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What do you know of Australia related Cypriots?

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Re: What do you know of Australia related Cypriots?

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Nov 27, 2018 12:17 am

Paphitis, no I don't have a relative who would like to emigrate there.
I am simply trying to learn from people how's Australia, and so far as you can see the only ones who have an opinion is you and GR.

The difference with GR and myself is that I get excited of anything new. Be it in my job or in the environment.
The common thing is I also get bored very quickly, and I can't stand repetitive things.
I might go to the Sydney opera once maximum 2 times. I doubt I would have time to explore other Australian cities, which from what I understand are about 2000 Km away from each other.
Cyprus is such a small place and quite often I discover places I 've never been before, imagine having to explore Australia.
Sames goes with the Greek islands. Seen one you've seen them all imo.
I only lived for more than a year in 4 different countries so far. Everywhere there's day and night, earth and sky. What makes the difference are the people. Most of them are interesting at first. Then slowly slowly you discover the cons, and before you know it you come to agree "there's no better place than Cyprus/ or home where ever that might be for anyone.

As you know I studied Engineering. While talking with Bommerang he told me there are huge salaries over there in Australia for Engineers something like they are on the top of the scale. But... but... but there came the big but. To get such a salary in Australia you have to work at the mines :o No way Jose. :wink:

Anyway I think I would be better off in Australia compared to Cyprus where I had to abandon my profession and start a business. Not totally unrelated to Engineering, but nevertheless the most important thing now is to deal with people.
I learned a lot of things from that as e.g never to underestimate even the most seemingly unimportant person. Even a beggar may cause you unimaginable damage or unimaginable good.

What really makes me happy is living in nature. There's nothing that calms me more than walking in the fields in Spring time.
I bought some land just outside of Nicosia sometime ago that I turned it to an orchard. I feel like I am in heaven every time I go there. The only problem are the foxes that won't let me have some chicken around. I don't want them in cages, i want them to feel free wandering around. Just like I want myself to be.

Maybe I will try Australia in another life Paphitis. :)
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Re: What do you know of Australia related Cypriots?

Postby Paphitis » Tue Nov 27, 2018 5:40 am


when we refer to Australian cities, we refer to capital cities. They are Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Adelaide, Perth, Hobart, and Darwin.

Some cities can be about 2000 kms apart. For instance, Adelaide and Brisbane, Adelaide to Perth, Sydney to Perth and so on. Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra are within an 8 hour drive. Sydney and Brisbane are also fairly close.

You generally do not drive. Most people fly and it is cheap.

Driving is done when you have heaps of time and you want the adventure. The Australian continent is larger than Europe. To drive from one side of the continent to the other can be up to 4000 kms.

Sydney Opera house is also nowhere near the best place in Sydney either. That is just the postcard picture everyone recognizes. It's like the Australian icon. So many better things in Sydney than the Opera House.

And there are so many better places in Ausralia than Sydney, if you are holidaying. Sydney is a commercial center like Melbourne and Brisbane is too. These cities happen to be extremely pretty for big cities. They are great places to work and live.

But you got hundreds of interesting towns to see in Australia. One of my favorite places in all of Australia is 5 Rivers - biggest town is Coffs Harbour population about 110,000. Another favorite is Noosa (QLD) and Lorn (Victoria). You can go on and on.

As for nature, well Australia is pretty much a very good place for that. From Rain Forests to snow, amazing coral reefs, to dense bushland and Sub Tropical forests, and also plenty of desert, wildlife and fauna too.

Yes financially you wcould have been better off in Australia. Engineering is a growth area in Australia. Australia is so short of engineers, they are offering 457 VISAs to qualified engineers. It isn't just for Mining they need engineers. There is also a Petroleum and Gas industry. Australia is the biggest producer and exporter of gas in the world.

Salaries of about 300K per annum are not uncommon for engineers in Australia plus 10% Super. So you would end up with a Super account and shares, like it or not. :wink:

Australia has a massive Green Energy industry, there are massive hydroelectric projects, major infrastructure being built from roads to huge high rise. New Airports are being built too and expensive runways on top of major highways (yes, you could be driving you car and see an A380 on a bridge above you).

They are spending 200 billion to improve all Military Airports alone.

There is the Submarine Baracuda project (55 Billion). but some of these will require Security Clearances and I am not sure if you will be able to get into these sensitive areas. hey do have foreigners work on these projects though, subject to strict security clearances.

If they find out you are an AKEL member or supporter, you can kiss any Security Clearance good bye and the Australian Security Apparatus will find out if they wanted to look into your life.

There are so many, literally hundreds defence projects all ranging from something small to the mega billion dollar projects. There is also a lot of testing of rockets, missiles, radar systems, Drones and all kinds of things. this is a very large sector in itself.

There is a lot of shit going on in Australia.

If you were to come to Australia, I believe Melbourne would be the best fit for you because that is where most Greeks and Cypriots live. Boomerang lives there too.
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Re: What do you know of Australia related Cypriots?

Postby Paphitis » Tue Nov 27, 2018 6:19 am

Get Real! wrote:When I first returned to Cyprus and I’d mention software licensing, Cypriot customers would respond with a…

“Are you crazy? Nobody pays for Windows or Ms Office in Cyprus… we all use cracked versions here!”

So after hearing this numerous times I got the message so I searched and downloaded cracked versions of pretty much everything and made CDs out of them to install in people’s machines and they were all happy, until I met DT…

“Are you crazy? I don’t want a hacked Windows.. I’m happy to pay for a Windows license!”

Am I’m like… “Oh, fuck the lot of you!”

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Businesses in Australia won't do it because the penalty for a pirated copy of windows for a registered business is something ridiculous - I recall $250,000.

For an individual it is $5000

Australian Police have a cyber crime unit and they do monitor the net. They do prosecute businesses.

You would have to be stupid to take those kinds of risks in Australia.
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Re: What do you know of Australia related Cypriots?

Postby DT. » Tue Nov 27, 2018 6:30 am

Paphitis wrote:Pyro,

The Australian continent is larger than Europe. To drive from one side of the continent to the other can be up to 4000 kms.

Sorry to fact check you again mate but Europe is about 3,000,000 km2 larger than Australia.

I am getting better though! Let you off with the inaccuracies you posted on the Dow Jones indices :D
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Re: What do you know of Australia related Cypriots?

Postby Paphitis » Tue Nov 27, 2018 6:48 am

DT. wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Pyro,

The Australian continent is larger than Europe. To drive from one side of the continent to the other can be up to 4000 kms.

Sorry to fact check you again mate but Europe is about 3,000,000 km2 larger than Australia.

I am getting better though! Let you off with the inaccuracies you posted on the Dow Jones indices :D

What inaccuracies about the Dow Jones?

I know Europe is a bigger continent, as Australia is the smallest of the 5 continents overall. But driving from Perth to Sydney isn't the same as driving from London to Athens.

With Europe, I was not including Russia. I was including a drive from lets say Greece to Portugal. Athens to Lisbon is 2,859km. London to Athens is 3187 kms

Athens to Copenhagen is 2422 kms. Athens to Moscow is 2235 km. Athens to Stockholm is 2410 kms

Perth to Sydney 3930 kms

Btw, Area of Australia = 7.692 million sq kms

Area of Europe = 10.18 sq kms. :wink:
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Re: What do you know of Australia related Cypriots?

Postby boomerang » Tue Nov 27, 2018 8:12 am

to be honest with the current migration into Australia along with the chinese buyouts and foreign students, melbourne and sydney are turned into shitholes...I am getting out of melbourne and looking for a place between western port bay and port Philip bay, somewhere around Somerville...

still melbourne is the best city in australia... ... r-in-a-row
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Re: What do you know of Australia related Cypriots?

Postby boomerang » Tue Nov 27, 2018 8:20 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:I will first enlist the few Cypriots I met in chronological order:

1) A refugee family living next door in the late 70s who decided to emigrate to Australia. Daughter came back for holidays a couple of years later saying they had trouble adjusting during the first year, didn’t like it, and were about to return. They eventually got used to it and stayed.
2) A relative to my aunt from her husband’s side who came for a month presumably for holidays. A very sexy woman at her mid 30s. Low profile and almost silent. Was sleeping most of the day. My aunt caught her doing syringe injections.
3) One of my best friends at high school. Got married and immediately emigrated with his wife to S. Africa for a couple of years. Didn’t like it, and emigrated to Australia from there. Never heard of him ever since.
4) The father of another aunt who returned from Australia to Cyprus at pension age. Another silent person. I asked my aunt why he was living at her house. She said he was poor, he didn’t make any money In Australia, he was working at a factory.
5) Another expat from Australia providing us forklift services at work. Another silent guy who was constantly inventing excuses to avoid work. When I caught him lying I just deleted him from our list and never called him again. £40 per hour in the 90s wasn’t a little…

Forum members living in Australia.
1) Paphitis. Working as a pilot
2) Boomerang. Selling sound cards for computers, associates with some Chinese factories.
3) Humanid . A social worker
4) Another forum member who lives on welfare

And of course Get Real who studied in Australia but prefers to live and work in Cyprus instead.

Problem is the only person who ever painted Australia with the brightest colors is Paphitis.
Never heard anyone else doing the same, never met anyone else returning from Australia confirming it.

What are your own experiences regarding the matter?

hiya pyro, just a correction i was 10% owner of my factory producing VGA cards...we setup factories in taiwan, Singapore, Thailand and china where i would spend 7 to 10 days per month...i spend a lot of time in these countries and still travel to china these days 6 times a year...i employ 5 people these days in china just for packaging...

China is my favourite place, great country great people and best of all great other place in the world can serve a dishes like in china...
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Re: What do you know of Australia related Cypriots?

Postby Get Real! » Tue Nov 27, 2018 12:33 pm

boomerang wrote:China is my favourite place, great country great people and best of all great other place in the world can serve a dishes like in china...

Boomers, I understand your eyes have gotten squinty since going on that cat diet…

So tell me, how do you say…

“I’ll have that black cat hanging over there with rice, thanks”

…in Chinese? :? :lol:
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Re: What do you know of Australia related Cypriots?

Postby MR-from-NG » Tue Nov 27, 2018 12:52 pm

Get Real! wrote:
boomerang wrote:China is my favourite place, great country great people and best of all great other place in the world can serve a dishes like in china...

Boomers, I understand your eyes have gotten squinty since going on that cat diet…

So tell me, how do you say…

“I’ll have that black cat hanging over there with rice, thanks”

…in Chinese? :? :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: "我會讓那只黑貓和米飯掛在那邊, 謝謝"
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Re: What do you know of Australia related Cypriots?

Postby Get Real! » Tue Nov 27, 2018 1:54 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
boomerang wrote:China is my favourite place, great country great people and best of all great other place in the world can serve a dishes like in china...

Boomers, I understand your eyes have gotten squinty since going on that cat diet…

So tell me, how do you say…

“I’ll have that black cat hanging over there with rice, thanks”

…in Chinese? :? :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: "我會讓那只黑貓和米飯掛在那邊, 謝謝"

:shock: God forbid if I was to expect Boomers to write in Chinese… but I’m hoping he’ll type it out using Latin characters for us! 8)
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