Oh really! Teeny weeny little brain that wants to post teeny weeny batteries thinks Pyro who has no clue at all about the stock markets thinks I don’t communicate well.
Well teeny weeny brain, you have found your ally.
I started investing in Stock markets about 20 odd years ago. I also got burnt from them and lost some serious dough on a speculative investment, but overall I am way ahead. That loss was a lesson back then as I only go for the big blue chips these days and hold them in trust, along with some investment properties which earn me quite a bit of income.
I have also lost serious money in property investment because I have been involved in property development and various other projects. Doesn’t mean you should stay away from property development because I have made a lot of money doing what I do.
I’ve seen it all but my brain ain’t a teeny weeny one that is worried about posting teeny weeny batteries on commercial aviation.