As much as I love Britain and consider it as my second home, I feel it is now time to ask Britain to relinquish her so called sovereignty over Cypriot lands. Britain no longer serves , not that it ever did, Cyprus' interests. Its time to politely request that they pack their bags and return to the UK, before the UK becomes DK (Disunited).
The old country is not what it once was.
Brexit, they say, will give us back our counyry. What a load of absolute crap.
The little Englanders, the geriatrics and the " yuknow wo i mean mate" along with the "corblimeys" have won the day but the UK has lost its way. Trading deals with Turkey, Pakistan, India and many other ....elite nations is, it seems, far better than having to trade with the ...crouts and the frogs. Remember, we are British old boy, beat the Germans twice
What a fucking joke !!