I am simply trying to learn from people how's Australia, and so far as you can see the only ones who have an opinion is you and GR.
The difference with GR and myself is that I get excited of anything new. Be it in my job or in the environment.
The common thing is I also get bored very quickly, and I can't stand repetitive things.
I might go to the Sydney opera once maximum 2 times. I doubt I would have time to explore other Australian cities, which from what I understand are about 2000 Km away from each other.
Cyprus is such a small place and quite often I discover places I 've never been before, imagine having to explore Australia.
Sames goes with the Greek islands. Seen one you've seen them all imo.
I only lived for more than a year in 4 different countries so far. Everywhere there's day and night, earth and sky. What makes the difference are the people. Most of them are interesting at first. Then slowly slowly you discover the cons, and before you know it you come to agree "there's no better place than Cyprus/ or home where ever that might be for anyone.
As you know I studied Engineering. While talking with Bommerang he told me there are huge salaries over there in Australia for Engineers something like they are on the top of the scale. But... but... but there came the big but. To get such a salary in Australia you have to work at the mines

Anyway I think I would be better off in Australia compared to Cyprus where I had to abandon my profession and start a business. Not totally unrelated to Engineering, but nevertheless the most important thing now is to deal with people.
I learned a lot of things from that as e.g never to underestimate even the most seemingly unimportant person. Even a beggar may cause you unimaginable damage or unimaginable good.
What really makes me happy is living in nature. There's nothing that calms me more than walking in the fields in Spring time.
I bought some land just outside of Nicosia sometime ago that I turned it to an orchard. I feel like I am in heaven every time I go there. The only problem are the foxes that won't let me have some chicken around. I don't want them in cages, i want them to feel free wandering around. Just like I want myself to be.
Maybe I will try Australia in another life Paphitis.