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Floods in Nicosia

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Re: Floods in Nicosia

Postby Paphitis » Sun Dec 09, 2018 12:58 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...indeed, but in 80-200 years it will have shown its worth, with a population of 12 million or more.

I don’t believe Federation is a viable option for Cyprus.

12 million is completely unsustainable for Cyprus too. That would translate to a global population of 80 Billion. The earth does not have the resources to cope with this. I shudder to think.

The world will need to somehow control population growth - like China did with the one child policy.

Wars will occur purely on water and food until we exterminate ourselves back to the Stone Age. Speaking of which, there is no water in Cyprus and if they desalinate so much the oceans will be extinct of fish because of the over salty brine.

Cyprus would be one endless concrete jungle. Not good at all ......

...Cyprus will be an oasis, or it will be a crowded and a stark frontier beyond which is worse desert.

don't shoot the messenger, but this is , by some circles optimistic.

A Cyprus with 12 million, is not my idea of an oasis.

It would be terrible! And unsustainable.

A world of 80 to 100 Billion would be disastrous as well.
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Re: Floods in Nicosia

Postby Kikapu » Sun Dec 09, 2018 3:29 pm

Paphitis wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...indeed, but in 80-200 years it will have shown its worth, with a population of 12 million or more.

I don’t believe Federation is a viable option for Cyprus.

12 million is completely unsustainable for Cyprus too. That would translate to a global population of 80 Billion. The earth does not have the resources to cope with this. I shudder to think.

The world will need to somehow control population growth - like China did with the one child policy.

Wars will occur purely on water and food until we exterminate ourselves back to the Stone Age. Speaking of which, there is no water in Cyprus and if they desalinate so much the oceans will be extinct of fish because of the over salty brine.

Cyprus would be one endless concrete jungle. Not good at all ......

...Cyprus will be an oasis, or it will be a crowded and a stark frontier beyond which is worse desert.

don't shoot the messenger, but this is , by some circles optimistic.

A Cyprus with 12 million, is not my idea of an oasis.

It would be terrible! And unsustainable.

A world of 80 to 100 Billion would be disastrous as well.

I agree with you Paphiti, but unfortunately, governments and businesses only care about economic growth, which means, the more consumers there are, more the growth, so these people do not think of the environmental damage with billions more people on the earth, as long as there is economic growth. Even China had changed their one child policy a while back if I'm not mistaken.

Perhaps it is human nature to want more and more to make one's life more and more comfortable, but all this comes at a cost. As technology increases into our everyday life, efficiency at it's max in doing and making anything as we know them today to be, there will be less need for humans to "make the world go around". 80-100 billion people on the planet Earth in the future, most will not have anything to do for a job. Perhaps by then, work week will be an hour a week for everyone, to be counted as being "fully employed"!

Not to worry, most will be sent to Mars on a one -way ticket! :D
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Re: Floods in Nicosia

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Dec 09, 2018 5:44 pm

Paphitis wrote:
In addition, there is not much scientific evidence that global warming is human induced. The planet goes through a number of warming and cooling cycles and it is currently in a warming cycle right now which is natural and was always going to happen. Also, extreme weather phenomena were just as frequent many decades ago as they are today, the only difference is that we have TV, Internet and a 24 hour news cycle that reports them constantly.

Global Warming is just a wealth redistribution system by the United Nations and the left from rich countries to the poorer countries - because the rich countries are forced to cut emissions whilst China and India are allowed to build more than 250 fossil fuel plants giving their economy access to very cheap energy whilst the first world is debilitated with more expensive Green Energy resulting in the elderly not being able to afford cooling in the hot summer heat and heating in the bitter cold of winter. This also gives China and India an unfair competitive edge as it drives their manufacturing costs down, which is why most manufacturing occurs in China by Western Countries like the USA. Apple manufactures its IPhones and Tablets in China, paying Chinese workers about $10 per day. It is a sweat shop. But these antics will not be allowed under Trump. The left should be rejoicing, but they are not! :evil:

So whilst the Western World goes "green" energy, all the corporates who "virtual signal" about global warming and put solar panels on their high rise offices in New York, London and Sydney and pump out their virtual signalling brochures, also move their entire manufacturing to China, where most of the energy is fossil, thus pumping out more pollution than ever before by moving their manufacturing from the USA, or Australia as an example, to China. People are so dumb and believe the propaganda so much. Sheeple you all are so wake up! :roll:

What a nice surprise coming from Paphitis who always sides with the MSM. :wink:
Well done, I agree with most of the above.

NB. A minor correction:It's not the planet who is cycling up, it's the sun.
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Re: Floods in Nicosia

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Dec 10, 2018 2:36 am

...predictions were dire, even in the '70's, the denial actually began twenty years before, and the debate has raged since then.

The burning of fossil fuels clearly has its issues. It is dirty, and causes grave health, and environmental issues. Climate Change, has moved to the forefront of reasons for its rational use, especially since technology has advanced beyond it. But, the original reasons to change remain. seems absurd with your capacities with computers, cel phones and the like, but you guys remind me of my uncle, who in the end paid extra money to keep his rotary phone (until the telephone company paid him, and gave him a new phone, because they no longer could provide analog service), or, the lady that lived without electricity or running water in the village; she did not need it, anything else, she didn't want it either.

...indeed, i remember Cairo, with lead in the fuel, the smell, and the air, its colour yellow. I remember London, washing my hair, and the soot i could see every evening coming from them. I hope that has changed, like the river i live by, more blue, you can swim in it now, beaches are being (re)built, (healthy) fish have returned, better living from a conscious effort and choice, to mitigate, and to change destructive habits; what is wrong with that?
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Re: Floods in Nicosia

Postby Paphitis » Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:16 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...predictions were dire, even in the '70's, the denial actually began twenty years before, and the debate has raged since then.

The burning of fossil fuels clearly has its issues. It is dirty, and causes grave health, and environmental issues. Climate Change, has moved to the forefront of reasons for its rational use, especially since technology has advanced beyond it. But, the original reasons to change remain. seems absurd with your capacities with computers, cel phones and the like, but you guys remind me of my uncle, who in the end paid extra money to keep his rotary phone (until the telephone company paid him, and gave him a new phone, because they no longer could provide analog service), or, the lady that lived without electricity or running water in the village; she did not need it, anything else, she didn't want it either.

...indeed, i remember Cairo, with lead in the fuel, the smell, and the air, its colour yellow. I remember London, washing my hair, and the soot i could see every evening coming from them. I hope that has changed, like the river i live by, more blue, you can swim in it now, beaches are being (re)built, (healthy) fish have returned, better living from a conscious effort and choice, to mitigate, and to change destructive habits; what is wrong with that?

You do not have a good grasp of reality I am afraid. You have accepted that which has been fed to you by the virtue signalers who can afford to virtue signal. People that do not actually need to work for a living. Such as Hollywood celebrities, and the corporates.

Because let me tell you one thing. The working man and woman, wants as descent livable wage, and job security. That is imperative to them. And they won't have that if the West becomes even more non competitive with the Far East, because all the jobs will be exported there.

Which brings me to the elites. Don't get me wrong. I want the elites (corporates) to do well. Their prosperity is my prosperity too. But they are taking the piss. It isn't enough to make Billions of profits each year, but lets open our factories in China and take advantage of cheap labor and dirty energy. This is what is happening. The energy on offer in Europe, Australia, and USA is greener than in China, but the corporate will on one hand place solar panels on the roof and move their factory to China and pollute even more than ever before.

Which is why it is important that we withdraw from the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

Don't talk about the 70s as if if we are some how behind. We are not. The science behind global warming is not convincing to say the least. And when you hear people like me say it, out come the accusations of climate denial. It is like we have committed a major offense against the popular narrative. But when you ask questions and for evidence, 99% can't even answer your questions and the other 1% provide some flakey rigged data set.

Most say, "look at the weather patterns, they are so crazy". Sorry but that is the biggest bullshit I have ever heard. The planet has al;ways had extreme weather events for centuries. The frequency of these weather patterns is no different today than it was 500 years ago.

I am not a global warming skeptic. I believe it is occurring, but at an extremely slow pace. Also, it is highly debatable that human activity has had a significant impact on global warming at all. If it has, it is minuscule. I certainly do not believe all the dire predictions and forecast because every single one has proven to be false up until now.

Today, those moving ahead are the voices that are standing up against the popular narrative. Not the ones that agree with the narrative.

And the narrative, is all about the global regressive left narrative, wealth redistribution, and a movement towards globalism and totalitarianism. We have seen it now in the USA since 2016. The Regressive left have basically shat upon their vibrant democracy as if it has failed them because of trump.
Last edited by Paphitis on Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Floods in Nicosia

Postby Paphitis » Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:19 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
In addition, there is not much scientific evidence that global warming is human induced. The planet goes through a number of warming and cooling cycles and it is currently in a warming cycle right now which is natural and was always going to happen. Also, extreme weather phenomena were just as frequent many decades ago as they are today, the only difference is that we have TV, Internet and a 24 hour news cycle that reports them constantly.

Global Warming is just a wealth redistribution system by the United Nations and the left from rich countries to the poorer countries - because the rich countries are forced to cut emissions whilst China and India are allowed to build more than 250 fossil fuel plants giving their economy access to very cheap energy whilst the first world is debilitated with more expensive Green Energy resulting in the elderly not being able to afford cooling in the hot summer heat and heating in the bitter cold of winter. This also gives China and India an unfair competitive edge as it drives their manufacturing costs down, which is why most manufacturing occurs in China by Western Countries like the USA. Apple manufactures its IPhones and Tablets in China, paying Chinese workers about $10 per day. It is a sweat shop. But these antics will not be allowed under Trump. The left should be rejoicing, but they are not! :evil:

So whilst the Western World goes "green" energy, all the corporates who "virtual signal" about global warming and put solar panels on their high rise offices in New York, London and Sydney and pump out their virtual signalling brochures, also move their entire manufacturing to China, where most of the energy is fossil, thus pumping out more pollution than ever before by moving their manufacturing from the USA, or Australia as an example, to China. People are so dumb and believe the propaganda so much. Sheeple you all are so wake up! :roll:

What a nice surprise coming from Paphitis who always sides with the MSM. :wink:
Well done, I agree with most of the above.

NB. A minor correction:It's not the planet who is cycling up, it's the sun.

I always question the media Pyro with EVERYTHING.

There is a pervasive narrative out there which is headed in a particular direction. The election of Trump has hoisted the MSM by their own petard in many ways.

The accusations from the MSM come thick and fast, but their dirty tactics knows no bounds. They will stoop to the gutter as we have seen with the trumped up false allegations made against Kavanaugh.

BTW, a long time ago, I was learning Morse Code from an old HAM operator - guys that experiment with radio transmitters and antennas. I remember looking into the solar flare cycle because that had a significant impact on Short Wave Radio Range and when the solar flare cycle was high, we can speak to people on the other side of the world. I use to communicate with people in Canada, Alaska and Greece. The solar flare cycle had a 7 year cycle. It would fluctuate like a wave.

At the time, I could tap almost 20 words a minute in Morse Code.
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Re: Floods in Nicosia

Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Dec 10, 2018 11:50 am

Fuck it, I'm in agreement with Paphitis! :evil:

Not only is global warming bullshit, there is a lot of evidence of a solar minima which could cause cooling or even an ice age! :shock:
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Re: Floods in Nicosia

Postby Paphitis » Mon Dec 10, 2018 12:31 pm

Oh for fuck sake!
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Re: Floods in Nicosia

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Dec 11, 2018 5:01 am any case, as i said, Global Warming, is one of several reasons to find a replacement for the internal combustion engine, and burning fossil fuels.

...while China chokes under caustic clouds, they are not blind to this need. Indeed, perhaps they represent Capitalism in its rawest form, it is a free market isn't it? Wages are set by supply and demand, aren't they? Regardless, their struggle is showing results, as a competitor, they are way ahead in this field. In effect, first to market, in this New Age, is even more important, and in pushing the technological frontier, whether they steal half the intellectual property they have, they are becoming leaders. the battery strategy the way to go? I'm not sure how long these batteries may last, in some decades it may become an even bigger problem environmentally speaking. There is no recycling, or, disposal protocol as of yet. Power generation is where it's at in any case, Molten Salt Reactors are a choice not ignored by China, and India i may add, institutionally speaking a National enterprise.

...while we are all fed the same news, the "virtue signalers", have a point. Should London be covered in soot, should living in America mean no Law should stop Free Enterprise from exploiting Labour like any resource, as though it is infinite? A decent living is a decent living, clean air, and water have a lot to do with that. Indeed, it sickens me, the elite, each arriving on their own airplane to somewhere, like ride sharing is not an alternative that makes a good example. Just the same, moving to action needs it to be done, contact, eye to eye, these elites, i don't deny that; most importantly it exposes those in ignorance or corrupt to the goodwill of those who may hold them in contempt but not expose them, with the intention to change. "we" are where "they" want to be, both of "us" still under the shadow of a world where a military-industrial complex is a good thing to have. While the planet breaths, if we are loving people, there are many reasons we have to be as caring, toward it. Our lives are not made up of only "guns", "butter" may be lost to us as industry while we allow the fears we have within ourselves to resist change, overcome in this way to change itself. the road in Nicosia, the road itself was a big change at some point, it is an important asset to many people now, seemingly unchanging. Is it wrong to expect changes will be made if it floods too often, despite having drains, to education perhaps, since regulations on rubbish are not enough it seems to keep drains clear? Some may call for the drains to be torn out and made bigger, more maintenance, it may well be needed, but would that solve their problems, if people remain unwilling to change their own harmful habits, willing instead to remain ignorant of them? And where the flooding has killed people, having the answer why: corruption; is it enough, just to put the road back the way it was?
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Re: Floods in Nicosia

Postby Paphitis » Tue Dec 11, 2018 11:32 am

China is a free capitalistic market. And with this free market, China has been growing at a phenomenal pace until now. Hundreds of millions of people are being pulled from abject poverty into one of the fastest growing middle class.

China is Communist in name only. The Communist Party is ruling the country and that won’t change as they have a totalitarian hold on the country and people.

China itself is not Communist. Not when you see Lamborghini and Ferrari cars drive by. It’s up and comming.

But they are not technologically ahead of America or Europe or the first to market. China is our sweat shop, like Turkey with white goods. Our corporations use them for cheap Labour and energy, and they make money out of it.

95% of the innovation occurs in the West. In places like the USA, Europe, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Australia and so forth. Things like Tesla, Apple, Boeing, Airbus, Microsoft are Western Corporations at the cutting edge. But Apple and Microsoft might manufacture in China to maximize its margins and profits. Just like Nike Sports shoes and all our clothing and textiles. Everything is made in China, even your Apple IPhone and IPad are made in China. The Microsoft Chip in your computer, also made in China. All American products that are sold to us at a massive mark up but manufactured at a much lower cost inChina, hence huge profits for the big corporates.

All this is about to change. Thanks to Trump!

Defence Industry and arms manufacturing are only a small part of our GDP production. In fact it is a small piece of the pie but worth several Billions. It is not true that the West or the USA are reliant on wars for the Arms industry. These are old wives tails and way out of proportion.

And no, the combustion engine will only be replaced when Tesla make more efficient cars that are cheap enough for the average family to buy. And at our current trajectory, people will not have a job let alone be able to buy a Tesla Car.

China is only successful today because of the Western Countries shifting their manufacturing to places like China and India.

If all that stopped, China would fall into a huge heap.

Right now, the corporates have been ruling the roost and they are the virtue signaled. The fact is however, they do not care about the environment or whether Americans have a job. They care about their profits.

These are the reasons for the BREXIT vote and for Trump. People don’t want to be talked down to like they have in recent times. Climate Change, is another false furvy.

In addition, Lithium cars also have an environmental impact. Right from the substances mining.

Turkey’s biggest supporter today is the EU. Why? Because they want Turkey as Europe’s sweat shop as well. It’s about the profits of the big corporates, not Social Justice or Climate Change which are only good for the brochures and for their virtue signaling. The sad thing is that people like you, and our easily influenced young and university students are falling for all the crap because it is so cool man since Nicole Kidman and Emma Stone are all for it as are the Royals and they are so glamorous and hip now because the red haired one, forget his name, married some other Hollywood half-caste actress. I forget her name too.
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