Get Real! wrote:I don’t agree with some of your sentiments Paphitis because Australians have some really bad habits… just off the top of my head:
ie: You get invited to a party at someone’s house and everyone has to take their own drink with them! And I’m thinking… if you can’t even supply the alcohol to satisfy 10…30 guests what’s the point of throwing a party?
ie: They pride themselves on the so-called “great Aussie barbie” yet barbecue everything on a hot plate resulting in everything tasting exactly the same. All the juices mix and everything ends up tasting like sausage which has the strongest taste/smell.
ie: No idea why, but many Australians walk about barefoot… you’ll see entire families sitting at a restaurant with no shoes on! The last thing I need when I’m about to have a meal is to look at someone’s dirty feet. They justify this by describing themselves as “laid back” but what it really means is that they’re bums!

That's because it is expensive, and Australians will likely arrange a piss up and barbie every weekend just to watch the Football. It isn't uncommon for Aussies to gather at the same house each week.
So they all gather at someone's house but they don't want to be a hindrance. What usually happens though is that they take it in turns to supply the meat and to cook.
Australians are pretty fair that way and do like to pay their own way. They don't like to burden other people. They just want to hang out as mates, but they don't expect you to pay for everything.
I don't think it is a bad habit at all.
I know my parents hated it, but for us born in Australia we are totally in tune with this and completely understanding and also prefer it. It is advantageous because we might gather at houses very regularly. Even for the slightest excuse, there is a piss up.
No one sits in restaurants with no shoes on. I don't know how old your information is, but generally Australians do wear very nice clothes and expensive shoes.
For example, RM Williams boots are an Australian icon and shoe and they are worth about 250 Euros a pair. My favourite mens shoe.
In Australia it is all about the image now. It's about the expensive houses, expensive European cars, and Monte Blanc Pens.
Plus, the city lifestyle is very yuppified. I don't think there are any restaurants that would even let you in these days if you were not wearing any shoes. Our restaurants are very classy establishments, not the Cyprus style taverna you guys are into.
I don't know what barbies you have been too, but an Aussie barbecue encompasses fish (Australians fish), shrimps or prawns, scallops, prime Beef, sausages, and onions. But they mix things up quite a bit and now you will go to an Aussie barbecue and find Halloumi and Saganaki. The Aussies discovered these cheeses through their Greek mates because they fry well on the barby and they love it.
Now when Aussies invite you to their house, they are pretty laid back. Don't expect them to dress up for you. They just want to drink, eat, and watch the footy and have a laugh. They are not inviting you to a formal or anything.
Australians don't walk around barefoot. In fact the men put on face creams these days, and beautiful European and French colognes. That is Australia today. Extremely liberal, extremely yuppy, and cafes, restaurants and bars everywhere. the pubs today are all renovated and very classy and most have dress standards.
And even the wealthy Aussies (and I am talking about millionaires) are pretty down to earth.
Bums they are not. They are very classy, and I would say more classier than Cypriots and Greeks generally. It's about the threads and the cars, and the houses, the shoes and the sheillas now.
Australia is very materialistic. And one of the most pretentious places on the planet.
The pnly time you will see Aussies barefoot is at the beech. In fact, you will see the girls not just barefoot but almost naked.
And from there they could go and get fish and chips or some ice-cream and they are wearing thongs.
I don't know why you think Aussies are bums. I actually think Cypriots are more bums than Aussies especially in this day and age.
There is the Aussie stereotype which is this macho and rugged hunk of a man that speaks funny, but these days Aussies are more akin to gay primadonnas and fashionistas. If you aint got the threads and the shoes, you aint got the respect.