You would only be clasping at straw men.
There is more of a connection between Cypriot Militias such as Sampson and his merry thugs in Cyprus with ISIS, than any conventional army like the US Army and many others around the world. Yes Pyro, when we are talking about crimes against humanity, take the clock back to 1963. There were Cypriot militias, with little training, little discipline, and certainly little humanity that were going into Turkish Cypriot villages and just terrorising TCs. Sometimes murdering and raping them too. I fail to see the correlation between that and a professional army I am sorry. No way in the world that a US Army or Australian Military unit would ever do such a thing. If they tried, it is likely that our own soldiers will take matters into their own hands. Some US and Australian Soldiers were killed by our own and not the enemy. This is an untold part of history.
As far as the Turkish Army is concerned, and 1974. They did some bad stuff. But once again, there are Armed Services and there are armed services. The Turks are by no means the worse in the world. If you want to talk about crimes, you will need to look at the Russians, Iranians and there are even worse still. Let’s try Saudi Arabia. I bet they are not warm and cuddly either. What about the Syrian Army and there use of chemical weapons in rebel areas? There are countries that to this day will not follow the Geneva Convention and they will do terrible crimes against civilians.
But that is a world away from EU or NATO Armies, the Cyprus National Guard, the Hellenic Military, the Australian Defence Force, US Military and British Army. I only use these as an example. there are many more around the world that are just as ethical. Probably things will still happen in a fully blown war, but these are the exception, not the rule. And they will be crimes in our countries as well as crimes against The Generva Convention.
As for Turkey, I am more aware of what the Turkish Military did in Cyprus. My wife’s village is between Nicosia and Kyrenia. They owned a Petrolina there as well. Father in Law was incarcerated in Adana, Turkey. Another 2 family members were raped and we have 4 missing. 2 have been found and one of our missing found was one of the 4 CNG soldiers being shouted a cigarette by a Turkish Soldier before being executed by a nearby armoured vehicle. We at least were given bones and had a State Funeral which I attended with my partner. I think you know the photo I am talking about.
So Pyro, I really hate what the Turks did. Crimes against humanity. But I also hate what we did too between 1663-1967. That was equally criminal and cruel.
So I know what the military is capable of and I have served my country for 11 years too and know that we do not do these things in the Australian Military. That isn’t to say that Australia hasn’t done anything in the past, but destroying things and killing innocent people isn’t a core thing. We are not mirderers or rapers. We are protectors and we are disciplined and there to help people, not kill them.
Nor am I a Taliban or ISIS thank you very much.

And speaking of the Turkish Invasion, the occupation of today is a clear cut violation of International Law. The Turks had every intent of invasion, cleansing (they use fear to do this) so they can occupy a part of the island. Once everyone knew what the Turks were doing, everyone was making a run for it and that is what the Turks wanted from the beginning.
And speaking of rape, we all know what kind of taboo and stigma exists with rape and the repercussions against the victims of rape who become victims again but at our own hands instead of receiving the medical and psychological support they need.
The British Army (“our enemy”) Pyro, opened its SBAs to these women, and performed a number of abortions in secret to help our women Pyro. Gosh those nasty Brits hey! Yeh we had a war with them but that doesn’t mean I hate them forever. I will never let them forget and tell them they are largely responsible for the partition of Cyprus but I won’t hate them. I can be their friend today because I am a civil person just like they proved to be civil by helping us or helping rape victims. The Brits are less likely to judge these women too, unlike certain parts of our society.
It was the British Army in Cyprus that did this Pyro. Is this another example of ISIS type behaviour too?
Not just that Pyro, but I am willing to bet the Brits also helped many Turkish Cypriot rape victims too. There were many Turkish Cypriot Girls who were raped by “our” thugs. And I also bet we would criticise the Brits as “helping the Turks” Nothing to do with that of course. The Brits were just doing what was humane and necessary. Even I would be happy to help any Turkish Cypriot girl against “my own”. I say it right here that I would have no problem at all sowing a CNG soldier from top to bottom if they were raping a TC. I am so sorry, but I am no rapist, no murderer and no thug. How anyone can live with themselves by allowing these crimes is beyond me. And just so we are very clear, I don’t differentiate one bit between a Greek Cypriot Girl and a Turkish Cypriot Girl. Both my sisters ok.
ISIS Pyro, would have stoned them. We would judge them, but the Brits helped them. It was easier for a Cypriot Girl to get help from the Brits than from our own.
So maybe it is us who are somewhere in between civility and ISIS. Just putting it out there and just saying.
But. I am not finished there either Pyro. Many Cypriots and Greeks supported Slobodan Milosevic in the Balkan Conflict. Are we aware of the atrocities committed by Serbian Militias against Muslims and Albanians? What about the chemical attacks in Syria? We seem to support that. Then we talk about Turks raping. You can’t get more hypocritical than that I am afraid.