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What do you know of Australia related Cypriots?

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Re: What do you know of Australia related Cypriots?

Postby Get Real! » Sat Nov 24, 2018 8:04 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote: First time I heard that, are the Cypriots more inspiring and less boring iyo?
Can you elaborate?

Australians are very repetitive and predictable; they all greet you in exactly the same way… “Goodday, how’s it going?”… I could usually guess the first 3-4 things they’d say to me. They were all the same.

Over the years they’ve invented their own stupid words and phrases like “He’s a fair dinkum bloke!” ….and countless other annoying peasant phrases.

They all talk like they’re farmers in the 1930s… I could never accept their annoying peasant talk or their idiotic sports like “aussie rules football” while being so ignorant of the outside world.

I couldn't take anymore of them and had to leave despite the good jobs and money I was making.

Oh and I wouldn’t go back for all the money in the world… I don’t ever want to see or hear them again! :lol:
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Re: What do you know of Australia related Cypriots?

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Nov 24, 2018 9:06 pm

DT. wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Sotos wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Sotos wrote:Never been to Australia myself. That said if you look at something like the Human Development Index, Australia is ranked 3rd in the world: ... ment_Index

Coming to conclusions about a country based on a few people you know is not a proper way to go about it, especially when most of those people are poor immigrants whose chances for great success are limited regardless of where they go (but I would bet that poor immigrants going to Australia have greater chance of being successful than poor immigrants coming to Cyprus)

The HDI doesn't tell me match other than since Australia is richer all other parameters concerning life (like healthcare education etc) shoot up.
Well we have to rely on something to form a personal opinion and I personally have nothing other than watch those who return or those of this forum.
There is a striking difference between them and the typical Charlies returning from the UK.

There are richer countries which rank lower in HDI. So Australia has high standards of living, good education, long life expectancy etc, and then if you look at other factors also it also ranks very highly:

8th in democracy index:
5th in Economic Freedom:
19th in Press Freedom: (still better than Cyprus)

So why shouldn't Australia be painted with the brightest colors? Obviously no country is great in every aspect but on average Australia seems to be one of the very top.

Because Indices are just indices and depending in how you use them you may end to totally different conclusions.
For example most charts that measure happiness use these factors:

six significant factors which contribute to happiness; GDP per capita, social support, life expectancy, freedom to make life choices, generosity and corruption levels. ... the-world/

These chart however based on different factors places Australia at the bottom ... rld-gtst82

World's happiest countries mapped: Australia is the 105th happiest country in the world (out of 140 countries listed)

:lol: Pyro, Bangladesh is 8th happiest on this thing.....the country that has single handedly proven that a nation could be cursed. The country that has known overpopulation and every famine, flood, storm, plague in the world is the 8th happiest nation? :lol:

But that's what I m saying! That depending on the type of Indices you take into account you will end up to different and often ridiculous results. The 6 indices I mentioned before {GDP per capita, social support, life expectancy, freedom to make life choices, generosity and corruption levels} are not enough. Where's the suicides index, where's the drug abuse, the alcohol abuse, the divorces, and so many other factors that are a measure of the degree of happiness.
Do you really believe the Finnish are the happiest people in the world, and the Icelanders #4???
Yet that's what this United Nations' World happiness report 2018 says. It even ranks the Palestinian terrorizes #104 while Egypt #122 and India #133.The UN crooks even listed Northern Cyprus at #58.
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Re: What do you know of Australia related Cypriots?

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Nov 24, 2018 9:27 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote: First time I heard that, are the Cypriots more inspiring and less boring iyo?
Can you elaborate?

Australians are very repetitive and predictable; they all greet you in exactly the same way… “Goodday, how’s it going?”… I could usually guess the first 3-4 things they’d say to me. They were all the same.

Over the years they’ve invented their own stupid words and phrases like “He’s a fair dinkum bloke!” ….and countless other annoying peasant phrases.

They all talk like they’re farmers in the 1930s… I could never accept their annoying peasant talk or their idiotic sports like “aussie rules football” while being so ignorant of the outside world.

I couldn't take anymore of them and had to leave despite the good jobs and money I was making.

Oh and I wouldn’t go back for all the money in the world… I don’t ever want to see or hear them again! :lol:

You have a not so common idiosyncrasy that's for sure.
Did they treat you bad though, or is it that you treated them bad and they responded in kind?
How was the work environment, was there discrimination against you?
i heard many Cypriots who 've been in the UK for studies saying they often addressed them as " you foreigner".
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Re: What do you know of Australia related Cypriots?

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Nov 24, 2018 9:36 pm

kurupetos wrote:I was sitting next to an Australian couple on my flight back from Spain a few days ago.

They looked like savages out of the jungle for the first time in their life... :shock: :lol:

Neighbors of Crocodile Dundee :lol: :lol:
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Re: What do you know of Australia related Cypriots?

Postby Get Real! » Sat Nov 24, 2018 10:09 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote: First time I heard that, are the Cypriots more inspiring and less boring iyo?
Can you elaborate?

Australians are very repetitive and predictable; they all greet you in exactly the same way… “Goodday, how’s it going?”… I could usually guess the first 3-4 things they’d say to me. They were all the same.

Over the years they’ve invented their own stupid words and phrases like “He’s a fair dinkum bloke!” ….and countless other annoying peasant phrases.

They all talk like they’re farmers in the 1930s… I could never accept their annoying peasant talk or their idiotic sports like “aussie rules football” while being so ignorant of the outside world.

I couldn't take anymore of them and had to leave despite the good jobs and money I was making.

Oh and I wouldn’t go back for all the money in the world… I don’t ever want to see or hear them again! :lol:

You have a not so common idiosyncrasy that's for sure.
Did they treat you bad though, or is it that you treated them bad and they responded in kind?
How was the work environment, was there discrimination against you?
i heard many Cypriots who 've been in the UK for studies saying they often addressed them as " you foreigner".

No, I don’t recall getting treated badly or facing any racism but then again I never worked in kitchens and such where you’d find most Cypriots.

I held engineering jobs where many colleagues were foreigners from all over the world and nobody really cared where you came from. As long as you performed your duties you got along fine.

My only gripe is boredom of the monotony of the average Australian and their culture which you could not avoid whilst living there.
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Re: What do you know of Australia related Cypriots?

Postby Paphitis » Sat Nov 24, 2018 11:12 pm

Lived in Australia all my life.

I do love Australia as a country. It is a very lucky country. Extremely rich in Natural resources and it is a very pretty place. Cities are probably among the very best cities in the world - very clean, structured and they have the best infrastructure.

No land borders with other countries. It's an island continent.

It is a better country than the USA. it is way better than the UK.

Socially and economically, there are probably only a couple of countries that compare to Australia and they are probably Switzerland and a couple of the Scandinavian Countries.

Closest country Australia can be compared to, would have to be Canada. Australians and Canadians are more laid back than Americans are. Also a lot friendlier.

As for Football, news about European Football does filter through Australia now. There is a massive cable network owned by News Corp (who else but Rupert Murdock) which has dedicated Football channels and they show all the European games. They even show Cypriot Teams every now and then. The Football scene in Australia is also developing at a very fast pace, with a National competition that is popular and appealing to the masses. Average attendances are comparable to the top leagues of Europe.

Gastronomy, is probably second to none. Wine is of extreme high quality. Beer as well.

there is a lot of opportunity although not as plentiful as a few years ago as the GFC did cost Australia too, but overall Australia really did ride it out quite nicely without too much trouble as unemployment is virtually non-existent.

Society is affluent and people have done well for themselves generally. People are quite happy and Australians are very outdoors type of people. So much recreation space in all the cities.

Australians are very friendly. They are also quite nice. Won't find too many that will do bad to you as they are also quite naive. But yes there are bad people in Australia too.

Australians are not boring at all. In fact they are very outgoing. Generally more outgoing than Europeans. When compared to Cypriots, and despite all the stereotypes, Australians are far more classier than Cypriots as a people, bit more down to earth, rational and also measured. they think before they talk and act. Population is highly educated as the tertiary system is good, and everyone has a degree in something.

Australia is very sports crazed. The only country comparable to Australia with sports is the USA. So much sport and entertainment.

So much to see and do in Australia. So much to explore and yes it is pretty.

Politically, very well structured. Socially it is very liberal except in the country where it switches to very conservative. Best Australians are those who live in the country. They are just so lovely, tough, and resourceful,

Downside - there are not many. There are still social problems with Aboriginals that still live on the fringes and still have alcohol and drug issues. Despite Australia doing its best to address, all the programs have largely not made a great deal of progress in some areas. Starting to improve in the cities though.

What else? Well Australia should be a Republic probably. It was so cringe-worthy when a couple of the Royals came to Australia - some guy with red hair and an American half cast actor. I forget their names. Apparently their grandma is Head of State and she is so old and married to a Greeko. :D

Surprisingly high crime in some areas. Australia is said to have more crime than USA. For instance, there is a bit of crime in Sydney and Melbourne but overall Australia is a safe place to raise a family.
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Re: What do you know of Australia related Cypriots?

Postby Paphitis » Sat Nov 24, 2018 11:35 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Sotos wrote:Never been to Australia myself. That said if you look at something like the Human Development Index, Australia is ranked 3rd in the world: ... ment_Index

Coming to conclusions about a country based on a few people you know is not a proper way to go about it, especially when most of those people are poor immigrants whose chances for great success are limited regardless of where they go (but I would bet that poor immigrants going to Australia have greater chance of being successful than poor immigrants coming to Cyprus)

The HDI doesn't tell me match other than since Australia is richer all other parameters concerning life (like healthcare education etc) shoot up.
Well we have to rely on something to form a personal opinion and I personally have nothing other than watch those who return or those of this forum.
There is a striking difference between them and the typical Charlies returning from the UK.

Generally speaking, I have not met anyone who has been disappointed with Australia after visiting.

We have a lot of migration from USA and Europe too. Americans love Australia very much so wherever you go now, you will find an American. I think there is a pretty elaborate customs union with the Yanks.

Get Real is pretty much the most disappointed person I have ever heard, but I think he probably didn't make too much of an effort to interact with Aussies as he always intended to leave. And if you don't make an effort with Aussies, they will be quick to snob you. The biggest ethnic groups by far are Anglo Saxon, Irish, and German. So they do have a superiority complex going where they think they are the best race of people.

Australians can be very racist at times too. They do have very high opinions of themselves and if they don't like you you would know about it as they are pretty upfront and unlike the brits they sometimes forget their manners. Australia is like that pretty girl who knows she is pretty and attractive. How is that for an analogy?

Australians can swear a lot. Usually the men and only when among men. Australian English is very colorful and interesting too. It's like Cypriot Greek I suppose. There are words used which Brits and Americans just do not understand.
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Re: What do you know of Australia related Cypriots?

Postby Paphitis » Sat Nov 24, 2018 11:45 pm

Sotos wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Sotos wrote:Never been to Australia myself. That said if you look at something like the Human Development Index, Australia is ranked 3rd in the world: ... ment_Index

Coming to conclusions about a country based on a few people you know is not a proper way to go about it, especially when most of those people are poor immigrants whose chances for great success are limited regardless of where they go (but I would bet that poor immigrants going to Australia have greater chance of being successful than poor immigrants coming to Cyprus)

The HDI doesn't tell me match other than since Australia is richer all other parameters concerning life (like healthcare education etc) shoot up.
Well we have to rely on something to form a personal opinion and I personally have nothing other than watch those who return or those of this forum.
There is a striking difference between them and the typical Charlies returning from the UK.

There are richer countries which rank lower in HDI. So Australia has high standards of living, good education, long life expectancy etc, and then if you look at other factors also it also ranks very highly:

8th in democracy index:
5th in Economic Freedom:
19th in Press Freedom: (still better than Cyprus)

So why shouldn't Australia be painted with the brightest colors? Obviously no country is great in every aspect but on average Australia seems to be one of the very top.

In my opinion, Australia is probably as good as it gets.

However, Australia's media ranking is pretty accurate at 19. The bad thing is that most of the media is controlled by Murdoch and that isn't good for freedom of the press. Hence lower ranking.

But other than that, I think Australians are the richest citizens of any country, so yeh, things are pretty damn good. Hospitals are great. We have free health care. Schools and education system are great too. Our police and judicial system are open and transparent. Our politicians are accessible and contactable. Our houses are big and comfortable. We have great shops, shopping centers, and entertainment facilities, and it is a very wicked place to live and work in.

People are happy and live a good life.

One of the greatest things about Australia is that it is far from everyone. To really get an appreciation of Australia, you will need to travel to Australia. You will never regret a vacation to Australia, but it is expensive. It is a great country to visit and should be on everyone's bucket list.

Once here, the general feeling is that most people just don't want to leave. Our biggest immigration problem are the Brits who go AWOL and violate their Visas. Our law enforcement does try and get rid of these intrusive aliens as quickly as possible though. :D
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Re: What do you know of Australia related Cypriots?

Postby Get Real! » Sat Nov 24, 2018 11:52 pm

I remember an Indian colleague who was at the same company for like 32 years and I once said to him… “When are you gonna grow a pair of balls and apply to work for another company for a change… aren’t you bored of this place yet?” and he just pretended to laugh it off but I sensed he wasn’t amused.

The other thing I found strange was that he was offered to manage the engineers numerous times over the years and always declined! :?

It wasn’t until we were on the road together for some job and stopped by his house for a few minutes to get some stuff... that I met his wife and realized why he had been at the same company for so long. He was completely dominated by his Indian wife and treated like dirt!

This guy was like a little puppy… same spectacles, same shoe style, same briefcase, same navy clothes (but clean), same everything every single day… he just made his way to his cubicle always on time and worked like a slave. On Fridays, he’d never attend the colleague pub meets and would just rush home like a good little boy!

I’ll never forget David… a very good guy and great engineer but what a super-cuck! :lol:
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Re: What do you know of Australia related Cypriots?

Postby Paphitis » Sat Nov 24, 2018 11:56 pm

Get Real! wrote:I remember an Indian colleague who was at the same company for like 32 years and I once said to him… “When are you gonna grow a pair of balls and apply to work for another company for a change… aren’t you bored of this place yet?” and he just pretended to laugh it off but I sensed he wasn’t amused.

The other thing I found strange was that he was offered to manage the engineers numerous times over the years and always declined! :?

It wasn’t until we were on the road together for some job and stopped by his house for a few minutes to get some stuff... that I met his wife and realized why he had been at the same company for so long. He was completely dominated by his Indian wife and treated like dirt!

This guy was like a little puppy… same spectacles, same shoe style, same briefcase, same navy clothes (but clean), same everything every single day… he just made his way to his cubicle always on time and worked like a slave. On Fridays, he’d never attend the colleague pub meets and would just rush home like a good little boy!

I’ll never forget David… a very good guy and great engineer but what a super-cuck! :lol:

Australians can be very racist even though they pretend they are not.

You can have a rocket scientist from Iraq or India driving cabs. If you do not have an Anglo, Germanic or Irish name then you are disadvantaged. Greeks, Italians and other continental Europeans are now just breaking into that privileged group but still, if you have an Indian, Arabic or some other exotic name, it is much tougher to crack into the good jobs. much harder. they will look at your name rather than your qualifications.

I suppose that is another bad thing about Australia.
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