrossa and Hahndorf. This is Australia's melting pot and we are so blessed that we have all this cultural richness and diversity.

Australia was seen as a good safe haven for many NAZIs after WW2.
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