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donkeys lead by more donkeys

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Re: donkeys lead by more donkeys

Postby miltiades » Mon Dec 24, 2018 2:46 pm

As much as I love Britain and consider it as my second home, I feel it is now time to ask Britain to relinquish her so called sovereignty over Cypriot lands. Britain no longer serves , not that it ever did, Cyprus' interests. Its time to politely request that they pack their bags and return to the UK, before the UK becomes DK (Disunited).
The old country is not what it once was.
Brexit, they say, will give us back our counyry. What a load of absolute crap.
The little Englanders, the geriatrics and the " yuknow wo i mean mate" along with the "corblimeys" have won the day but the UK has lost its way. Trading deals with Turkey, Pakistan, India and many other ....elite nations is, it seems, far better than having to trade with the ...crouts and the frogs. Remember, we are British old boy, beat the Germans twice :lol:
What a fucking joke !!
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Re: donkeys lead by more donkeys

Postby Paphitis » Mon Dec 24, 2018 6:53 pm

Right! So let’s get this right.

You say that it is now time to ask Britain to relinquish control of the SBAs. Why is it a good time now and not before?

Oh that’s right. You didn’t get your way in the BREXIT poll so now you are having a hissy fit like the rest of the rotten remainders (sic).

Not just that, but you seem to want to belittle the millions who voted for BREXIT. Mmmm. That’s not a very good move. What you are doing is spitting on democracy, not insulting those who voted for BREXIT. Those who voted for BREXIT have made their stand. This is what Cyprus should have done long ago. Cyprus and Greece are now no longer Greek and Cypriot owned. They entered the Eurozone and they paid a heavy price. They went tits up! Boom!

Britain will still have an FTA with the French and the Germans. it’s not in France or Germany’s best interest to completely cut Britain off. Not just that, but they will have a FTA with Australia and USA. No matter what, Britain won’t be isolated, or endure any indignity. Far from it. It will go from strength to strength.

I would love the Brits to relinquish the bases. Not just now, but before too. Won’t happen though. That don’t have to if they don’t want to. BREXIT doesn’t change anything.

Theresa May needs to stop the crap and deliver what the people voted for. Just get on with it.

And the EU can go fuck itself! All of the bastards. The EU has been the biggest curse on the Greek People.
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Re: donkeys lead by more donkeys

Postby miltiades » Mon Dec 24, 2018 8:08 pm

You are neithet a Brit nor Cypriot. You do not understand the issues surrounding the referendum result. The Brits are a very gullible people, easily taken in . And taken in they were by the likes of Boris the Clown and Farage the Am allright jack. Both should charged with a conspiracy to deceive the naive, the low educated working class and the geriatrics. Lets have our country back they told them, let our NHS benefit tp the tune of 350 million ....A WEEK :lol:
Again I reiterate, you know as much about either about the UK or Cyprus as I know about Australia. The Greeks ARE responsible for their economic meltdown just as the Cypriots are. The EU did not sanction loans to 90 year olds payable over 40 years, did not sanction loans of thousands of euros without collateral.
The UK is on the verge of a breakdown.
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Re: donkeys lead by more donkeys

Postby Paphitis » Tue Dec 25, 2018 4:14 am

Really? The Brits are a very gullible people and stupid are they? Because you didn’t get the result you wanted.

I stopped reading your post when you said the Brits are gullible. It’s like saying they are stupid.

Well, if I ever. This is the way it looks to us outside of Europe. Britain is making a run for it. Britain is breaking from the shackles. They have made a brave decision. They made a decision to put Britain first, and maintain their own heritage and inheritance. They want their borders and to maintain their uniqueness and character.

What do you think is going to happen to Cyprus and Greece in 30 to 50 years?

All I can say is that I am a very lucky person to be thousands of kilometres away from your Frankenstein. Australia has many blessings. Being away from Europe is one of them. Being so far from everyone is another.

Europe can be thankful for Australia. It is Europe’s Noah’s Ark. After you become the new Africa and Middle East, people will be coming to Melbourne to get a taste of Paris!
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Re: donkeys lead by more donkeys

Postby miltiades » Tue Dec 25, 2018 6:31 am

The Brits DID NOT make a brave decision but a stupid one.
48.1% voted to remain in the EU. A very slender majority mostly lower working classes, geriatrics and little Englanders.
You obviously know a lot more about the Brits than I have managed to learn in 56 years. The British people did not all vote to leave. Remember my words. This will go down in history as the most catastrophic decision ever made by the UK
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Re: donkeys lead by more donkeys

Postby Paphitis » Tue Dec 25, 2018 6:56 am

52% voted to leave and that is the democratic process right there!

You can’t just say it was a slender margin. It was a triumphant win to common sense.

You are a geriatric yet voted to remain. You are now also subscribing to totalitarian sectarian identity politics where everything for you as about the deplorable and the geriatrics, and the low IQ people that do not agree with your politics.

This is a reflection of YOU and your own IQ.

The leave campaign also includes a number of nationalists and patriots who do not want to lose their identity and inheritance.

Watch and learn old man. Britain is about to start a new chapter and give many a new hope!

The sooner the EU collapses and implodes the better! One day, the struggle against the EU will be an armed rebellion. And the fever is catching across Europe.
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Re: donkeys lead by more donkeys

Postby miltiades » Tue Dec 25, 2018 10:24 am

Im certain that one day your views on the UK and the EU will be proven just as disastrously wrong as were your views on Syria :lol: :lol: .
By the way, Assad is still where he was a year ago.
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Re: donkeys lead by more donkeys

Postby DT. » Tue Dec 25, 2018 4:17 pm

As a British citizen, I’m still finding it hard to find one brexiteer to explain to me how our lives will be better outside the EU.
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Re: donkeys lead by more donkeys

Postby Paphitis » Tue Dec 25, 2018 5:08 pm

I would like you to explain how your life has been made better as a Cypriot.

That would make much more interesting reading.
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Re: donkeys lead by more donkeys

Postby DT. » Tue Dec 25, 2018 6:45 pm

Paphitis wrote:I would like you to explain how your life has been made better as a Cypriot.

That would make much more interesting reading.

Hasn’t made much difference to me to be honest. Was an eu citizen before Cyprus joined. If you’re asking if other Cypriots have benfitted then yes, I’ll tell you that the euro for euro infrastructure financing that Cyprus has received pushed the country through leaps and bounds. The economic crisis had little to do with the EU and the Cypriots should thank god that the troika took charge and reformed in the manner they did.
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