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GC land vs TC land

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GC land vs TC land

Postby DT. » Sun Dec 02, 2018 7:02 pm ... maton-toys

46bn Euros worth of today’s market value land stolen in the occupied territories from the GC’s.
5bn euros worth of today’s market value left in the south by the TC’s
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Re: GC land vs TC land

Postby Maximus » Sun Dec 02, 2018 7:44 pm

It is obvious that Turkey stole a lot more from the GC's, than what the TC's held legitimate title to pre 1974.

But it is good that someone has put an estimate value on it.

10x more sounds about right.
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Re: GC land vs TC land

Postby Lordo » Mon Dec 03, 2018 2:53 pm

is it really?

there are 1.5 million donums of land in the north stolen from gcs and there are 450,000 donums of land stolen from tcs in the south. even if land values were the same it would make 3 times as much.

i am afraid the person who worked out figures for this needs to go back to primary school. the land values in the south are on average at least 5 times the values in the norf like.

pull the other sunny yanni the middle one has bells on mate.

perhaps you can gives us the breakdown as to how they arrived at this fantastic figures.

this is what they have done. they valued gc properties in the north at over 30,000 per donum and tc properties in the south at just over 10,000 per donum.

that is really clever. and of course your average yanni would swallow that whole without even question it.
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Re: GC land vs TC land

Postby Maximus » Mon Dec 03, 2018 3:19 pm

Nothing was stolen from the TC's Lordo.

You are spreading lies.

Of course the property in the occupied area is priced cheaper today because it is in an unrecognized illegally occupied zone.

Off the back of a lorry like. - stolen at gunpoint and given to the TC''s, Turkish settlers and sold to other carpetbaggers!
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Re: GC land vs TC land

Postby Lordo » Mon Dec 03, 2018 3:45 pm

Maximus wrote:Nothing was stolen from the TC's Lordo.

You are spreading lies.

Of course the property in the occupied area is priced cheaper today because it is in an unrecognized illegally occupied zone.

Off the back of a lorry like. - stolen at gunpoint and given to the TC''s, Turkish settlers and sold to other carpetbaggers!

but the report said todays prices and put the northenrn properties 3 times the price on average. car eto explain how they came to that figure.

as to stolen tc lands or not, what else to call it when ones property is taken and not given back? is there an alternative word for it. lats time i looked it was glapsismeno
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Re: GC land vs TC land

Postby Maximus » Mon Dec 03, 2018 3:57 pm

First of all, TC's property was not and never was taken, therefor it is not logical to say that it is not given back. TC;s property is there, it is theirs and has always been. It's sad to say that the TC's are not inclined to return what they stole from the GC's though.

Secondly, the correct value of the property in the occupied area is different from the current value because north of the green line is under embargo because it is illegally occupied by Turkey.

Do we have to educate you on everything?
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Re: GC land vs TC land

Postby Lordo » Mon Dec 03, 2018 4:18 pm

Maximus wrote:First of all, TC's property was not and never was taken, therefor it is not logical to say that it is not given back. TC;s property is there, it is theirs and has always been. It's sad to say that the TC's are not inclined to return what they stole from the GC's though.

Secondly, the correct value of the property in the occupied area is different from the current value because north of the green line is under embargo because it is illegally occupied by Turkey.

Do we have to educate you on everything?

gc such as yourself thought exactly that. turned up at a her house to find a refugee from baf. she had such high hopes that when she sugested they should return to baf to their own property and hand back their home to them, i dare not repeat what they replied. you have more chance getting pigs to fly than have tc return to their properties especially when most are aware what they suffered under you between 1963 and 1974. you may decide to remain ignorant all your life or begin your education. your choice.

there is only one way forward. bbf with fair ecxchange ofproperties with current values and back dated rent for 55 years of course you aint goint to get away with that one. gawd help the roc and her reserves and i don't mean the soldier types.
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Re: GC land vs TC land

Postby Maximus » Tue Dec 04, 2018 7:42 am

Lordo wrote:
there is only one way forward. bbf with fair ecxchange ofproperties with current values and back dated rent for 55 years of course you aint goint to get away with that one. gawd help the roc and her reserves and i don't mean the soldier types.

IF that is the case, and IF you did your calculations before writing this then you would have found that Turkey and the TC's owe the GC's about 40 to 50 billion euros for the exchange of property's plus the back dated rents. for 55 years.

The right thing to do and the most feasible thing to do would be to repatriate the Turkish settlers back to Turkey and give the GC's their rightful property back, plus token compensation for loss of use for 55 years.

The same would apply for the TC's if that is necessary however the net compensation would be to the GC's and the RoC.

I have been saying this for years and that would be the property issue concluded..

But Turkey and the TC's are not looking to do the right thing are they? they believe they are right and entitled to keep what they stole from others.
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Re: GC land vs TC land

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Dec 04, 2018 10:33 pm

...first of all, the land is Cypriot, and it for the most part belongs to Cypriots; it is neither "Turkish" or "Greek". for its value, that reflects its use. Fifty years ago Paphos was a good place to raise donkeys. The Karpas was the food basket of Cyprus, the north, what is occupied today illegally, was the economic engine of Cyprus. Today, as it is, it is clear that Cypriots, as a "Turkish" regime have failed in their efforts to prosper. What was worth more, has become worth less, far less relatively speaking in real terms.

...indeed, when a solution is found to the Property Issue, it is very likely that (some) land in the occupied territories instantly will appreciate enormously. And by they same logic, the carpetbaggers will find that their properties' worth, greatly declined, (they may not even have the right to sell it).

Without this dysfunction, once it is in the past, Cyprus can expect investment in Cyprus to explode, given its geographic location, and its history as a facilitator for exchange. While there may be constituent states where as Person Cypriots may enjoy their distinct identities, one should expect that as Cypriots, as Individuals, they are willing to defend each other, and the Universal Principals on which this State is based. is land; you must love it, it "belongs" to no one, if you really care. What is "your" land, can represent this gratitude, (or not): speaking "value".
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Re: GC land vs TC land

Postby Maximus » Wed Dec 05, 2018 12:04 am

repulsewarrior wrote: for its value, that reflects its use. Fifty years ago Paphos was a good place to raise donkeys. The Karpas was the food basket of Cyprus, the north, what is occupied today illegally, was the economic engine of Cyprus. Today, as it is, it is clear that Cypriots, as a "Turkish" regime have failed in their efforts to prosper. What was worth more, has become worth less, far less relatively speaking in real terms.

This paragraph here requires a special highlight.

I have also underlined what would happen to everything in Cyprus if the "Turkish" regime were to have artificial and disproportionate powers in government. In a post solution Cyprus.

Everyone would fail to prosper and everything would be worth less, far less.

They think they know better, but they don't.
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