Paphitis wrote:I just expected another feel good Cyprus story about some high rise construction.
When I was confronted with the link, I read it and thought "hey, wait a minute, that doesn't make sense".
I will critique Australian, American and British publications in the exact same way, because they too publish articles that are inaccurate, are embellished or even downright misleading and unprofessional.
Newspapers are in the public domain and are not immune to criticism. That is the foundation of our democratic system.
A newspaper is responsible for what they publish on their internet sites as well as their newspaper.
It doesn't matter if it is CM, Fileleftheros, Washington Post, New York Times, Sydney Morning Herald or The Guardian.
You've just explained in very simple terms how ridiculous it was of you to expect the CM article on diving to be 100% accurate!

If the major news organisations of the world with all of their resources make mistakes why would you expect the CM not to?
And given that you were at your PC, why didn't you google the story and read it on a diving website where the 'total dive time was given' (presumably because their journos are divers)...?
Given all of the above, why did the simple lack of the words 'total dive time' completely and utterly confuse you...?

And why did you try to give the impression that you knew about diving and say this: -
Paphitis wrote:Well it's very odd there Cap because they are claiming 41m. He would have needed a special Nitrox mix to pull that off and at this man's age it would be bordering on insanity.
Without the Nitrox mix, his blood would have the effervescence of a Coca Cola drink and he would either be in a decompression chamber or dead.
...when you then rage about the need for accuracy...?